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This project explores the application of second language acquisition techniques in a blended learning programming course, with the aim of improving student engagement and performance. The results of the first year evaluation and its implications are discussed.
Implementation and Evaluation of a Second Language Acquisition-based Programming Course Christina Frederick, Lulu Sun, Caroline Liron, Matthew Verleger, Rachel Cunningham and Paula SanJuanEspejo Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Overview • The Project • Background and Method • Results of the First Year Evaluation • Discussion
The Project • Applying Second Language Acquisition to Facilitate a Blended Learning of Programming Languages • National Science Foundation, Division of Engineering Education and Centers, grant number EEC 1441825
Project Elements • Use SLA techniques in a blended learning class to teach introductory programming using MATLAB. • Techniques include: • Use of visuals and pictures at lower fluency levels • Facilitated discussion boards • Think, Pair, Share exercises • Self-paced videos that provide information in smaller chunks, including vocabulary • Embedded self-quizzes in video allowing for practice and playback
Background • VanRoy (2003) and others (Solomon, 2004; Wynn, 2015)have compared programming language learning to regular language learning • Shared elements include: vocabulary, syntax, punctuation and sometimes unique alphabets • As well, learners go through stages of fluency before achieving true proficiency • Some K-12 school districts are moving toward counting programming instruction as fulfilling a language requirement.
Importance • Can we use SLA techniques that have been successful in language learning and apply them to the teaching of a programming language? • Only 2% of high school students learn programming, but it has been identified as a critical skill (Partovi, 2013) • The current project hopes to develop and test materials that facilitate programming language acquisition at the college level in the hopes of exporting best practices to the K12 environment
Method • Implemented SLA-based techniques in 6 blended learning, introduction to programming classes • Fall 2015, Spring 2016 • Comparison group was 9 sections of same class taught in normal blended format • 3 instructors, all of whom taught at least 1 SLA and 1 non-SLA section each semester • Language used was MATLAB • 380 Students (1/3 in SLA-based class, 2/3 in non-SLA)
Measures to Assess Quality/Effectiveness of SLA Techniques • Student Engagement: Measured perceptions of enjoyment, competence, importance, pressure-tension and usefulness • Used the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (McCauley et al., 1987) • Administered at Week 1 and at the end of the course in both sections • As well it was given after students were taught data types, input/output, conditional statements and loops • For these topics, SLA students used supplemental videos designed specifically for them
Measures • TLX (NASA, Hart & Staveland, 1988) • Measures cognitive, physical, temporal, performance demands, as well as perceived effort and frustration • Given at same points of time as IMI • End of Course Evaluations • Instructor ratings of course content, organization of class, student learning and instructor interaction • Also for Spring 2016, SLA students answered extra questions about their experience
Measures • Grades • We compared grades on homeworks, projects, exams and final grade across SLA and Non-SLA sections • Use of LMS and Video Content • Examined how often students utilized course materials and for how long
Results: What have we found so far? • Significant Differences in Course Engagement • In week 1, SLA > N-SLA in Effort/Importance of class • After Data Types Video (week 2) SLA > N-SLA on competence and usefulness and SLA < N-SLA on pressure/tension • After I/O video, SLA > N-SLA in enjoyment and competence • After Loops video, SLA > N-SLA on competence • No end of course differences were evidenced • Workload Differences • In week 1, SLA > N-SLA in physical demand, temporal demand and effort • In week 2 after data types, SLA < N-SLA on mental demand and frustration • No End of Course differences were evidenced
End of Course Evaluations • No differences in course evaluation outcomes by instructor • This allowed us to examine SLA/Non-SLA class differences, without controlling for instructor • There were no significant mean differences between SLA and Non-SLA classes on course evaluation items
Course Evaluation Items SLA SectionsNon-SLA Sections Mean N STD Mean N STD Instructor Evaluation Items Overall course clarity 3.4240 5 .11675 3.4663 8 .15399 Overall content, structure and organization of class 3.2600 5 .08337 3.2962 8 .15784 Overall learning outcomes 3.4440 5 .11866 3.4613 8 .10869 Overall student instructor interaction 3.5460 5 .11887 3.5975 8 .11273 Student Perception Items I knew course was hybrid 4.3100 3 .22539 4.3300 5 .17161 I knew what was meant by a hybrid course 4.0633 3 .33020 4.0160 5 .31405 Online activities helped me learn 3.7600 3 .29547 3.7380 5 .33722 Time spent compared to other classes 4.4167 3 .04163 4.4220 5 .19741 I would re-enroll in a hybrid course 3.3400 3 .34395 3.5300 5 .41719 The video modules helped my learning 3.1700 3 .15716 3.0557 7 .33510 The instructional approach used (SLA vs. Non-SLA) helped my learning 3.1367 3 .23671 3.0057 7 .28124 I found the teaching techniques engaging 2.6600 3 .19157 2.7943 7 .34684 I would take another class that used the same techniques 2.6233 3 .07572 2.6414 7 .27667 All items used a 5 point scale with 1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree Note: Some items were only asked in SLA sections, or only asked during one semester, thus the difference in ‘N’
Student Perception Items (Cont’d) MEAN N STD The Think/Pair/Share format helped my learning 3.0633 3 .16258 The online discussion board helped my learning 2.3067 3 .21548 The program writing problem in the quizzes helped test my understanding of the material 2.9500 3 .20075 The SLA format provided a simple and easy to understand environment 2.8733 3 .01155 The comments provided after each online quiz question helped me understand the material 3.2233 3 .02887 All items used a 5 point scale with 1=strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree Note: Some items were only asked in SLA sections, or only asked during one semester, thus the difference in ‘N’
Course Grades Overall Lab Scores Hypothesis: SLA Students will score higher than non-SLA students Results: F (1,328) = 2.282, p=.07, NS Note: While these differences may not be significant, to students they may be important! A 78 is a ‘C’ while an 82 is a ‘B’!
Course Grades Overall Exam Scores Hypothesis: SLA Students will score higher than non-SLA students Results: F (1,328) = 1.837, p=.09, NS Note: Again, while not significant, at many institutions this difference is the distinction between a C- and a C grade.
Course Grades Overall Project Scores Hypothesis: SLA Students will score higher than non-SLA students Results: Mann-Whitney U = 12141.5, p=.33, ns
Course Grades Final Grade Hypothesis: SLA Students will score higher than non-SLA students Results: Mann-Whitney U = 127467.5, p=.80, NS
Summary • Year 1 of the Project is complete • Year 2 will begin in fall 2016 • One goal is to enhance response rates for surveys (highest response was 113 students of 378, 30%) • At this time, results are inconclusive about overall effectiveness of the SLA-based teaching approach, however when differences occurred, they did favor the SLA taught class sections • It may be that year 2 will show more differences, as instructors will have had a year of familiarity and practice with techniques
Thank You! Special Thanks to Austin Yazel who assisted with data analysis