THE STUDY FOR TECHNICAL, ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRE-VIABILITY FOR THE METROPOLITAN WATERWAY RING OF GREATER SÃO PAULOMetrópole Fluvial GroupWater Related Urban Infrastructures Research GroupCoordination Prof. Alexandre Delijaicov, Prof. Milton Braga and André Takiya 2011Architecture and Urbanism Faculty of the University of São Paulo – FAU USP The Metropolitan Waterway Ring of São Paulo is a network of navigable canals composed by the rivers Tietê and Pinheiros, the reservoirs Billings and Taiaçupeba and an artificial canal connecting these reservoirs, adding up to 170km (105 miles) of urban waterways. The proposal developed by FAU USP is based on the idea of water multiple uses, established by the National Politics for Water Resources, which considers water as a public good and a limited natural resource that must be rationalized and diversified in a manner to allow its use by everyone. This policy foresees waterway transportation in the integrated management of water, aiming at a sustainable urban development. Transforming the main rivers into waterways and its margins into main metropolitan public spaces, the public character of São Paulo's water is reinforced. Thereby, urban rivers become routes for passengers and cargo transportation, places for leisure and tourism, besides contributing to the urban macro drainage. Therefore, functional and playful areas are created to the benefit of the population. The Waterway project is also aligned with the guidelines of the National Policy for Urban Mobility. The necessity to integrate and make more accessible different transportations was considered, aiming to improve people and cargo mobility. The implementation of the Metropolitan Waterway is justified by the transportation of urban waste, here called Public Cargo. This definition follows the directives of the Waste National Policy, that establishes the government as the responsible to the development of an integrated management of urban waste plan, that includes collection, transportation, transshipment, treatment and environmentally adequate final destination. A network of ports along the waterway was proposed, in which the cargo deposited in the origin ports are transported through the canals towards the destination ports, the Tri-ports, where the waste is selected, recycled, processed, bio-digested or reutilized and, in the last instance, incinerated. For the year 2040, there is the possibility that the fluvial system makes feasible the policy of zero landfill. [metropolefluvial.fau.usp.br]