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PABO P rüfungs a mt B remen o nline (Online Examination Office)

PABO P rüfungs a mt B remen o nline (Online Examination Office). In this presentation we‘d like to show step by step how to register or to sign off for/from the modules in PABO. Registration + Sign off in PABO.

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PABO P rüfungs a mt B remen o nline (Online Examination Office)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PABOPrüfungsamt Bremen online(Online Examination Office) In this presentation we‘d like to show step by step how to register or to sign off for/from the modules in PABO.

  2. Registration + Sign off in PABO Onlywithin the registrationorsign off-period the registration/sign off is possible. The deadlinescanbefound in the examinationschedule on the Faculty of Geosciences‘ websites (http://www.geo.uni-bremen.de/page.php?pageid=34) Forreadingyouhave to log in with the detailsyouhadreceivedwithourwelcomeletter.

  3. Registration to Modules On the University‘swebsitemake a mouseclick on Studium (http://www.uni-bremen.de).

  4. Registration to Modules to Studien- und Prüfungsverwalt-ung

  5. Registration to Modules „Prüfungsamt Bremen online PABO“

  6. Registration to Modules „PABO login“

  7. Registration to Modules In the upper field (Kennung) type your 6-figure immatriculation number. Leave the last number. In the next field (Kennwort) give your key word/key number. This can be changed by you under „Einstellungen“.

  8. Registration to Modules Click on „An- Abmeldung“ for registration to modules.

  9. Registration to Modules Click on the category the module you want to register belongs to.

  10. Registration to Modules Choose now the module by click. You may also register for several modules simultaneously. For this just repeat the procedure of the former sheet (9) and this one.

  11. Registration to Modules Here you may check if the chosen module/s is/are correct. If so click on „Tan-Nr. holen“.

  12. Registration to Modules You will be shown a TAN number which you have to confirm by typing it. The TAN please take from the list you received together with the keyword letter (Pin). Hint: Please bear in mind to ask for new TANs from PABO in time.

  13. Registration to Modules Enter the required TAN and confirm by click on „Abschicken“

  14. Registration to Modules This procedure might take a longer time. This depends on the time of day and the quantity of modules you have chosen.

  15. Registration to Modules After having successfully finished the procedure and scrolling upwards you can read the confirmation.

  16. Registration to Modules After having registered to all the desired modules you may log out.

  17. Registration to Modules As a prove you will obtain a confirmation email from PABO to your uni-bremen.de address.

  18. Sign Out from Modules Here we describe how to sign out from the modules.

  19. Sign Out from Modules For signing out from a module give a mouse click on „An- Abmeldung“

  20. Sign Out from Modules Choose the module you want to sign out.

  21. Sign Out from Modules Click on „Abmelden“

  22. Sign Out from Modules click on „Tan-Nr. holen“

  23. Sign Out from Modules You will be shown a TAN number you have to type for confirmation. Hint: Please bear in mind to ask for new TANs from PABO in time.

  24. Sign Out from Modules Enter the required TAN and confirm by click on „Abschicken“

  25. Sign Out from Modules After having successfully finished the procedure and scrolling upwards you can read the confirmation.

  26. Sign Out from Modules After signing out from all (un)desired modules you may log out.

  27. Sign Out from Modules As a prove you will obtain a confirmation email from PABO to your uni-bremen.de address.

  28. End For further questions following persons are at your disposal in the faculty administration: (Mrs. Steinfeld, room GEO 1300, Phone: 218-65012, steinfeld@uni-bremen.de and Mr. Siemers (replacement), room GEO 1200, Phone: 218-65013, stefan.siemers@uni-bremen.de

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