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Transport. Vocabulary. Agglutin -: to glue together Embol -: stopper -stasis: halt - osis : abnormal Bil -: bile Erythr -: red Thromb -: clot Hema - or hemo -: blood - poie : to produce Leuko - white. Blood. Hemoglobin : protein that carries oxygen in the blood.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Transport

  2. Vocabulary • Agglutin-: to glue together • Embol-: stopper • -stasis: halt • -osis: abnormal • Bil-: bile • Erythr-: red • Thromb-: clot • Hema- or hemo-: blood • -poie: to produce • Leuko- white

  3. Blood • Hemoglobin: protein that carries oxygen in the blood

  4. Red Blood Cell Count • RBC count (RBCC): the number of red blood cells in a microliter of blood • affects the amount of oxygen blood can carry

  5. Red blood cell formation • Erythropoiesis: the formation of new red blood cells inside bone marrow • Erythropoietin: a hormone that controls the rate of RBC formation • Released by the kidneys and liver • Stimulated by low oxygen levels in the blood • Diet: vitamin B, folic acid, iron, and hemoglobin all affect erythropoiesis

  6. White Blood Cells • Leukocytes: white blood cells • protect against infection • phagocytize bacterial cells • Produce antibodies that destroy foreign particles • Diapedesis: WBC’s leaving the blood stream to carry out their functions

  7. Types of WBC’s • Neutrophils and Monocytes: leave the blood stream and become macrophages that destroy bacteria, dead cells and other debris • Eosinophils: kill certain parasites and control inflammation and allergic reactions • Basophils: migrate to damaged tissues and inhibit blood clotting • release histamines which causes inflammation • Lymphocytes: important in immunity • WBC count: Increased numbers of WBC’s are an indication of infection or disease

  8. Blood Platelets • Thrombocytes: (platelets) cell fragments that are made in the red bone marrow • Help to clot broken blood vessels

  9. Plasma proteins • Albumins: help regulate water movement between blood and tissues • Globulins: transport lipids and fat-soluble vitamins and make antibodies • Fibrinogen: plays a key role in blood coagulation and electrolyte balance

  10. Gases and Nutrients • Gases: Oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen • Nutrients: amino acids, sugars, nucleotides and lipids • Non-proteinsubstances: urea, uric acid, creatine • Electrolytes: sodium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, bicarbonate, sulfate and phosphate

  11. Hemostasis • Hemostasis: the stoppage of bleeding • Blood Vessel Spasm: contraction of blood vessels to reduce blood loss when blood vessels are damaged • Platelet plug formation: • Serotonin is released to contract blood vessels • Platelets stick together to form a plug to stop the bleeding

  12. Blood coagulation • Coagulation: blood clot formation • Fibrin: threads or fibers of clotting proteins • Prothrombin: gets converted into thrombin • Thrombin: a protein that catalyzes the joining of fibrin proteins • Serum: blood plasma minus the clotting factors

  13. Blood Clotting • Thrombus: a blood clot abnormally forming in a blood vessel • Embolus: a clot that breaks loose and is carried away by the blood • Agglutination: the clumping of red blood cells following a transfusion

  14. ABO Blood Group • Based on the presence of antigens A and B on the surface of RBC’s • Antigens: molecules on the surface of red blood cells that react with antibodies • Antibodies: react with their same antigen and clump red blood cells

  15. Rh Blood Groups • Rh Blood groups: • Antigen D present = Rh + • Antigen D not present = Rh –

  16. Write the blood types you can receive if you have each of the following blood types

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