Kenjutsu By: Eva Widajewicz, Social Studies
Kenjutsu Kenjutsu is an ancient Japanese sport that is similar to swords play. The focus of this sport is weaponry and jousting an opponent. It is sometimes known to as a martial arts sport that is included in learning martial arts. There are two main types of equipment needed for kenjutsu. First, a ‘bokuto’ is needed which is an ancient Japanese sword that is entirely made of bamboo. The second thing needed is a ‘bogu’ a special type of armour that is needed to play. Did you know that kenjutsu means ‘of how the sword moves’ ? It is used to privilege the art of skill and strategy.
Kenjutsu YouTube Video Did you know that Japanese soldiers learned kenjutsu before any of the five martial arts? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR1YjfbdKXA -URL Why I chose the video I picked this video because it shows how the players use great strategy and endurance to play this sport. As you can see this video shows how much the players defend themselves. And do as much offence as possible on the other player while defending themselves. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR1YjfbdKXA
History /Origin of the Sport • As said, the sport was distributed in Japan around the fourth century. Most likely because they where exported from China and Korea to Japan where the people learned how to play. During a certain period these swords where brought in for soldiers to use during battle when there were many civil wars in Japan. These swords where first used to train soldiers that where inexperienced and that couldn’t hurt themselves very much when in training. Kenjutsu was one of the six martial arts the soldiers had to learn. The other five were Kyujutsu (archery), Jujutsu (unarmed fighting), gunnery, horsemanship and spearman ship. The objectives of kenjutsu are –physically speaking, agility and quickness and posture with poise. Mentally speaking, it involved concentration, decision, determination, confidence and reliance, and responsibility. But also it is meant to teach respect. In those words, the Japanese culture made this sport for all those reasons. As you can see, there is more mental exertion the physical.
How to Play Kenjutsu 1.The game is all about skill and strategy (Japanese relate it to chess). Basically, it is about jousting the opponent and outsmarting them in the moves that you make. 2. The traditional rules of the game are- first when the students enter they all have to wash the floor from bad luck. –second they do a quick warm up to not injure themselves during battle. -third the is quiet in the area with sensei and they give respect to the sport. –they follow the most basic fighting techniques to very difficult techniques.-They study their opponent and (like chess) use logical thinking. There must be 5-10 minute breaks in between matches for both players. 3. When the opponent is finally jousted the winner is announced. 4. No jousting in the face or no jousting below the waist (which won’t count as a joust in the long run).
Equipment-Specific • -The ‘bogu’ is the most important type of equipment that is needed in perusing kenjutsu. Because it protects all vital organs and body part that can get injured during battle. • ‘Keiko Gi’ the upper uniform of the suit that is worn • ‘Hakama’ a divided skirt on the bottom half of the uniform that allows more flexibility when in fight • ‘Obi’ a flat belt often used to indentify levels that the person has accomplished. • ‘Bokuto’ a definition for a sword that is often a replica of the ancient swords that where made. • ‘Fukuro’ is the leather rapped around the sword that prevents splinters and sharp area’s of wood on the bottom to hurt the person holding the sword. • To the left is the full equipment replica that is needed for kenjutsu.
Styles of Fighting One of the styles of fighting is listed tin the graph to the left and a visual is above.
Conclusion and Bibliography • Conclusion-This sport has been passed down from many generations of Japanese soldiers, although first used in battle they became a sport after. Know this sport is used to show respect and honour for the Japanese culture. • Bibliography; • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenjutsu • http://www.ittacanada.com/kenjutsu/ • http://www.gkma.org/mainarts/PDFs/kenjutsu%20manual.pdf