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Veterans Sequential Intercept Model

Veterans Sequential Intercept Model. Sgt. David Cavanaugh Boise Police Department DCavanaugh@cityofboise.org. July 28, 2009. Boise Police shooting with a combat veteran. We already had a CIT program. This incident pushed our Veterans Court forward.

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Veterans Sequential Intercept Model

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  1. Veterans Sequential Intercept Model Sgt. David Cavanaugh Boise Police Department DCavanaugh@cityofboise.org

  2. July 28, 2009 • Boise Police shooting with a combat veteran. • We already had a CIT program. • This incident pushed our Veterans Court forward. • And also the need for a program geared toward veterans.

  3. Second Incident • Recently returned Vet • Living with parents • Passed out in room with rifle on chest • Chose to not force the issue • Called VA for follow-up • One week later at first appointment

  4. Other Incidents • There are multiple referrals (Intercepts) every week • We believe there at least 13 “saves”.

  5. December 1, 2011 • In December of 2011 our program was one of four Community Action Teams selected by the Pentagon Office of Warrior and Family Support. • I was able to present this program as a part of the Community Outreach Panel Discussion for Wounded Warriors/Veterans. • It is a great honor to be able to share what it has become today.

  6. Your Objectives • When you read the title of this workshop; • What were (are) your expectations? • What do you hope to get from our time together?

  7. Objectives • Recognize the four stages of the Intercept Program • Discuss how you might implement a similar program. • Create your own list of partners for a successful Intercept program.*

  8. Plus – Today Only! • Send me an email and ask for Intercept material. • Dcavanaugh@cityofboise.org • As with CIT the goal is to improve outcomes between veterans in crisis and LE.

  9. David Cavanaugh • Law Enforcement since 1990. • CIT Coordinator since 2007. • Veteran’s Intercept since 2009 as an off-shoot of CIT, Veteran’s Court and several specific incidents.

  10. We Are Very Good At Rescue

  11. We Need To Be Better Earlier

  12. FourStages Pre-Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Arrest/Jail Veteran’s Court

  13. Pre-Law Enforcement • Returning Veteran not as productive at work or school?

  14. Pre-Law Enforcement • Family notices drastic changes. • Veteran returns to school and has troubles. • LE Contact but the veteran is the victim or RP. • LE Contact and it’s the family asking for help. • Children’s behavior changes in school. • “Never tell anyone that there is nothing you can do for them.”

  15. Pre-Law Enforcement I.A.C.P. Website What about the officer who is returning from deployment?

  16. Law Enforcement Contact • Cops are Problem Solvers. • We arrive. • We assess. • We warn, cite or arrest. • We move on to the next call. • Crisis calls are frustrating to patrol officers. • As with CIT, this gives them resources.

  17. Contact & Follow-Up • Give the officers a single point of contact. • I have mine complete a report then the report to me. Or details if no report. • cc the officer when you forward the information. • Follow-up: make sure the officer knows the outcome. • No Black Holes! Quick “Atta Boys”.

  18. Contact & Follow-Up • My Veteran Contacts: • V.A. (2 main contacts) • Vet. Center (2 main contacts) • Veteran’s Network (2 main contacts) • National Guard (4 main contacts)

  19. As With CIT • Make it as easy, or easier to refer rather than arrest. • Make it rewarding by letting the officer know the outcome. • Give tools to the officers. • Praise them for correct behavior.

  20. Publicity • Somewhere in here this component must be included. • As with CIT, this program will not solve all problems. • Get some tame media folks. • Educate the people the media will go to. • Families, Groups, Service Providers, Local Government…

  21. Accommodation Registry • A method by which: • Accurate information gets to the officers while enroute to the call. • The officer may relay information to the care giver. • The officer may get a person in crisis help other than a “Hold”. • This will look different in most jurisdictions: • 24/7 access, Public Records Requests, Updated Data, Read/Write Access.

  22. Arrest/Jail • VA Criminal Justice Outreach Coordinator. • Veteran’s Groups Special Access. • Specific Jail Programs.

  23. Veteran’s Court • If you don’t have one already, I encourage you to start beating the drum. • How you accomplish this will vary. • Get a judge as early as you can. • Who will be involved will vary. • The rules for admission will vary. • But specialty courts work.

  24. Veteran’s Court • According to the National Association of Drug Court Professionals 70% of the veterans finish the programs, and 75% are not rearrested within two years. • National Drug Court resource Center 2012 article. • Of the ten Veteran’s Court in PA. • There is a 1% recidivism rate.

  25. Veteran’s Court • In 2000, the Conference of Chief Justices and Conference of State Court Administrators gave a joint seal of approval to the term “problem-solving courts,” and, even more significantly, they called for “the broad integration over the next decade of the principles and methods employed in the problem-solving courts into the administration of justice.” • The American Bar Association passed a similar resolution in 2002.

  26. Intercept Involvement Police – Sheriff – Jail – State Police Print Media Video Media Organizations NAMI * Contacts Kids Colleges Universities Teachers SROs H&W NAMI E.R.s Psych Hospitals Private Providers Thru PR Or Groups Prosecutors Defense Judges Probation Prisons National Guard V.A. Volunteer Groups

  27. Peer To Peer Mentors • Vital Component. • Ensure training. • Consider information release waivers. • Make them a part of the solution. • Be prepared to be a mediator between groups and organizations.

  28. Peer To Peer Mentors • Assemble a diverse group of volunteers. • Keep track of their basic service records. • Match up as close as possible with vet. • VA in our area presented four hour training. • Additional VA Orientation needs to happen. • Get Buy-In from mentors! • Hidden Agendas or “axes to grind” can be bad…

  29. Has This Been Helpful? • Do you have ideas that you can take back home? • We’d like to hear some thoughts on how you plan to tackle this.

  30. In Conclusion • Boise Police and the Veteran’s Network produced a video: • “Private Combat” • We gave NAMI Boise the rights to the video. • Order forms are on the NAMI Boise website; or I can email the form to you.

  31. In Conclusion

  32. In Conclusion

  33. As with CIT • The manner in which you execute this will vary. • The important part is to try. • It will be a long haul. • When we identified our first “save” we knew it was worth it.

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