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Navigation Use these buttons to navigate back and forth between the slides. . Introduction: openTAS vehicle platform. Interaction
Navigation Use these buttons to navigate back and forth between the slides. Introduction: openTAS vehicle platform Interaction Some slides are animated. In that case the interaction button is displayed. With every click on the interaction button you start the animation. Between some animations text is displayed. In that case the animation is paused. To continue you need to click the interaction button again. As long as the button spins after an animation, it is not finished yet. eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
Content • What is the openTAS vehicle platform FZPF • Architecture and functions • Area of application • Reference cases eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
Terminology • In this presentation some product specific terms and abbreviations are used. For a better understanding of the subject matter they are explained below. eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
Terminology • KISCustomerinformation System - Applicationfortransmissionanddisplayofcustomerinformation in trains • AFZAutomatic Passenger Counter- Applicationthatregistersthenumberofboardingpassengerswithsensors in thedoors • VideoApplicationforthetransmissionofvideoimages • GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service - Packetorientedradioservice eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
Terminology • WLAN Wireless LocalArea Network • DMZDemilitarized Zone –Safetyperimeter in a network • GUIGraphicalUser Interface • FZPFVehicleplatform– Denominatestheplatformas a whole eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
Terminology • FZPF Central Denominatesthecentralpartofthevehicleplatform; thisincludestheserveranddatabase • FZPF PeripheralPeripheralcommunicationunits, whichusuallyareaboardthevehicles • VehicleA locomotiveor a wagonarereferedtoasvehicle • CompositionA comcosition – ortraincomposition – refersto a combinationofseveralvehicles eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
What is the openTAS vehicle platform ? • Software for the management and supervision of trains • The vehicle platform consists of a central (FZPF Central) and a peripheral (FZPF Peripheral) part eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
What is the openTAS vehicle platform ? • The main tasks of FZPF Central is the management of vehicles and compositions,the supervision of the operating status of all vehicles and the encription of communication between the FZPF Central and FZPF Peripheral eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
What is the openTAS vehicle platform ? • It is possible to operate the Central FZPF from a normal office work station. The userfriendly operating interface is system independent – the necessary software is installed automatically via browser. eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
What is the openTAS vehicle platform ? • The FZPF Peripheral is aboard the vehicles and responsible for the information transfer between vehicle or composition and the FZPF Central. eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
Communication Channels KIS Video AFZ FZPF Central TCP/IP GPRS / WLAN The vehicle can communicate with the FZPF Central over GPRS or via WLAN. Clients FZPF Peripheral Video AFZ KIS eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
Application: Customer Information System Customerinformation messages are transmitted to the vehicles from the central office. Architecture GUI KIS Surveilance Disruptions are detected by the central unit. Correspronding status updates will be displayed in the GUI. DMZ Application: Video Images from the on-board video surveilance are transmitted via the vehicle platform. App Client Agents App Server(redundant) VIDEO Vehicles communicate via GPRS and WLAN with the FZPF Central. The data transmission in encrypted. WLAN/GPRSMediation By means of defined interfaces time table data as well as position data are imported. AFZ Application:Automatic Passenger Counter With special sensors aboard the trains passengers are counted. That data is matched with the central data. Time table data The vehicle platform allows a transparent bidirectional communication between applications located inthe control centre and applications on board the vehicles. Routen WLAN GPRS eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
Key functions • Management of vehicles and compositions • Dynamic train ordering (Recognition of the configuration of the composition) • Surveillance of operating conditions • Encrypted communication via GPRS and WLAN • Transparent data exchange between the central and peripheral applications • Management and download of firmware, data and parameter • Electronic seat reservation • Recording of positioning data eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
Dynamic Train Composition The dynamic train composition recognizes automatically changes in the train compositions. The changes are visible on the user interface. • In the following video presentation you can see how changes in the train composition are represented on the user interface. The first video shows how vehicles are added, the second video illustrates how several vehicles are combined into a train composition. Graphic User Interface DMZ App Client Agents App Server(redundant) WLAN/GPRSMediation WLAN GPRS eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
Change in direction Graphic User Interface DMZ App Client Agents App Server(redundant) WLAN/GPRSMediation Vehicles transmit changes in direction of travel to the platform. Consequently the FZPF Central is informed about the direction of travel of all registered vehicles. A change in direction of travel is also displayed in the GUI (video on the next page). WLAN GPRS eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
Status updates Graphic User Interface From FZPF Peripheral status updates to FZPF Central can be transmitted. Should for example occur a problem with the automatic passenger counter the FZPF Peripheral detects this and notifies the platform. The GUI displays the status in the vehicle list in tabular form and in the operation view in a tree structure. DMZ App Client Agents App Server(redundant) WLAN/GPRSMediation WLAN GPRS eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
FZPF Dezentral Software download In the GUI the user has the possibility to trigger an automatic software download to one or several vehicles. GPRS / WLAN IOIIIOOOI OIIIOOO IOIIIIOOII IOIIIOOOI OIIIOOO IOIIIIOOII IOIIIOOOI OIIIOOO IOIIIIOOII FZPF Dezentral FZPF Central FZPF Dezentral An area of application for the software download is the firmware upgrade from FZPF Peripheral modules. The firmware upgrade can be executed simlutaneously on several vehicles. The prgress and results can be observed in the GUI (this can be seen in the video on the following slide). eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
LEGAL DISCLAIMER This document contains specific forward-looking statements, e.g. statements including terms like “believe”, “expect” or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may result in a substantial divergence between the actual results, financial situation, development or performance of Sitasys AG and those explicitly presumed in these statements. Against the background of these uncertainties readers should not rely on forward-looking statements. Sitasys assumes no responsibility to update forward-looking statements or adapt them to future events or developments. eLearning: openTAS Vehicle Platform, V 1.0
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