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The global Salmonella Testing Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 2.91 billion in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.8% over the forecast period 2023-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.<br>
Global Salmonella Testing Market Is EstimatedTo Witness High Growth Owing To the Increasing Awareness about Food Safety & Rising Incidence of Salmonella Infections The global Salmonella Testing Market is estimated to be valued atUS$ 2.91 billion in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.8%over the forecast period 2023-2030, as highlighted in a new report published byCoherent MarketInsights. Market Overview: Salmonella TestingDemandsplaysa crucial role inensuring food safetyand preventing salmonella infections.Itinvolves the detection andidentification of salmonella bacteria in various food productsand environmental samples. The market offers a wide range oftesting methods, includingculture-based methods, immunoassays, molecular diagnostics, and others. These testing methods are used byfood manufacturers, regulatorybodies,and research institutionsto ensure the qualityand safetyof food products. The increasingawareness about foodborne illnesses and therisingincidence ofsalmonella infections are drivingthe growth of the Salmonella Testing Market.
Market Dynamics: 1.Driver: Increasing Awareness about Food Safety With growing concerns about foodborne illnesses,there is an increased emphasis on food safetyand quality. Consumers are becomingmore conscious about the sources and handlingof food products. This has prompted governments and regulatorybodies to implement strict regulations and testingprotocolsto ensure the safetyof food products. Additionally, food manufacturers are adoptingadvanced testingmethods to complywith these regulations and safeguard their brand reputation. 2. Opportunity: RisingIncidence of Salmonella Infections Salmonella infections are a significant public health concernworldwide. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that salmonella causes approximately 1.35 million infections,26,000 hospitalizations, and 420 deaths in the United States each year. The increasingprevalence ofsalmonella infections has created a demand for accurate andefficient testingmethods to identifyand control the spread of the bacteria. This presents a significant opportunityfor marketplayers to develop innovative testing solutions. Segment Analysis: The molecular diagnostics segment is expected todominate the Salmonella Testing Market duringthe forecast period. This is attributed to the advantages offered by molecular testingmethods, such as faster turnaround time, high sensitivity,and specificity. The abilityof molecular diagnostics todetect multiple strains of salmonella bacteriafurther contributes to their market dominance. Additionally, theincreasing adoption of molecular testingbylaboratories and food manufacturers is drivingthe growth of this segment. PEST Analysis: - Political: Governments worldwide are implementingstringent regulationsand standards for food safety, whichare drivingthe demand for salmonella testing. - Economic: The growing global population, increasing urbanization, andrising disposable incomes are fuelingthe demand for safe and qualityfood products, thereby drivingthe growth of the Salmonella TestingMarket. - Social: The increasingawareness about foodborne illnesses and the importance of food safetyamongconsumers is influencing their purchasing behavior and drivingthe demand for salmonella testing. - Technological: Advances in testingtechnologies, such as rapidand automated testing methods, are enhancingtheefficiencyand accuracyof salmonella testing.
Key Takeaways: - The global Salmonella TestingMarket is expected to witness highgrowth, exhibitinga CAGR of 7.8%over the forecast period, due to increasing awareness about food safety and the risingincidence of salmonella infections. - North America is expected to dominate the market duringthe forecast period, owingto the stringent regulatoryframework and high awareness about food safetyinthe region. - Keyplayers operatinginthe global Salmonella TestingMarket include Thermo Fisher Scientific, Merck KGaA (known as MilliporeSigma in the United States and Canada), bioMérieux SA, NeogenCorporation, QIAGEN N.V., 3M Company, PerkinElmer Inc., Romer Labs Division HoldingGmbH, Eurofins Scientific, HardyDiagnostics, Charles River LaboratoriesInternationalInc.,LabCorp, R-Biopharm AG, Biomerica Inc., and Zeulab S.L. Inconclusion, the globalSalmonella TestingMarket is poised for significant growth, driven bytheincreasing awareness about food safetyand the risingincidence of salmonella infections. Themarket offers lucrative opportunities for playersto develop innovative testingsolutions and cater to the growingdemand for accurateand efficient salmonella testing methods.