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The Coaching Cycle/Navigating Coaching Challenges. Questions about TPOT or TPITOS. Your materials. Powerpoint slides Teacher Goal Planning Form Action Planning Form. Coaching Calls. Sept 9: What does it mean to be a Pyramid Coach - Completed Sept 23: TPITOS – Completed
Your materials • Powerpoint slides • Teacher Goal Planning Form • Action Planning Form
Coaching Calls • Sept 9: What does it mean to be a Pyramid Coach - Completed • Sept 23: TPITOS – Completed • Oct 7: TPOT – Completed • Oct 21: The coaching cycle/Navigating coaching challenges
Today’s Agenda • Review Coaching Cycle • Reflect on Coaching Sessions • Discuss sticky situations
L-E-A-R-N: 360° of Coaching Action Plan Evaluate Reflect and Give Feedback Look and Listen New Skill Building Lentini, R. & Jack, S. (2008)
Pyramid Coaching Process • Preparing for Coaching – Conduct baseline observations using the TPOT/TPITOS – Meet with teacher to review TPOT/TPITOS and develop action plan – Prepare teacher for the coaching process • Observe teacher with a focus on action plan items – Use specific TPOT/TPITOS data and other observational measures – Model, feedback, and provide suggestions as planned • Debrief with teacher – Provide positive performance feedback – Provide corrective performance feedback – Discuss issues related to individual children – Develop implementation steps – Plan for next observation • Follow-up – Email feedback – Provision of materials
The Coaching Cycle • Plan coaching session, discuss purpose, activities, goals, time and desired outcomes • Observe the teacher (TPOT/TPITOS) • Model, demonstrate, or describe how to implement strategies • Guide teacher to reflect on what happened during the observation, what to try • Provide concrete, descriptive feedback on progress to goals
Building Relationships Relationship building is the foundation to good coaching Initiation - getting to know each other Orientation, policies, procedures Mutual conversations (Kinlaw, 1999) Each share information and skills - Pyramid Model, Child Development, etc. - Information about the children & classroom
Look and Listen • Build relationships • Get to know the teacher – Schedule – Classroom style – Personal “stories” (new babies, family events) • Jump in and help • Let them know they are appreciated • Recognize their effort
Look and Listen – Questions to Ask • What would you like help with? • What children do you have questions or concerns about? • What techniques or strategies have you tried? And what happened? • What supports do you feel you need to be successful?
Before the Meeting • Coach should score initial TPOT/TPITOS • Coach completes Teacher Goal Planning Form • Record strengths • Record professional development needs • Record ideas for potential goals • Email copy of form for teacher to complete before next meeting
Action Planning • Plan for Action and Practice; but remember there will also be those moments that require spontaneous action • If providers help with development of a plan they will be more likely to act on it • It’s a joint effort, make determinations jointly and offer support
Action Planning – Questions to Ask • What would you like to work on? • What is the first strategy/idea you would like to try? • What additional information do you need? • Do you want me to observe this next time or wait until you have had a chance to practice? • NOTE: Be ok with silence – Adults need time to think and process too
During the Meeting • Review both completed goal planning forms • Complete Action Plan form together • Coach types copy of Action Plan and delivers to teacher • Set a date to begin onsite coaching for action steps • Review progress with teachers and revise goals as needed
Format for Debrief and Feedback • Open meeting (positive, social greeting) • Summarize observation and encourage reflection • Supportive performance feedback • Corrective performance feedback • Targeted support • Support for planned actions • End meeting
Hi Ms Fox ,This email is meant to summarize our last meeting together, and hopefully wrap up anything we said we would do before we meet again. I know it is sometimes hard for you to see, but I am truly amazed at how much your students have grown in such a short period of time. Look at your little Andy, he heard the clean-up song and started cleaning up his center without anyone prompting or helping him. I wanted to jump out of my chair, AWESOME! To get the most out of the Pyramid, we have to be sure to use it as a total package. My goal for these emails is always to give you more ideas to create the total package. I know you are working alone most days and are feeling overwhelmed, but take my word for it you have done a great job at creating nurturing relationships, and a high quality learning environment for all your students. 1. All kids really seem to get the circle rules, now we just have to be consistent and purposeful in the way we are teaching the center time rules. Remember to review them with the whole group before they are released from centers, check to make sure they are understanding, and help them to practice each rule during non-crisis times. Most of them know what is expected of them, so we may need to individualize for a couple of our little friends who are having trouble following each rule. 2. Your class is doing a great job at working together and taking turns, hopefully the new sharing book I brought will help them to start working on that skill. It's going to be a hard one for some of them, so you will need to review and give them lots of opportunities to practice with you there to guide them. But I think your idea of selecting one skill to work on at a time is perfect and hopefully they will get this sharing thing figured out quickly. I am planning to see you again on Friday the 26th . Send me an email to confirm this is still good for you. Thanks so much for wanting to work with our project. I know that it is time consuming and you have been working hard on implementation. Its been great to collaborate with you. Hang in there, thanks for everything you do! Denise Open the e-mail Summarize from observation provide supportive performance feedback provide corrective performance feedback provide targeted support support planned actions end the e-mail
Things to Remember • Understand Coaching will be a support, not an evaluation • Make observations comfortable and low stress • Get to know the teacher • Get silly & have fun! • Action Plan based on areas of need as determined by your TPOT/TPITOS • It is a joint effort
Ellen Case Study: Ellen -Teaches 3 year olds in full day community preschool - Skilled in her interactions with children and supporting children with challenging behavior
TPOT Support: Review Ellen’s TPOT summary for areas of strength, emerging skills, and professional development. What skills should be targeted? What might go on her action plan?
Mallory Mallory teaches pre-k in full-day community preschool classroom of children who are at-risk
TPOT Support: Review Mallory’sTPOT summary for areas of strength, emerging skills, and professional development. What skills should be targeted? What might go on her action plan?
L-E-A-R-N: 360° of Coaching Action Plan Evaluate Reflect and Give Feedback Look and Listen New Skill Building Lentini, R. & Jack, S. (2008)
Let’s Meet Molly Second year teaching Supportive school/ principal Class has doubled in size since December Now has 8 children with special needs and 8 typically developing peers
Molly’s Strengths and Concerns • Strengths • Short, engaging group times • Playful relationships with kids • Already has some visuals in classroom • Her concerns • Scheduling centers • Teaching standards • Teaming
Action Planning • The meeting you just heard lasted about 45 minutes. • During that meeting, we wrote our first Action Plan. • Focused on Center Time • “Unbalanced” • “What I heard you saying is…” • “What exactly…” • “If you could fix one thing…”
Using Teacher’s Data as Part of the Feedback Process: Provides feedback that is objective and anchored in the teacher’s practice Provides a measure of growth Opens the door for a range of conversations
Let’s Meet Kristie: • 8 years teaching experience – 3 in pre-k settings • New mom • Pre-k classroom – 18 children “at-risk” • Concerns: surviving the day!
Look & Listen - Kristie • Strengths: • Variety of center activities and materials • Conversations with children • Opportunities for friendship skills • Areas for Support: • Making centers run better • Increasing use of visuals
Example Action Plans - Kristie Improve transitions within center time, increase child engagement. Increase use of visuals in the classroom. Increase use of descriptive praise throughout the day.