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Building Systems of Assessments that Support Deeper Learning. Virginia Standards of Learning Innovation Committee, July 15, 2014. The Changing Demand for Job Skills (United States).
Building Systems of Assessments that Support Deeper Learning Virginia Standards of Learning Innovation Committee, July 15, 2014
The Changing Demand for Job Skills(United States) Source: Autor, David H. and Brendan M. Price. 2013. "The Changing Task Composition of the US Labor Market: An Update of Autor, Levy, and Murnane (2003)." MIT Mimeograph, June.
Current Tests Focus on Lower-Level Skills • RAND study of 17 states’ tests: Only 2% of math items and 21% of ELA items assess higher-order skills. • After NCLB, most states phased out performance assessmentsthat could assess higher-order skills.
2012 PISA Reading Singapore Japan Korea Finland Canada Ireland Poland Estonia Lichtenstein Australia US is #21 Mathematics Singapore Korea Japan Lichtenstein Switzerland Netherlands Estonia Finland Canada Poland US is # 32 Science Singapore Japan Finland Estonia Korea Vietnam Poland Canada Lichtenstein Germany US is #23
Other Nations Assess the Full Range of College & Career Ready Skills High Achievers Use: -- Open-ended essays and problems to be solved and explained -- Performance tasks that require students to design and conduct investigations, collect data, analyze and present findings in writing, orally, and with technology
Research finds that these assessments: • Can be scored reliably by teachers with moderation and auditing systems • Enable teachers to learn about the standards, curriculum, and teaching • Support more rigorous instruction and more intensive learning
SINGAPORE SCHOOL-BASED SCIENCE PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT To Assess Experimental Skills and Investigations, Students… • Identify a problem, design and plan an investigation, evaluate their methods and techniques • Follow instructions and use techniques, apparatus and materials safely and effectively • Make and record observations, measurements, methods, and techniques with precision and accuracy • Interpret and evaluate observations and experimental data SINGAPORE EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENT BOARD 8
GCSE ICT Task (England) Litchfield Promotions promotes bands and puts on performances in England. They need to be sure that each performance will make enough money to cover all the costs and make a profit. Many people need to be paid: the bands; sound engineers; and, lighting technicians. There is also the cost of hiring the venue. Litchfield Promotions needs to create an ICT solution to ensure that they have all necessary information and that it is kept up to date. Their solution will show income, outgoings and profit. Candidates need to: 1) Work with others to plan and carry out research to investigate how similar companies have produced a solution. 2) Clearly record and display your findings. 3) Recommend and evaluate a solution addressing the task requirements. 4) Produce a design brief explaining & critiquing your solution.
Teaching and Learning are supported by a coherent SYSTEM • Common standards are grounded in a thoughtful, lean curriculum, which informs teacher planning, but is not a straitjacket. It is managed as part of an integrated system of curriculum, assessment, instruction, and teacher development.
Teachers are Deeply Involved 2. Teachers are integrally involved in the development of curriculum at the school level and the development and scoring of moderated assessments.
Teacher Collaboration in Design, Review, Scoring, and Evaluation
Performance is Valued 3. Open-ended assessments include evidence of actual student performance on challenging tasks that evaluate applications of knowledge and skills.
The goal is Assessment of, as, and for Learning • Assessment measures are structured to continuously improve teaching and learning.
Policy Contexts for Performance Assessments • Formative tools for diagnosis and instruction • Components of summative assessments • Scored component of (end of) course exams • Assessments for proficiency-based decisions • Graduation portfolios, including exhibitions • Digital portfolios for college admissions/ placement
Extended Experimental Investigation at the Senior Level (Grade 11-12) Over four or more weeks, students must develop and conduct an extended experimental investigation to investigate a hypothesis or to answer a practical research question. Experiments may be laboratory or field based The outcome of the investigation is a written scientific report of 1500 to 2000 words. The student must: • develop a planned course of action • clearly articulate the research question and provide a statement of purpose for the investigation • provide descriptions of the experiment • show evidence of student design • provide evidence of primary and secondary data collection and selection • execute the experiment(s) • analyze data • discuss the outcomes of the experiment • evaluate and justify conclusion(s)
Student-Designed Projects (Envision, NY Performance StandardsConsortium, Singapore, IB) Examples CCSS Assessments(SBAC & PARCC) Common Performance Tasks (Ohio, NH, New York) C-PAS College Ready Assess-ments Traditional Tests Assessment Continuum Narrow Assessment Assessments of Deeper Learning Standardized performance tasks (1-2 weeks) that include structured inquiry and demand more integrated skills, including collaboration Performance tasks that require students to formulate and carry out their own inquiries, analyze & present findings, and (sometimes) revise in response to feedback Longer, deeper investigations,(2-3 months) & exhibitions, including graduation portfolios, requiring students to initiate, design, conduct, analyze, revise, and present their work in multiple modalities Descriptions Standardized tests with m-c & open-ended items + short (1-2 day) performance tasks of some applied skills Standardized, multiple-choice tests of routine skills
2. Assess Critical Abilities with High-Fidelity • Research and analysis • Experimentation and evaluation • Written communication (reading, writing) • Oral communication (speaking, listening) • Use of technology • Collaboration, • Modeling, design, and problem solving
3. Be Internationally Benchmarked • Rigorous content • Productive tasks assessing 21st century skills • High performance standards
4. Be Instructionally Sensitive and Educationally Valuable • Underlying concepts should be teachable and learnable in school contexts • Not depending on tricky interpretations that mostly reflect test-taking skills • Not based on students’ ‘cultural capital’ or outside-of-school experiences • Assessments should engage students in instructionally valuable activities • Results from the tests should provide instructionally useful information.
5. Be Valid, Reliable and Fair • Measure well what they purport to measure • Accurately evaluate students' abilities • Assessreliably across contexts and scorers • Be unbiased • Be accessible to a diverse learners • Be used appropriately • Supportpositive outcomes for students and instruction.
To Accomplish this, New Systems of Assessment Should: • Include locally implemented performance tasks as well as “on-demand” tests that are more sophisticated • Involve teachers in design, review, and scoring of both kinds of assessments • Provide information useful for developing curriculum and teaching • Keep track of learning in many ways that support student agency and reflection • Be used for improvement, not punishment
How is a “System of Assessment” built? • Put the individual student in the center and consider: • What are the knowledge, skills, and dispositions critical to completion of K-12 education and postsecondary success? • How might students, teachers, and policymakers keep track of different kinds of learning? • What student measures do we already – or plan to – collect? • How could we develop a profile of student success?
Standardized Tests (with Performance Components) Performance-Based Assessments / Portfolios Used to validate local assessment results Used to enrich test results and inform teaching Interactive Elements of an Assessment System
Steps in Creating a System of Assessments • Define college and career readiness • Evaluate the gap between the system as it now exists and the desired system • Identify the information needed for different users: -- Policymakers (state / local) -- Students and parents -- Teachers -- Higher education and employers • Identify purposes for state and local assessments
Creating a System of Assessments (2) • Consider a continuum of assessments that address different purposes • Develop assessments that can provide a profile of student abilities and accomplishments • Connect these assessments to curriculum, instruction, and professional development in a productive teaching and learning system • Create an accountability system that encourages the kinds of learning and practice that are needed to reach the goals of college and career readiness.
The CCSSO Innovation Lab NetworkPerformance Assessment Project: • Works with states and districts to develop an Assessment Bank of exemplary performance tasks that evaluate CCSS standards and 21st century skills. • Helps states and districts develop and pilot tasks and assessment strategies to measure the identified standards, support professional development for teachers, and build state and local capacity. • Supports states as they develop / refine a policy framework for integrating this wider array of strategies into an overall system of assessments.