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Word Skills 11. “The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.”~Einstein. Agr: Field, Crop. Agriculture : agr (field) cultura (crop) Agrarian : agr (field) ian (related to) Agrobiology : agr (field) bio (life) logy (study). Bat: Beat. Battle : battuere (beat)
Word Skills 11 “The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.”~Einstein
Agr: Field, Crop • Agriculture: agr (field) cultura (crop) • Agrarian: agr (field) ian (related to) • Agrobiology: agr (field) bio (life) logy (study)
Bat: Beat • Battle: battuere (beat) • Combat: com (together) bat (beat) • Battalion: battalia (body of troops)
Clin: Bend, Lean • Decline: de (down) clin (bend) • Inclination: in (into) clin (bend) ation (act of)--The action of bending, or a natural disposition (she had little inclination for house keeping) • Recline: re (back) clin (bend)
Cod: Written • Code: codex (writing tablet) • Codify: cod (writing) fy (make, do) • Codicil: codicilis (writing)--A supplement to a will
Cord: Heart • Cordial: cord (heart) ial (related to) • Concordance: con (together, with) cord (heart) ance (state of) • Discordant: dis (apart, away) cord (heart) ant (that which)
Cruc: Cross • Crucial: cruc (cross) ial (related to) • Etymology of the Word Crucial • Crucify: cruc (cross) fy(make, do) • Crusade: cruciare (mark with a cross)
Dic (dict): Speak, Say, Word • Dictionary: dict (word) arium (place) • Malediction: mal (bad) dict (speak, say) ion (act of) • Predict: pre (before) dict (speak, say)
Ego: Self • Alter Ego: alt (other) ego (self) • Egocentric: ego (self) centric (center) • Egomaniac: ego (self) mania (obsession)
Fort: Strong • Comfort: com (together, with) fort (strength) • Fortification: fort (strong) fic (make) tion (act of) • Fortissimo: Fortissimo (Italian superlative meaning very loud and strong)
Gam: Marriage, Spouse • Bigamy: Bi (two) gamy (marriage) • Endogamy: Endo (inside, within) gamy (marriage) • Misogamist: Mis (hate) gam (marriage) ist (one who)
Glott: Tounge • Epiglottis: Epi (over, upon), glottis (tongue)--Protects the windpipe during swallowing. • Glossectomy: Gloss (tongue) ec (out) tomy (cut) • Polyglot: Poly (many) glot (tongue)--Many languages
Jus: Law • Justice: Jus (law) ice (practice) • Justify: Jus (law) fy (make) • Unjust: Un (not) jus (law)
Mand (mend): Order, Entrust • Mandate: mand (order) ate (cause, make) • Countermand: counter (against) mand (order)--To recall an order • Commendation: com (together, with) mend (entrust) ation (act of)--awarding of praise with a formal citation.
Memor (mem, mne): Memory, Mindful • Memory: memor (mindful) y (result of) • Memoir: mem (memory) ior (place where) • Mnemonic: mne (memory) ic (related to)
Orb: Circle • Orbit: Orb (circle) it (travel, go) • Exorbitant: Ex (out) orb (circle) ant (that which) • Supraorbital: Super (above) orb (circle) al (related to)--located above the orbit of the eye.
Pet: Seek, Ask, Attack • Petition: Pet (ask) tion (act of) • Impetuous: Im (in, into), pet (attack), ous (full of)--marked by vehemence, or passion (an impetuous temperament) • Petulant: Pet (attack) ant (that which)--insolent or rude in speech or behavior
Phan (phen, fan): Appear, show, seem • Phantom: Phantasma (an appearance) • Phenomenon: Phainomenon (an appearance) • Fanciful: Phainein (show or appear)--not real; imaginary
Pond (Pound): Weight • Ponder: Pond (weight)--to weigh in the mind; consider carefully. • Preponderance: Pre (Before) pond (weight) ance (state, quality)--being of greater power, importance, or quality; predominance. • Imponderable: Im (not) pond (weight) able (capable)--without weight; impossible to foresee.
Poten: Power • Potent: Pot (power) ent (full of) • Omnipotent: Omni (all) pot (power) ent (full of) • Plenipotentiary: Pleni (full) pot (power) ent (full of) ary (one who)
Rhino: Nose • Rhinoceros: Rhino (nose) keras (horn) • Rhinologist: Rhino (nose) logy (study) ist (one who) • Rhinoplasty: Rhino (nose) plast (mold, shape) y (result of)
Son: Sound • Sonic: Son (sound) ic (related to) • Unison: Uni (one) son (sound) • Dissonant: Dis (apart, away) son (sound) ant (that which)--Not harmonious
Techn: Skill, art • Technical: Techn (skill) al (related to) • Technology: Techn (skill) logy (study of) • Pyrotechnician: Pyro (fire) techn (skill) ician (one who is skilled in)
Tempor: Time • Temporary: Tempor (time) ary (related to) • Contemporary: Con (together, with) tempor (time) ary (related to) • Extemporaneous: Ex (out) tempor (time) aneous (pertaining to)--composed on the spur of the moment (impromptu)
Troph: Growth, Nourishment • Atrophy: A (not, without), troph (growth), y (result of) • Autotrophic: Auto (self) troph (growth) ic (related to) • Dystrophy: Dys (bad) troph (growth) y (result of)
Vest: Clothes • Vestment: Vest (clothes) ment (act of)--ritual dress of the clergy • Investiture: In (into) vest (clothes) ure (act, process)--ceremony of “clothing” a person in power, rank, or authority. • Transvestite: Trans (across) vest (dress) ite (one who)