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Understanding Virtual Memory Management in Java Programs

Explore two logically identical Java demo programs using Eclipse, analyze page accesses, page faults, demand vs. anticipatory paging, page replacement strategies, and frame allocation considerations in virtual memory management. Learn about fork(), copy-on-write, page size impact, and memory-mapped files.

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Understanding Virtual Memory Management in Java Programs

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  1. Virtual Memory (Ch. 9)

  2. Look at two logically identical java demo programs: workset1 and workset2. • Can do same programs using Eclipse. • Run each and explain the difference

  3. Array accesses are via paging techniques described previously: • However, when the page table is accessed there are 2 possibilities: • valid bit set to 1 and entry contains frame#: • proceed as before

  4. valid bit set to 0; • page not in memory; • page fault; • OS must do an I/O to get page and store into memory. • Fig. 9.5

  5. Page fault causes the following: • OS trap • save registers and process state • determine cause of interruption

  6. find page location on disk • initiate a read from the disk • request sits in queue until acted on • wait for disk movements • transfer data from disk to OS memory buffer

  7. meantime allocate cpu to another process • get interrupt from controller (I/O done) • save registers and process state for currently running process (context switch) • determine cause of interrupt • update page table

  8. wait for cpu to be allocated to this process • restore registers and process state. • Fig. 9.6

  9. Demand paging: • pages fetched as needed (most common) • Anticipatory paging: • requested page and nearby ones all fetched.

  10. effective access time (eat): • p=probability of a page fault. • eat=(1-p)*memory access time + p*page fault time. • Some numbers on page 357.

  11. fork() command • traditionally copies all of parent's pages • copy on write: vfork() • initially parent and child share pages • if a shared page is written to, copy the page and map it to the virtual space. • look at demo fork.c: • Replace fork() with vfork() and note the difference.

  12. page replacement: • During a page fault, an incoming page may have to replace a page currently in memory. • Which one? • Note: Replaced pages must be saved only if modified. • Page table has a "dirty bit" to indicate an updated page • (Figs 9.9-9.10)

  13. Replacement strategies • FIFO: Figure 9.12 • does not always perform well (replaced pages could be ones used throughout the process) • more frames => fewer page faults in general: • empirical data demonstrates this (Fig 9.11)

  14. However, it can NOT be proved • It CAN be disproven: • Belady’s anomaly: • Figure 9.12-9.13 • Another example: Assume 3 or 4 frames and examine page reference string 1-2-3-4-1-2-5-1-2-3-4-5. More faults with 4 frames!!

  15. 3 frames:

  16. optimal replacement (replace page not needed for the longest time) • Fig 9.14 • difficult to implement • don’t care replacement (replace any page) • easy to implement. • No attempt at achieving better performance.

  17. LRU replacement (replace page least recently used) • Fig. 9.15 • somewhat common • Can implement by storing a logical clock value (really just a counter) in page table entry. • Can implement by maintaining a stack of page numbers.

  18. NUR (not used recently) approximation • Keep track of a reference (R) bit and a dirty (D) bit for each page. Replace according to: • R=0; D=0 • R=0; D=1 • R=1; D=0 • R=1; D=1 • Periodically reset R bit

  19. multiple reference bits • Can keep an 8-bit byte of R-bits, once for each of the previous 8 time intervals. At each new interval, shift bits right. • lowest 8-bit number identifies pages used less recently.

  20. Second chance • Use FIFO but if R bit is 1, go to next page in queue. (page gets a second chance) • Linux and XP use variations of this (depending on processor)

  21. Mention least and most frequently used (LFU and MFU). Neither is common. • FIFO with released page going into free page queue. May reclaim before page is allocated to another. No physical I/O.

  22. Allocation of frames • How many frames per process? • Too few and frequent page faults and poor performance • May lead to Thrashing (walking the disk drives-a term used when drives were big and heavy and excessive I/O caused the drives to vibrate and actually start moving). • Too many and other processes have less room.

  23. Equal allocation: n processes get 1/n of the free memory • Proportional allocation: Let si be the size requirement of process i. Then S=s1+s2+…+sn. If m is the number of available frames, then allocate (si/S)m frames. • If s1=10 and s2=127 and m=62 then we allocate (10/137)62= (4 or 5) to first process and (127/137)62=57 or 58 to second

  24. Working Set model • spatial and temporal locality patterns • Good use of locality poor use of locality

  25. TLBs should accommodate the working set • See Fig 9.22 on p. 380

  26. Page size? • larger page size means fewer frames, a smaller page table, but larger internal fragmentation. • smaller page size means more frames, a larger page table, but less internal fragmentation.

  27. Common sizes are ½ K to about 4K. Larger memory sizes make smaller pages problematic; also fragmentation is less of a problem.

  28. Memory-mapped files: • Map a disk block to a page in memory • First access results in page fault as usual. • Fault causes a page-sized portion of the file to be brought into physical memory.

  29. Subsequent reads/writes are memory accesses. • (Figure 9.23 and Java program on Figure 9.25 and demo)

  30. Kernel memory: • Available frames (for most processes) stored in a list maintained by the Kernel.

  31. Kernel free-memory pool is separate. Reasons: • Kernel code often not subject to a paging system. Strive for efficiency and minimizing of internal fragmentation. • Some hardware driver must interact directly with physical memory (i.e. no virtual memory) • see page 384

  32. Buddy system: • Allocate from a segment only chunks of size = 2p for some p. • Each segment consists of two buddies each half the segment size. • Each buddy divided into two buddies.

  33. Figure 9.26. • Facilitates coalescing unused buddies into larger segments • Fragmentation is a problem. • Used in early Linux

  34. Slab allocation • Slab: one or more physical contiguous pages. Usually one. • Cache: one or more slabs •  one cache for each OS kernel structure (process descriptors, file objects, semaphores, shared memory, message queues, etc)

  35. populated by objects of the associated type. • Slab allocator allocates a portion of a slab for a specified object • Slabs divided into chunks the size of the associated object – no fragmentation • Effective when many

  36. Windows XP • Demand paging with clustering (retrieves faulting page AND a few pages after it) • Processes initially given a working set minimum and maximum (50 and 345 are cited) • Some book refs: p. 841, figs 22.3 and 22.4, p. 844

  37. Linux • Some book refs: Figs 21.6 and 21.7, p. 805 • Look at vmstat command. Also, top, slabtop, free commands. Also, the Linux file /proc/slabinfo. Note: look for task_struct in the slabtop command results. • While the display is active, run a workset program and watch the values change.

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