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Corduroy. Phonics and Fluency set one. huge. How is the long u sound spelled?. huge. /ū/ spelled u_e u consonant e. fuel. How is the long u sound spelled?. fuel. /ū/ spelled _ue consonant ue. few. How is the long u sound spelled?. few. /ū/ spelled _ew consonant ew. use.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Corduroy Phonics and Fluency set one

  2. huge How is thelong u soundspelled?

  3. huge /ū/ spelled u_e u consonant e

  4. fuel How is thelong u soundspelled?

  5. fuel /ū/ spelled _ue consonant ue

  6. few How is thelong u soundspelled?

  7. few /ū/ spelled _ew consonant ew

  8. use How is thelong u soundspelled?

  9. use /ū/ spelled u_e u consonant e

  10. cube How is thelong u soundspelled?

  11. cube /ū/ spelled u_e u consonant e

  12. mule How is thelong u soundspelled?

  13. mule /ū/ spelled u_e u consonant e

  14. mu sic How is thelong u soundspelled?

  15. music /ū/ spelled u

  16. hu mor How is thelong u soundspelled?

  17. humor /ū/ spelled u

  18. cue How is thelong u soundspelled?

  19. cue /ū/ spelled _ue consonant ue

  20. pu pil How is thelong u soundspelled?

  21. pupil /ū/ spelled u

  22. bu gle How is thelong u soundspelled?

  23. bugle /ū/ spelled u

  24. u nit How is thelong u soundspelled?

  25. unit /ū/ spelled u

  26. u ni form How is thelong u soundspelled?

  27. uniform /ū/ spelled u

  28. res cue How is thelong u soundspelled?

  29. rescue /ū/ spelled _ue consonant ue

  30. cute How is thelong u soundspelled?

  31. cute /ū/ spelled u_e u consonant e

  32. ex

  33. ex cuse

  34. excuse

  35. ar

  36. ar gue

  37. argue

  38. jew

  39. jew el

  40. jewel

  41. hu

  42. hu man

  43. human

  44. re

  45. re fuse

  46. refuse

  47. same

  48. same part of speech:adjective Usesamein a sentence to describe a noun.

  49. fuz zy

  50. fuzzy part of speech:adjective Usefuzzyin a sentence to describe a noun.

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