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Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks

Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks. Towards a better management of risks. Plan of the presentation. Why risk management matters for authorities, for economic/political unions, for the United Nations Presenting milestones of our work Key take-away message

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Risk Management in Regulatory Frameworks

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  1. Risk Management in RegulatoryFrameworks Towards a better management of risks

  2. Plan of the presentation • Why risk management matters for authorities, for economic/political unions, for the United Nations • Presenting milestones of our work • Key take-away message • Please join, work is ongoing! • n EURASEC

  3. WP6 on «Regulatorycooperation and stdpolicies» What we are: • Intergovernmental body • Participation by: authorities, regional & int’l org, standards-setting bodies, business, certification bodies, test houses, civil society • From all UN Member States • 1970 – 2010: 40+ years Our mandate: • Standardization  Technical regulations  Conformity assessment  Accreditation  Metrology  Market surveillance  Risk Management  Education x standards Our activities • Share info & best practice • Capacity-building • Develop and maintain a set of recommendations • Implement a set of initiatives on specific industrial sectors

  4. Why RM matters for authorities and for the UN • Globalization has led to an unprecedented accumulation of risks: • Global suppychains: risksrippleacross continents • A lot more value in disaster-prone locations • Efforts to protect people, infrastructure, the environment & economicactivitiesfromhazardsneed to begloballycohesive and coherent • Regulations and standards are one of the options available to manage risks

  5. RM in regulatory activity is not new • RM is the root of legislative action in key sectors and in many countries: • Food safety • Environmental safety • Occupational health & safety

  6. Protect safety… promote competitiveness

  7. Goals of UNECE work in RM • Raise awareness of how standards and regulations help address risks of all kinds • Develop recommendations on how RM tools can be used in planning, developing, implementing regulations • Develop recommendations on how RM can contribute to the design of the regulatory system and for regulatory cooperation

  8. Milestones of the UNECE work on risk management • International Conference (Nov. 2009) • Creation of a group of experts on Risk Management (Nov. 2010) • Approval of tworecommendations on Risk Management in RegulatorySystems and Crisis Management in RegulatorySystems (Nov. 2011) • Launch of the publication (Nov.2012) • Participation in the Global Platform on disasterriskreduction (May 2013)

  9. The UNECE model • Setting the objectives of the regulatory system • Management of assets • Risk identification • Riskanalysis and evaluation • Choosingrisktreatmentstrategies • Implementingrisktreatment • Crisis management • Monitoring and reviewing

  10. Key take-aways • Good risk management is good regulatory practice • Need for setting up institutionalmechanismsthatallow for structured consultation with business, civil society, professional associations and all key stakeholders • Define objectives for regulatory action: whatis the societal goal you’repursuing, isregulatory action the best choice? • Regulationisjust the first step, implementingmechanisms are key • Crisis management • Monitoring and reviewing

  11. The publication • Introduces the concept of risk and risk management • Adaptscomplex RM tools to the work of authorities • Presents a novel and holistic model for managingrisks in regulatoryframeworksbased on international standards (specifically ISO 31000) • How to, hands on approachwithmanyexamples, case studies, walkthrough solutions

  12. How UNECE work makes a difference • Accidents in mines, offshore facilities, plants cause casualties, loss of animal life, environmental and economic damage • UNECE has developed a toolkit for regulatory action in the sector of equipment for explosive atmospheres • Taken up by the US CoastGuard new regulations on off-shore drilling

  13. How UNECE work makes a difference • Proliferation of low quality goods • Endangers consumers • Undermines competitivemess of compliant business • Weakens compliant business

  14. Work is ongoing focussing on concrete actions • To reinforce competent authorities • To empower consumers • To strengthen reg/intlcooperation

  15. Invite your participation in ourwork • Invite you to participate in the Group of Experts • Need for capacity-building and awareness raising activities • Explore specific sectors and specific projects where RM principles can be used • Including horizontal areas, such as conformity assessment, market surveillance, quality infrastructure..

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