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( Question words ?)

( Question words ?). Vamos aprender. ¿ las interrogativas ?. THE SPANISH SPA We take away the stress of planning !. question WORDS ?. Cómo ( co-moe ) Cuándo ( kwan-doh ) Cuánto ( kwan-toh ) Dónde (don- deh ) Por qué ( poor-keh ). Qué ( keh ) Cuál ( koal ) Quién ( keyen )

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( Question words ?)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. (Questionwords?) Vamosaprender ¿lasinterrogativas? THE SPANISH SPA Wetakeawaythe stress of planning!

  2. questionWORDS? Cómo(co-moe) Cuándo(kwan-doh) Cuánto(kwan-toh) Dónde (don-deh) Porqué(poor-keh) Qué(keh) Cuál(koal) Quién(keyen) A quéhora(ah-keh- orah) Adónde(ah-don-deh) ¡¡OTRA VEZ!!

  3. questionWORDS? Qué(keh) Cuál(koal) Quién(keyen) A quéhora(ah-keh- orah) Adónde(ah-don-deh) Cómo(co-moe) Cuándo(kwan-doh) Cuánto(kwan-toh) Dónde (don-deh) Porqué(poor-keh) NOTE: Allquestionswords in Spanishhaveaccents. Questions in Spanishhaveanupsidedownquestionmark in thebeginning of a question and endwiththeuprightquestionmark . Forexample: (á,é,í,ó,ú) ¿ Cómo te llamas ?

  4. QUESTION WORD SONG(To the tune of “Jingle Bells”) Got a question, wanttoaskit , thisiswhatyousay…….. Cómo – how Cuándo – when Cuánto is how much Dónde – where Porqué is why Porque is because Qué is what Cuál is which Quién is who or whom A quéhora – at what time Adónde is where to (*)Porque isallonewordwithoutanaccent. ¡¡OTRA VEZ!!

  5. QUESTION WORD SONG(To the tune of “Jingle Bells”) Got a question, wanttoaskit , thisiswhatyousay…….. Cómo – how Cuándo – when Cuánto is how much Dónde – where is why Porque is because Qué is what Cuál is which Quién is who or whom A quéhora – at what time Adónde is where to (*)Porque isallonewordwithoutanaccent. Porqué

  6. THE SPANISH SPA • Ifyouenjoyedthispowerpointpresentation, TheSpanish Spa has much more toofferfor a lowprice. • CHECK OUT OUR OTHER LESSON PLANS: • Thealphabetsong in Spanish (ABC song), Themonthsong, Thedays of theweeksong, Thebirthdaysongs, SpanishPhonics, Howtoconjugatear, er and ir verbs, Usingtheverb “estar” toexpressemotionssinging, Ifyou are happy and youknowit,Time tellingworksheet, Classroomexpressionshandoutand much more to come. • Teachers, letustakeawayyourstress of planning. • Also, remember, teaching and learning a foreignlanguageshouldbefun and ourlessons are fun, “divertido”!!!! • Pleaseletusknowwhatyouthinkabout of ourfreebie! ¡GRACIAS!……..TheSpanish Spa

  7. Objective: Studentswilllearnthequestionwords in Spanishsingingtheholidaysong, jingle bells. • Levels: Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Homeschooler • Procedure: • Havestudents listen and thenpracticepronunciation of thequestionwords. • Singthequestionwordsong.

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