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Edge-disjoint induced subgraphs with given minimum degree. Raphael Yuster. 2012. Problems concerning edge-disjoint subgraphs that share some specified property are extensively studied in graph theory. Many fundamental problems can be formulated in this way: Proper edge coloring,
Edge-disjoint induced subgraphs with given minimum degree Raphael Yuster 2012
Problems concerning edge-disjoint subgraphs that share some specified property are extensively studied in graph theory. Many fundamental problems can be formulated in this way: • Proper edge coloring, • Proper vertex coloring, • H-packing, … When we require the set of edge-disjoint subgraphs to be induced, any two subgraphs can only intersect in an independent set. Our main goal: determine (asymptotically) the maximum number of edge-disjoint induced subgraphs that share the basic property of having a given minimum degree.
Let fh(G)denote the maximum size of a set of edge-disjoint induced subgraphs of a graph G, each having minimum degree at least h. • Trivially, f1(G)equals the number of edges of G. • It is not difficult to construct examples of graphs with n vertices and medges for which already f2(G) =O(m2/n2). • Our main result proves that (for any fixed h) this bound is tight for all graphs that have a polynomial number of edges (otherwise there are some logarithmic factor), while, at the same time, keeping the intersection of any two subgraphs relatively small.
We make no attempt to optimize c (it is polynomial in α). • If m = Ω(n3/2) then the intersection is only 1. • The number of subgraphs cm2/(h2n2) is actually optimal also w.r.t. the dependence on h(so it is tight up to a constant factor). • The intersection size is optimal in the sense that n3/m2cannot be improved to (n3/m2)1-εfor any ε.
Tightness of cardinality In-x Kx Allx(n-x)edges Choose: x(x-1)/2+x(n-x) ~ m x ≤ 2m/n A subgraph with minimum degreehmust contain at least h vertices fromKx and hence all its edges.
Tightness of intersection We want to prove that there are graphs with m~ n1+α edges such that inany set of n2α ~ m2/n2 edge-disjoint induced subgraphs with min. degreeat least hthere are at two subgraphs having intersection n1-2α ~ n3/m2. • Now use the random graph G(n,p) with p ~nα-1. • Next, prove that whp, for large enough (but constant) h, every subgraphwith k≤n1-α vertices has less than hk/2 edges. • Thus, every subgraph with minimum degree h has to contain at leastn1-α vertices. • Now, use the lemma with F being a maximum cardinality set of inducedsubgraphs with minimum degree at least h.
Balanced graphs • A graph is balancedif its average degree is not smaller than the average • degree of any of its subgraphs. • As the average degree of a graph with nvertices and medges is 2m/n,a balanced graph has the property that any subgraph with n' verticeshas at most n'm/nedges. • Some examples of balanced graphs are complete graphs,complete bipartite graphs, and trees. balanced: 9/6 = 6/4 Non balanced: 7/5 < 6/4
Reducing to the case of balanced graphs • Instead of proving the main result for all graphs with n ≥ N(α,h) , let’sreduce to proving it for balanced graph with at least N*(α,h) vertices: • We are given a graph G with n ≥ N(α,h)vertices and m ≥ n1+αedges. • Let G’ be a subgraph with the least number of vertices n' < nandwith m' edges for which m'/n' ≥m/n.By minimality, G’ is balanced. • We claim that n'≥ N* . (for the choice N=(N*)1/α) • As m/n ≥n αand since the average degree of any graph is less than its number of vertices, we must have • n' > 2m'/n' ≥ 2m/n ≥ 2nα ≥2Nα≥N* • By the reduced theorem G’ has the required set of subgraphs of size • c(m’)2/(h2(n’)2) ≥ cm2/(h2n2)
A naïve attempt • It is easy to see that a balanced graph is d-degenerate for d = 2m/n: Indeed, as long as there is a vertex with degree at most d, delete it and continue. The process must end with the empty graph. • As a d -degenerate graph is (d+1)-colorable, we have that a balanced graph can be colored with 2m/n+ 1colors. • So, we have found ~ m2/n2induced edge-disjoint (in fact bipartite) subgraphs that correspond to pairs of color classes. • But there are problems: • Most of them may be too sparse and not contain subgraphs with the required minimum degree. • Color classes may be huge (in fact, the average size of a color class is already ~ n2/m and thus, two subgraphs may have large intersection.
A coloring lemma for balanced graphs • Instead, we require a more “balanced” coloring of a balanced graph where we do have control over the density of edges between a color class and the other vertices. Color classes will be grouped to form subgraphs No two color classes will be in the same group. Important for controlling dependencies in a later probabilistic argument
Proof idea of lemma • We will partition the vertex set into many (but constant number of) parts according to their degrees: • Smaller parts will contain high degree vertices while larger parts will contain smaller degree vertices. • We make sure that the induced subgraph in each part has relatively small maximum degree. • We properly color each part using an equitable coloring (this is very important). A proper vertex coloring is equitableif the numbers of vertices in any two color classes differ by at most one. A fundamental theorem of Hajnal & Szemerédi:Any graph with maximum degree dhas an equitable coloring with d +1colors.
Projective planes and graph decomposition • Recall: for any prime power p, there exists a projective plane of order p, denoted by PG(p). • In graph-theoretic terms, if r = p2+p+1, the complete graph Krcan be decomposed into r pairwise edge-disjoint cliques of order p+1. • The vertices of Krcorrespond to the points of PG(p) and the cliques in the partition correspond to the lines of PG(p). • For example, the Fano plane (the case p = 2) corresponds to a decomposition of K7into 7pairwise edge-disjoint triangles. • For an r-partite graph Rand 1 ≤ t ≤r, an induced subgraph of Rconsisting of preciselytparts is called a full t-partite subgraphof R. • An r-partite graph has precisely full t-partite subgraphs, • We allow some parts to be empty sets, so under this assumption,empty parts are considered distinct.
Mapping independent sets into a projective plane • A bijection πfrom the points of PG(p)to the parts on an r-partite graph R (recall r = p2+p+1) defines a mapping between the lines of PG(p)and their corresponding full (p+1)-partite subgraphs. • Equivalently, πdefines a set Lπof r full (p+1)-partite subgraphs of R, where any two subgraphs in Lπ are edge-disjoint. • We call Lπ a projective decomposition of R. • There are r!projective decompositions.
Proof of Theorem 1 • We outline the case m = O(n3/2)(the denser case is a bit simpler). • Recall that by Lemma 3, we have colored our balanced graph G with r colors where r ~ . • We may assume that r = p2+p+1 as otherwise we can add a few empty color classes and still p ~ (Bertrand’s postulate). • Denote the color classes by C1,…,Crso by Lemma 3 we also have: • e(Ci, V(G)-Ci) n • By Lemma 4, what remains is to study the properties of a random element of Sp+1(a randomly chosen full (p+1)-partite subgraph),namely - the edge density of a random selection of p+1 color classes.
Proof of Theorem 1 (cont.) • This is easy because p ~ and because each |So we only need Markov’s inequality.
Proof of Theorem 1 (cont.) • The proof of this lemma is somewhat involved and requires careful analysis of the dependencies between pairs of edges whose endpoints share a color class.This is where we need to use the property that e(Ci, V(G)-Ci) n. • By Lemma 5 and Lemma 6 we have that with high probability (> 1/5), a randomly selected element of Sp+1 is sufficiently dense: • By our choice of it has average degree at least 2h. • So the expected number of elements is a random projective decomposition (i.e. set of edge-disjoint induced subgraphs) that have a subgraph with minimum degree at least h is at least • ~ . • Any two subgraphs intersect in at most one color class, so the intersection is at most • .
Concluding remarks • The proof of Theorem 1is algorithmic. • a projective plane of order p is elementary constructed from the addition and multiplication tables of a field with p elements. • The major algorithmic component is an implementation of Lemma 3 (balanced graph coloring lemma). The coloring constructed there requires a recent result of [KKMS-2010] (algorithmic version of the Hajnal-Szemerédi Theorem). • If mis very close to linear (say, m = n log n) the proof of Lemma 3 introduces a logarithmic factor. It may be interesting to determine if this is essential. • Although we proved that the term n3/m2 for the intersection size cannot be improved to (n3/m2)1-εfor any ε, it may be to prove that it cannot be improved even by logarithmic factors.