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WELCOME. Student of MHRM (Pondicherry Uni.). Did PG Diploma in Comp. Science (HCU). Promoted as DEE. Undergone ToT for 28 weeks in India, Thailand & USA. Did Masters in Water Mgt. Joined as faculty member. Undergone PG course in IWM(10 Months).
WELCOME Student of MHRM (Pondicherry Uni.) Did PG Diploma in Comp. Science (HCU) Promoted as DEE Undergone ToT for 28 weeks in India, Thailand & USA Did Masters in Water Mgt. Joined as faculty member Undergone PG course in IWM(10 Months) Worked in SLMP in Stores, Power house-II, SLBC etc. Joined I & CAD as AEE in 1979 Did graduation from JNTU in Civil Engg.in 1979 V.R.S.SARMA Faculty member
Session Objectives At the end of the session the participants will be able to • Describe the purpose of establishment of sub-committees • Enlist various mandatory sub-committees • Explain the process of inducting general members of sub-committees at different levels • Indicate the persons who are eligible to become general members of a sub-committee at P C level
Session objectives Contd. • Spell out the functions of each sub-committee • Define “Social Audit” • Explain the importance & procedure of conducting Social Audit in WUA • Distinguish between Financial Audit & Social Audit • Explain the term “Transparancy” in the management of FOs
Why? • For assisting Managing Committee in their respective aspects • To enhance the participatory base in decision making process in the MC and thereby help WUOs to discharge their functions effectively and efficiently in a transparent way
Mandatory Sub-Committees • Finance and Resources Sub-Committee • Works Sub-Committee • Water Management Sub-Committee • Monitoring, Evaluation and Training Sub-Committee
FO set up for Major Irrigation Indirect Election MC of PC Chairman Vice -Chairman Elects Elects President Indirect Election Elects MC of DC Vice -President Elects MC of WUA Vice -President Elects Direct Election TC1 TC2 TC3 TC4 TC5 TC6 TC7 TC8 TC9 TC10 TC11 TC12 Farmers (Land holders) MPs,MLAs,CZPs President ,MPPs Indirect Election Elects President Elects
FO set up for Medium Irrigation MC of PC Chairman Vice -Chairman Elects Elects No Distributory committees MC of WUA President Vice -President Elects Elects TC1 TC2 TC3 TC4 TC5 TC6 TC7 TC8 TC9 TC10 TC11 TC12 Farmers (Land holders) Indirect Election MPs,MLAs,MPPs Indirect Election Direct Election
MC of WUA President Vice -President Elects Elects TC1 TC2 TC3 TC4 TC5 TC6 Farmers (Land holders) FO set up for Minor Irrigation No Project committees No Distributory committees GP(M) GP(F) Indirect Election Direct Election
Membership of Sub-committees • Sub-Committees under a PC • Not exceeding 4 WUA Presidents • Sub-Committees under a DC • Not exceeding 4 TC members • Sub-Committees under a WUA • Not exceeding 4 farmers with voting rights
Sub-committees- General aspects The GB of a FO may constitute specific Sub-Committees to carry out specific functions The convenor of Sub-Committee shall be member of the MC other than the Chairman/President No member shall represent more than one Sub-Committee Each sub-committee shall be functioning under the supervision & control MC Convenor will be presiding the meetings & record the minutes Each sub-committee shall have a meeting as per the necessity (at least once in a month) and maintain a minutes book
Functions of Sub-Committees 1. Finance and Resources Sub-Committee • To mobilise and collect resources • Preparation of financial budget (Sec.30) • To ensure collection of dues from members as levied under Section 20 of the Act • To recommend to MC the use and deployment of resources • Accept the expenditure of FO at least once in a month • To maintain records relating to financial matters • To attend any other work entrusted with by the MC
Functions of Sub-Committees Contd. 2. Works Sub-Committee • To prepare estimates of works with the help of CA and to recommend for administrative approval of MC • To supervise works and ensure quality control; and • To approve payments for works
Types of works 1. Normal O & M works(A-Category) • Delisting • Weed removal • Embankment repairs • Revetment • Repairs to shutters • Repairs to masonry and lining; • Cleaning & Oiling of screw gearing shutters • Painting of hoists and gates
Types of works contd. • Emergent breach closing works and • Maintenance of inspection paths 2. Deferred maintenance workds(Rehabilitation works) • Recontruction of sluices • Reconstruction/repairs to drops & reglators • Reconstruction of measuring devises • Rehabilitation of the system
Types of works contd. 3. Original works • Modernisation of the system • Any other new construction work in the irrigation system Will be taken up by the dept. in the normal procedure
FO shall take up normal O & M works costing upto Rs.5 lakh under the supervision of the dept.
Procedure for taking up works • System diagnosis for maintenance works • Prioritising works • Preparation of estamates • Admn. Approval • Technical clearance • Manner of taking up works • Maintenance and adherence to the designed Hydraulic Particulars
Procedure for taking up works contd. • Limitation on works • Publication of list of works to be taken up • Freedom to add other Funds or Extra Contributions • Proof of works
Functions of Sub-Committees Contd. 3. Water Management Sub-Committee • To carry out the decisions of the MC and GB on water regulations, schedule of water release; • To organise patrolling of the canals, channels and regulate the use of water; • To check the irrigation and drainage system regularly; and • To record the water deliveries(form-6) • To report to the MC any violations in the use of water; and • To maintain records of land owners and water users(form-5a,5b,5c) • Any other work assigned by the MC • The SC will function under the control & supervision of the MC
Other related items to be known by the Water Mgt. SC • Operation plan and water allocation(Rule-21) a) Kharif Season The MC of the respective FO shall with the help of CA prepare the water budget as detailed below; • One month before the Kharif season, the PC shall allocate water to DCs (subject to availability and anticipated inflows) • The DCs in turn shall allocate water to WUA • Care must be taken to consider drinking and other water needs
Rabi season • PC shall decide the area that can be irrigated based on actual availability of water • In case of Medium & Minor schemes equitable distribution shall be achieved by adopting circular rotation over a period • Each FO shall draw up an operational plan which shall specify the qty. of water drawn on fortnightly basis. • The drawls of water shall be monitored each day at specified points
Rabi season Contd. • Review of drawls by the FO at the end of fortnight and take corrective measures • FO shall prepare an end of season report depicting water received, used, crops grown etc. • The FO shall analyse the shortcomings and deviations in water budget and report to the next higher tier
Water regulation(Rule-22) After water budget is prepared, the following activities are to be taken up • Dates of water release and closure shall be informed well in advance • Equitable distribution of water shall be the main principle • FO shall draw water as per the approved Operation Plan • Warabandi schedule shall be prepared for each outlet • The FO shall carryout Azmoish with CA(G.O.Ms.No.96 dt.8-6-07) • The FO may install such devices as may be required for monitoring purpose
Functions of Sub-Committees Contd. 4. Monitoring, Evaluation and Training Sub-Committee • To identify training needs and organise training to the Water Users; • To educate in optimum use of water; • To monitor specific items like area irrigated, productivity, disputes settlement and resources building.
Monitoring the following items • Implementation of operation plan • Water distribution- implementation of “Warabandi” • Irrigation methods adopted by farmers • Identification of wastage of irrigation water • Management practices for crops • Water supply to tail end area • Problems of tail end area • Implementation of works • Quality control methods followed • Measures taken for protection of assets of F.Os • Unauthorised use of water
Training to members • Identifying training agencies(KVK, WALAMTARI, FTCs, etc.) • Preparation of training callender • Conducting trainings with the approval of MC • Conducting awareness programmes ( Wall writings, Kalajata and other local fine arts)
No individual or an organisation is immune to the social observation. In other words, in absolute terms, no body is free from willful or inadvertent “Social Surveillance”. Naturally people accept an individual or an organisation based on his/its credibility. Therefore, the sustenance of an organisation very much lies on the degree of acceptance by the society in which it exists. Such society naturally comprises of people from all walks of life. • Hence in simple terms Social Audit may be defined as “Audit by the society”. The society here should be understood as the community existing in the village(s) which fall under the jurisdiction of a FO. • Social Audit Committee: The Social Audit committee may be thought of as a manageable small group of individuals other than the members of the WUA that is land holders and other members such as co-opted members etc., not less than 7 members, representing various cross sections of the community living around, appointed by the General Body of a WUA. Social Audit(personal compilation)
Social Audit Objectives • Transperency • Ensuring proper functioning of F.Os • Increasing the credibility of F.O. among the people
Social audit shall cover • Equity in water distribution • Increase in production • Increase in productivity • Crop diversificaiton • Multiple cropping • Water use efficiency • Utilisation of resources for execution of works • Improvement in the cultivated area of F.Os • Quality of works undertaken
Social Audit implementation procedure • Establishment of Social Audit Committee • Creation of awareness to Committee members • Preparation of SA plan • Deciding the period of SA • Collection of data from the public • Preparation of SA report to the GB
Social Audit Committee The installation process • The Wide publicity through “Tom-Tom” may be given in the villages concerned about the GB meeting for formation of the Social Audit Committee • The MC according to the agenda move a motion in the GB meeting duly inviting the people other than general members of the WUA (land holders and other members such as co-opted members etc.,) to avoid personal bias, internal unrest among members to creep into the audit process, who are interested to become the members of the Social Audit committee. • Recommend to the GB for their consideration to appointment the interested persons to the Social Audit Committee. • Care must be taken to have well accredited, respected and educated personnel mainly who wish to offer a voluntary service. • If none of the villagers other than the members of the WUA turn up for the GB meeting, the Managing Committee shall differ duly observing the time limits stipulated in the APFMIS Act, the appointment SAC and conduct the business as per the agenda. • Subsequently the MC shall identify, obtain consent from suitable persons and invite them to the GB specially called for or in a routine meeting and recommend their names to the general body for their consideration and appointment to Social Audit Committee.
Social audit board • A list containing the benefits accrued with reference to the funds spent • Each WUA office/Village Panchayat , O & M Works Sanctioned and implemented should be displayed on a social audit board
Dept. assistance • The CA shall assist in the process of SA • The Revenue & Agrl. Dept. officials also shall render assistance
Submission of SA report • The findings of the SA should be recorded and the report should be submitted to the next higher tier • The financial auditor shall incorporate the SA report in his financial audit report together with his specific observations on rectification of defects, if any noticed in the SA
quiz 1. Finance sub-committee members have to conduct annual financial audit False 2.Works SC has ensure quality control measures True 3.Financial budget preparation is the responsibility of the Finance SC True 4.Water management SC is supposed to maintain water delivery records True
5.The MC need not wait for the acceptance of monthly expenditure of Finance SC False 6.The competent Authority prepares the estimates and forward them to MC for Admn. Approval False 7.Works bills will be scrutinised by the Finance SC before recommending to MC for payment False
8.Water management SC is the custodian of the irrigation infrastructure False 9.WUOs have to protect the irrigation assets and empowered legitimately to make alterations False 10.Monitoring SC monitors Irrigated area Production Conflict resolution etc.