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Defnyddio Placemat - Using the placemat

Defnyddio Placemat - Using the placemat The placemat has been colour coded to help pupils do the following-: Blychau Coch / Red boxes – Gofyn cwestiynau / Asking questions Blychau Melyn / Yellow boxes – Ateb cwestiynau / Answering questions

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Defnyddio Placemat - Using the placemat

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Defnyddio Placemat - Using the placemat • The placemat has been colour coded to help pupils do the following-: • BlychauCoch/ Red boxes – Gofyncwestiynau / Asking questions • BlychauMelyn/ Yellow boxes – Atebcwestiynau / Answering questions • BlychauGwyrdd/ Green boxes – Ychwanegu ac ymestyn / Extending ideas and language • Y Broses / The Process • Modelu / Model how to use the placemat • Gwaithgrŵp a dosbarthgyda’rdisgyblionermwynymarfer / Group and class work with the pupils to practise language. You will need to do this regularly, using generic language games to support any specific weaknesses (see pack appendix for ideas) • Cofiwch y BlwchBendigedig / Remember the BlwchBendigedig. The placemat has a picture of the BlwchBendigedigto remind the pupils to use the language in the box. The words are not noted on the Placemat due to lack of space. The BlwchBendigedigshould be displayed in your classroom and used regularly. For more information on how to use and display the BlwchBendigedig, refer to the Appendix in your pack. • Defnyddio Placemat Gwag / Using a blank placemat. When the children are confident give them a blank version of the placemat (see pack).

  2. Able to ask a few simple questions. • Answer simply. • Express opinion simply. • May use a link word or two. • Able to ask questions freely. • Answer without hesitation offering more than required. • Developing opinions, using different sentence structures. • Using link words to expand on statements. • Ask and answer sensibly, expanding on comments with good use • of link words. • Expand on opinions giving examples to back up ideas.. • Respond simply to others’ comments/opinions. • Make statements confidently.

  3. Dw i’n byw yn … Dw i’n …oed Dw i’n mynd i ysgol … Enwfyffrindydy … Mae hi’n … Mae e’n/o’n… … ydw i Dw i’n gwisgo … Beth ywd’enwdi? Blerwytti’nbyw ? ysgol Faint ydy d’oed di? Mae gwallt … ‘da fi. gwallt/llygaid Mae llygaid … ‘da fi. Dw i’n hoffi … hoffi/ddim… Dw i ddim yn hoffi ... Dwi’nmwynhau/ dwluar / casau Dwiddimynmwynhau … hamdden anifail anwes teulu Mae … ‘da fi/gen i. Does dim …’ da fi. Fy hobi i ydy … Dw i’n gallu … Mae …’dafio’renw … Mae e’n/hi’nbywyn … Mae e/hi’n …oed Mae e/hi’nhoffi … Dyw e/hi ddimynhoffi … Mae …’dafe/’da hi. Dw i ddim yn gallu … Dydd Sadwrn, esii … Gwelais … Cesi … Roedd y tywyddyn … Cofiwch y bocs bendigedig! bwyta chwarae gwisgo

  4. Dw i’n byw yn … Dw i’n …oed Dw i’n mynd i ysgol … Enwfyffrindydy … Mae hi’n … Mae e’n … … ydw i Dw i’n gwisgo … enw byw ysgol oed Mae gwallt … ‘da fi. gwallt/llygaid Mae llygaid … ‘da fi. Dw i’n hoffi … hoffi/ddim… Dw i ddim yn hoffi … Dwi’nmwynhau/ dwluar / casau Dwiddimynmwynhau … hamdden anifail anwes teulu Mae … ‘da fi. Does dim …’ da fi. Fy hobi i ydy … Dw i’n gallu … Mae …’dafio’renw … Mae e’n/hi’nbywyn … Mae e/hi’n …oed Mae e/hi’nhoffi … Dyw e/hi ddimynhoffi … Mae …’dafe/’da hi. Dw i ddim yn gallu … Dydd Sadwrn, esii … Gwelais … Cesi … Roedd y tywyddyn … Cofiwch y blwch bendigedig! bwyta chwarae gwisgo

  5. Cofiwch y blwch bendigedig!

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