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Our Freedom, Our Responsibility An Important Relationship

Our Freedom, Our Responsibility An Important Relationship. “The final responsibility and authority for NA services rests with the NA groups.” Second Concept. Our Freedom, Our Responsibility. Recovery opens a world of possibilities.

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Our Freedom, Our Responsibility An Important Relationship

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  1. Our Freedom, Our ResponsibilityAn Important Relationship “The final responsibility and authority for NA services rests with the NA groups.” Second Concept

  2. Our Freedom, Our Responsibility • Recovery opens a world of possibilities. • We explore these possibilities and learn that we need to take care of what we value. • We take care of NA by giving back—the NA message and opportunity to hear it. • NA services allow the NA groups to carry a message.

  3. Our Freedom, Our Responsibility • Responsibility for fulfilling our primary purpose lies with us. • When services suffer, groups are limited in their ability to reach still-suffering addicts. • Service helps free us from self-obsession by shifting our focus from ourselves to others. • Other members served for us; now we can make recovery possible for someone else.

  4. Our Freedom, Our Responsibility • We each have our own story. • People welcomed us and “showed us the ropes.” • We can also be examples in service of how to help others.

  5. Our Freedom, Our Responsibility • How did someone else’s efforts help you find freedom in NA? • How do you exercise your sense of responsibility for NA ?

  6. Our Freedom, Our Responsibility • Our freedom depends on what we do to maintain it. Service is vital to recovery • Being a sponsor is a part of our personal recovery; Recruiting members into service is an important part of being of service • In service we can work collectively to inspire and encourage other members to serve.

  7. Our Freedom, Our Responsibility • How can we inspire others to become willing to share responsibility for NA serves?

  8. Our Freedom, Our Responsibility “The final responsibility and authority for NA services rests with the NA groups.” Second Concept

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