Sex Education in School 121867 Lee Dong hyuk
What is the Sex Education = Sex education is instruction on issues relating to human sexuality, including human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual activity, reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive rights and responsibilities, sexual abstinence, and birth control.
Strength of Sex Education in School 1. Preventing improper pregnancy (teens' pregnancy) 2. Constructing right concious of ethic (abortion) 3. Teaching importance of responsibility (unequal responsibility)
Teens' Pregnancy 1. Economical Problem 2. Danger of baby and mother 3. Losing mother's life
Abortion 1. Ethic problem 2. Cost problem
Resposibility 1. Unequal responsibility
Reference book by Jenny Davis, see Sex Education (book) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_education http://www.mohw.go.kr/front_new/index.jsp