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NATURE AND ITS MAGIC SOUNDS Endangered species and the degradation of the environment in Hungary. What is Environmental Degradation ? The deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources , such as air, water and soil .
NATURE AND ITS MAGIC SOUNDSEndangeredspecies and thedegradation of theenvironmentin Hungary
What is EnvironmentalDegradation? • The deterioration of theenvironmentthroughdepletionofresources, suchas air, water and soil. • The destruction of ecosystems and theextinction of wildlife. • Whennaturalhabitatsaredestroyedornaturalresourcesaredepleted, theenvironment is degraded.
Factors of EnvironmentalDegradation • Therearetwofactorsthat lead toenvironmentaldegradation: • Naturalfactorsincludesdroughts, stormsonsea, land and desertssuchashurricanes, tornadoes, catrinaandvolcaniceruptions. Thesefactors lead tolanddegradationcausedbyerosion. • Human factorsincludesdeforestation, industrialization and urbanization. Thesefactors lead towater, air and landpollution.
Createslandthat is unsuitableforcrops, pastureforanimals and forestsbecausethesoil is tooinfertileorshallowtoplan • Soilcomposition is greatlyaffected. • Lostof suchmineralslikenitrogen and phosphorusthatarecriticalforplantgrowth
The Endangered Species Actwhichseekstoprotectvariousspecies of animalsand plantsthataredeemedto be threatenedorendangeredby human activity.
The white and blackstorksarebothnativebirds of Hungary. Theyarebothlargebirds, reaching 3 and a halffeettall. Whilethe White Stork is a verycommonbreed, the Black Storkontheotherhand is veryrare. The Black Stork is veryshy and hardtofind.
Red -necked goose is one of the most attractive goose species and legally protected but hunting continues regardless. The Great Bustard was fairly widespread in Hungary but hunting and modern farming practices have led to a dramatic contraction in its range.
The lagomorphscanresemblerodents,and wereclassifiedas a superfamilyinthatorderuntiltheearly 20th century, theyhavesincebeenconsidered a separateorder. Theydifferfromrodentsin a number of physicalcharacteristics, suchashavingfourincisorsintheupperjawratherthantwo.
The White-tailed Eagle is a largebird of preyinthefamilyAccipitridaewhichincludesother raptors suchashawks, kites, and harriers. It is considered a closecousin of theBald Eagle and occupiesthesameecologicalniche.
The Saker Falcon is a large hierofalcon, larger than the Lanner Falcon and almost as large as Gyrfalcon at 47–55 cm length with a wingspan of 105–129 cm. Its broad blunt wings give it a shadow similar to Gyrfalcon, but its plumage is more similar to a Lanner Falcon's.
The wild cat is a small cat found throughout most of Europe. Because of its wide range it is classed as least concern.
LynxTheir numbers in Hungary hardly exceed 20. The main reason probably is the fact that the Eurasian lynx inhabit forests with dense cover of shrubs, reeds, and tall grass. The hunting area of an average lynx is from 20 to 60 km2 and it can tread more than 20 km during one night.we can only hope that these magnificient creatures are here to stay in Hungary for good.
Danube salmon is endemic to the Danube basin in Europe, where the remaining population is threatened by overfishing and habitat loss.
.Conservationists have pointed out , that the number of swallows reduced dramatically in Hungary. If this tendency doesn't change , they will have been threatened with extinction by 2020.
Endangeredplantsgrownin Hungary • Earthlaughsinflowers—protectthem!
Mealy primrose is a rare plant that grows on wet area. It can be found only in our National park at lake Balaton and became the symbol of it.