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CWA and classified/non union Absenteeism Policy. Policy # 3364-25-31 Effective Date: January 1, 2009. Who does this policy cover?. All Classified hourly employees. Bargaining Unit Non Bargaining Unit. What are the Purposes of this Policy?.
CWA and classified/non union Absenteeism Policy Policy # 3364-25-31 Effective Date: January 1, 2009
Who does this policy cover? • All Classified hourly employees. • Bargaining Unit • Non Bargaining Unit
What are the Purposes of this Policy? • To establish greater accountability for sick leave utilization. • To provide directives that are applied equitably to all covered employees. • To recognize employees who are dependable.
How did the Policy come to be? • Management determined a need to have excessive absenteeism addressed fairly and equitably. • Management solicited the help of CWA leadership. • Management and CWA want to recognize employees who have outstanding attendance.
Notification of absence • “Employees who are unable to report to work shall be responsible for directly notifying their immediate supervisor or designee, within one half hour prior to his/her reporting time. Existing departmental call in procedures will continue.”
DEFINITIONS • Sick Day: • Employee is not present for any portion of a scheduled shift/work day for a period of two (2) hours or beyond due to sick time use.
DEFINITIONS • Unauthorized Unpaid time off: • time the employee is not present for any portion of a scheduled shift; • does NOT have sick time to cover • The unpaid time is NOT approved.
DEFINITIONS • Unauthorized Unpaid time off: • Employees are required to request time off w/o pay PRIOR to taking the time off. • If approval is not obtained or the employee takes the time off knowing it is unapproved; the employee will be subject to corrective action.
DEFINITIONS • Late In/Early Out: • Use of sick time in arriving or departing work in increments less than (2) two hours. • If approved, this is equivalent to ½ of a sick day as defined. • If NOT approved: • treated as “job abandonment” and subject to corrective action.
Late in/Early Out Continued • Management and CWA leadership encourage staff to make medical appointments at the beginning or end of scheduled shift or work day whenever possible. • Providing the employee supplies their immediate supervisor with verification of a medical/dental appointment of those covered by Article 23.2 of the CWA collective bargaining agreement within 24 hours there will be no sick day assessment. • It is highly recommended that employees call their supervisors when they know they will be late or absent, as a courtesy. The supervisor may elect to replace the employee if they have not heard from the employee within two (2) hours of the start of their scheduled shift/work day.
DEFINITIONS • No Call/No Show: • When an employee does not report for their work shift/day AND does not call in. • Not assessed as a sick day • Will be addressed via the discipline process • Late employees who appear after two (2) hours without call in may be sent home without pay.
DEFINITIONS • Rolling 12 Month Period: • Begins with the most recent occurrence of a sick day or equivalent and counting twelve (12) consecutive months backwards.
DEFINITIONS • Shift or work day: • Defined as a scheduled period of time of at least four (4) hours; unless a shift or work day has been established as less than (4) hours as of the effective date of this policy.
DEFINITIONS • Exclusions: • Approved late in/early out. • FMLA leaves of absence. • Sick leave used for pregnancy and/or child birth and related conditions. • Sick leave used as personal leave. • Unpaid medical leave. • Family leave as defined in Article 22 of CWA contract.
EXCLUSIONS CONTINUED • Other times not assessed as a sick day: • Funeral leave • Vacation time charged to earned sick time leave • Injury leave, regardless of whether or not a workers compensation claim is filed provided that one could reasonably deduce that it was work related and contracted at work, including a workplace exposure as categorized by a certified health care provider • Administrative leave.
CORRECTIVE ACTION • Intervals and actions: Sick Day LevelsCorrective Action Five (5) Verbal Counseling Seven (7) Written Warning 1 Nine (9) Written Warning 2 Eleven (11) Working Suspension 1 Thirteen (13) Working Suspension 2 Sixteen (16) Termination
CORRECTIVE ACTION CONT’D • Disciplinary action issued for violation of the Sick Leave Program is a separate track of corrective action and cannot build on prior performance issues. • Except: • Management can take attendance into account when determining the appropriate level of discipline for other performance issues and when the employee has demonstrated a pattern of attendance problems.
TERMINATION HEARING • Any employee who is recommended for discharge based solely on attendance shall be entitled to a pre-disciplinary hearing where the employee may give his/her version of the events at issue. No other levels of corrective action for attendance are entitled to a Pre-Discharge hearing.
REDEMPTION PROGRAM • If an employee goes a full ninety (90) calendar days starting with the last sick day without any early out’s, late in’s, sick days, or unauthorized unpaid days off (e.g. the employee works all assigned shifts without incident) will be eligible to remove the last one (1) sick day and have the last formal corrective action for attendance removed, if applicable.
REDEMPTION PROGRAM CONT’D • The redemption period (90 calendar days) will start over with the next sick day equivalent or early out. • Any approved non-FMLA leave of absence or any approved full time FMLA will extend the 90 calendar day timeframe equal to the amount of time on an approved non-FMLA/Full time FMLA.
REDEMPTION PROGRAM CONT’D • The request for redemption must be initiated by the employee except in the case of a termination for attendance. Employees may request the removal of one (1) sick day by completing the sick day removal form and submitting it to their supervisor or manager. Any request to management will be reviewed 90 calendar days back from the date of the request. • In the event that an employee is determined to be at termination status for attendance only, the manager or supervisor will take the initiative to look for a redemption period.
BELIEF OF ABUSE • If the Employer has reason to believe that sick leave is being abused, the Employer reserves the right to initiate an investigation for possible corrective action. The Employer may require documentation to support the employee’s call off due for sick leave. • Sick leave abuse includes but is not limited to a pattern of using sick leave before and after weekends, before and after holidays, before and after normal days off, on certain days of the week, or in a manner inconsistent with the request, e.g. for personal reasons. • Abuse of sick time will be addressed as a non attendance issue and subject to the corrective action policy and/or collective bargaining agreement.
INCENTIVES • Employees who have a minimum of 240 hours accumulated sick leave in a calendar year, and who do not exceed the maximum hours annually as outlined below, may qualify for “attendance incentive ” time off which is not the same as “comp” time. • Sick Time Hrs. Used AnnuallyAttendance Incentive Hrs. • 0 hours used 20 hours • 0.1-8 hours used 16 hours • 8.1-16 hours used 12 hours • 16.1-24 hours used 8 hours
INCENTIVES CONTINUED • Part time employees who are at least 0.5 FTE or greater are also eligible for the incentive program on a pro-rated basis and must have a minimum of 120 hours accumulated sick time. • Qualifications for the incentive are based on union/non-union and FTE status as of December 31st. • Both sick time hours used and the incentive available will be processed on a pro-rated basis for all employees FTE 0.5 – 0.99.
INCENTIVES CONTINUED • Attendance incentive time must be requested by the employee and approved by the supervisor much the same as any request for time off. The request must be submitted within 48 hours of the time requested. Unused attendance incentive time will not be carried over from one calendar year to the next. Any hours left in the “attendance incentive bank” will be paid out by the second pay period following December 31st.
Who to contact • Linda Torbet, Manager of Employee and Labor Relations (#1491) • Joe Klep, Manager of Employee and Labor Relations (#1485) • Lisa Simpson, Labor and Employee Relations Specialist (#1489) • Connie Rubin, Sr. Director of Labor and Employee Relations (#1464)