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Title: Techniques for Extracting Management Data from OpenView Software Session #: 338 Speaker: Jim Miller, AIS Company: Management & Technology Group, Inc. .
Title: Techniques for Extracting Management Data from OpenView Software Session #: 338 Speaker: Jim Miller, AIS Company: Management & Technology Group, Inc.
This introductory technical presentation has the objective of sparking your interest and creativity in extracting management data from OpenView and related software on an ‘as needed’ basis. Agenda How to setup database connections. What data is available? Database Schemas & Tables How can we access the data? Data Extraction Techniques CLI SQL ODBC Utilities/Programs OpenView Interconnect (OVI)
Setup the Database Connections • Define in ‘tnsnames.ora’ # TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: C:\oracle\ora92\network\admin\tnsnames.ora # Generated by Oracle configuration tools. HPOVOU = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = itovou.csvd.any.domain)(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = openview) ) ) Use Oracle Client Tools or edit the file manually. OVO Management Server Database Instance (SID)
Setup the Database Connections • Define in ‘Data Sources (ODBC)’ • Under Administrative Tools Network Node Manager ODBC setup OpenView Operations ODBC setup using ‘tnsnames.ora’ definition User Defined ODBC Connections
Network Node Manager (NNM) - DB Schema & Tables HP OpenView Network Node Manager, Reporting and Data Analysis with NNM (T2490-90007 PDF) Basic Topology and SNMP Information: nnm_nodes, nnm_networks, nnm_segments Extended Topology (ET) and/or NNM 7.5 includes additional tables to the Data Warehouse: Address…, HSRP…, NW…
Network Node Manager (NNM) - Data Extraction • ovtopodump, ovobjprint commands against the internal sparse database • Home Base: http://servername:7510/topology/home • OpenView Reporter Integration • Data Warehouse: ovdwquery Connected to ODBC Datasource: tcpip 2690 as ovdb. Enter SQL command, terminated by ";" ("quit;" to terminate): select ip_hostname, snmp_sysdescr from nnm_nodes where ip_hostname like 'it03%'; As ‘root’ run ovdwquery, and specify desired SQL. Here, all I want is the hostname and SNMP system description for nodes starting with ‘it03’ • ODBC driver for Solid (or any 3.5. compliant driver)
Network Node Manager (NNM) - ODBC Sample Start MS Excel, then select ‘Data; Get External Data; New Database Query’ Choose the ODBC datasource previous defined. Enter User and Password as appropriate Hostname, IP Address and System Contact information from nnm_nodes
OpenView Operations/Unix - DB Schema & Tables Reporting and Database Schema (A.08.10 Sept. 2004) Find any single templates assigned to nodes along with template groups. You’ll need to access and join the tables: opc_nodes, opc_tgrp_on_node, and opc_tmpl_on_node
OpenView Operations/Unix - Data Extraction • Administrator GUI; Actions – Utilities – Reports • SQL: $OV_CONF/OpC/mgmt_sv/reports/C • Execute with $OV_BIN/call_sqlplus.sh desired_sql • ODBC with Oracle driver Template details including default alarm attributes.
OpenView Operations/Windows - DB Schema & Tables • OVOW Troubleshooting Guide – Version 2.01 Feb. 2004 • SQL Enterprise Manager • Visio: Database Reverse Engineering OVOW SQL Database Included with OVOW for reporting and graphing are the OVR and OVPM tables.
OpenView Operations/Windows - Data Extraction Instruction Text Linked OV_MS_Instruction to OV_PM_LogPolicy to list the instructions associated with the policy conditions. Active Directory SPI Policies
OpenView Operations/Windows - Data Extraction Example of using the MS Excel PivotTable feature to summarize the output
OpenView Operations/Windows - Data Extraction Policy Type SNMP Interceptor Condition Summary (# of lines) OVOW Policies MS Excel PivotTable Wizard
OpenView Operations/Windows - Data Extraction Crystal Reports integration with MS Excel Crystal Reports Wizard Report Fields MS Excel Worksheet Specification
OpenView Operations/Windows - Data Extraction Crystal Reports Example ‘OVOW Instruction Text by Policy’
OpenView Reporter (OVR) - DB Schema & Tables • SQL Enterprise Manager • Visio: Database Reverse Enginering A few OVR Tables from the ‘reporter’ DB
OpenView Reporter (OVR) - Data Extraction • Reporter Itself • Crystal Reports • Here I pulled the data from the OVR ‘systems’ table into MS Excel. • Data includes • System Name • OS Name • OS Release • OS Version • Machine Type • Agent Version • # of CPUs • # of Disks • Amount of Memory • Amount of Swap
OpenView Performance Manager (OVPM) - Data Extraction DB Schema & Tables Included with OpenView Reporter Database OVO 8 Coda (HTTPS Agent) Data Sources and Collection Times OVO 7 Coda
Systems Insight Manager (SIM) - DB Schema & Tables HP Systems Insight Manager Help Guide (356920-004 Nov. 2004 Ed. 1.3) Common Information Model (CIM) Classes
Systems Insight Manager (SIM) - Data Extraction Microsoft Query Define Filter(s) Join of CIM_ComputerSystem and CIM_SoftwareElement
Systems Insight Manager (SIM) - Data Extraction Server Type of module Description Program/Module Name Version
Common Information Model (CIM) / Windows Management Information (WMI) - DB Schema & Tables • WMI Tools (download from Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN)) • WMI ODBC Adapter (driver) (optional install on CD in separate folder VALUEADD\MSFT\MGMT\WBEMODBC) Not supported in Windows Server 2003; use MDAC instead. • www.dmtf.org/standards/cim • msdn.microsoft.com WMI Reference
Common Information Model (CIM) / Windows Management Information (WMI) - DB Schema & Tables OVOW Server WMI CIM Studio Default Namespace: root\CIMV2 Login using Windows credentials For OVOW; change namespace to: root\HewlettPackard\OpenView\Data
Example of ‘Hardware’ information from root\CIMV2 namespace: CIM_PhysicalComponent Type of Component Description
CIM/WMI Information from OpenView Operations/Windows OVOW Managed Nodes OVOW WMI Classes in root\HewlettPackard\OpenView\Data namespace
OpenView Interconnect (OVI) Developers Tools Excerpt of ‘sampleapplications’ document provided with OVI install TCP ‘Socket’ Samples HTTP Samples SOAP Samples
OpenView Interconnect (OVI) Developers Tools • Developers Resource: http://devresource.hp.com/drc/topics/OVI.jsp • Setup the PERL environment • World-wide Web Library for Perl (libwww-perl); and prerequisites • Read the ‘design’ document: /opt/OV/examples/OVI/sampleCode/HttpNetworkInventoryRequester/HttpInventoryRequesterDesign.html • Start the ‘OVI’ Java virtual machine: from the /opt/OV/examples/OVI/sampleCode/HttpNetworkInventoryRequester/config directory, execute: • /opt/OV/bin/OVI.sh -d ./NnmInventoryRequest.deploy >./OVI_exec.log & • Execute the sample application (NNM Inventory Requester) from the /opt/OV/examples/OVI/sampleCode/HttpNetworkInventoryRequester directory; perl ./HttpInventoryRequester.pl http://localhost:8080/ovi/NnmInventoryPluglet
OpenView Interconnect (OVI) Developers Tools HttpInventoryRequesterDesign.html <ovit:data> <ovit:name>name</ovit:name> <ovit:value type="string"></ovit:value> </ovit:data> <ovit:data> <ovit:name>description</ovit:name> <ovit:value type="string">Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-I-M), Version 12.0(7)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)(c) 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.Tue 07-Dec-99 02:12 by phanguye</ovit:value> </ovit:data> <ovit:data> <ovit:name>creationTime</ovit:name> <ovit:value type="dateTime">2003-11-06T11:50:01-07:00</ovit:value> </ovit:data> <ovit:data> <ovit:name>statusChangeTime</ovit:name> <ovit:value type="dateTime">2003-11-14T07:31:10-07:00</ovit:value> </ovit:data> <ovit:data> <ovit:name>changeTime</ovit:name> <ovit:value type="dateTime">2003-11-06T11:50:01-07:00</ovit:value> </ovit:data> <ovit:data> <ovit:name>ipLevel</ovit:name> <ovit:value type="string">IPV4</ovit:value> </ovit:data> <ovit:data> <ovit:name>status</ovit:name> <ovit:value type="string">Normal</ovit:value> </ovit:data> • Returned from the execution of the HTTP NNM Inventory Requester is a string of XML with ‘name / value’ pairs. • Use your language of choice to parse and/or format the output. • Visual Basic • C# • C++ • PERL (XML::Parser) • Java • JScript • …
OpenView Interconnect (OVI) Developers Tools OVI Execution Log Pluglet Initialization 2005-04-05 16:46:39,092 [INFO ] OVI-2003 Starting kernel. 2005-04-05 16:46:41,584 [INFO ] OVI-2032 Pluglet NnmInventoryPluglet initializing. 2005-04-05 16:46:46,456 [WARN ] OVI-3032 NnmInventoryPluglet: License "OV Interconnect Instant-On" found for "Inventory Pluglets (Part Number: T2523AA)", expires at: 2005-05-22T00:00:00-04:00. 2005-04-05 16:46:47,575 [INFO ] OVI-2033 Pluglet NnmInventoryPluglet initialized. 2005-04-05 16:46:47,576 [INFO ] OVI-2032 Pluglet ResponderProxyPluglet initializing. 2005-04-05 16:46:48,388 [INFO ] OVI-101 HTTP Server: Statistics on = true for org.mortbay.http.HttpServer@331059 2005-04-05 16:46:49,121 [INFO ] OVI-2033 Pluglet ResponderProxyPluglet initialized. 2005-04-05 16:46:49,122 [INFO ] OVI-2032 Pluglet NnmInventoryPluglet starting. 2005-04-05 16:46:49,123 [INFO ] OVI-2033 Pluglet NnmInventoryPluglet started. 2005-04-05 16:46:49,123 [INFO ] OVI-2032 Pluglet ResponderProxyPluglet starting. 2005-04-05 16:46:49,124 [INFO ] OVI-2032 Pluglet NnmInventoryPluglet starting. 2005-04-05 16:46:49,250 [INFO ] OVI-101 HTTP Server: Starting Jetty/4.2.21 2005-04-05 16:46:49,269 [INFO ] OVI-101 HTTP Server: Started HttpContext[] 2005-04-05 16:46:49,322 [INFO ] OVI-101 HTTP Server: Started SocketListener on 2005-04-05 16:46:49,323 [INFO ] OVI-101 HTTP Server: Started org.mortbay.http.HttpServer@331059 2005-04-05 16:46:49,323 [INFO ] OVI-2033 Pluglet ResponderProxyPluglet started. 2005-04-05 16:46:49,324 [INFO ] OVI-2004 Kernel started. Pluglet Startup HTTP Server Startup Listening on Port 8080
Additional Resources • HP OpenView Network Node Manager, Reporting and Data Analysis with NNM (T2490-90007 PDF) • Reporting and Database Schema (A.08.10 Sept. 2004) OVOU • OVOW Troubleshooting Guide – Version 2.01 Feb. 2004 • HP Systems Insight Manager Help Guide (356920-004 Nov. 2004 Ed. 1.3) • Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN): msdn.microsoft.com • Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) www.dmtf.org • HP Developers Site & Tools: devresource.hp.com • HP OpenView Data Extraction and Reporting (Version 1.02 Feb. 1999)
Thank You. Have a Great Conference. • Please remember to turn in the session review sheets.