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Science of Hotel Optimization Rooms Revenue Workshop

Science of Hotel Optimization Rooms Revenue Workshop. Day 1: Data Day 2: Analysis Day 3: Optimization. 50 minute periods. 10 minute break every 50 minutes. http://www.forsmarthotels.com/sohodocs. Ask every question. Dozens of Books, Lectures, Courses in 4 hrs . Contribute examples.

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Science of Hotel Optimization Rooms Revenue Workshop

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  1. Science of Hotel OptimizationRooms Revenue Workshop Day 1: Data Day 2: Analysis Day 3: Optimization

  2. 50 minute periods. 10 minute break every 50 minutes. http://www.forsmarthotels.com/sohodocs SOHO Day 1

  3. Ask every question. Dozens of Books, Lectures, Courses in 4 hrs. Contribute examples. Give me a Pace. I will go back. SOHO Day 1

  4. Day 1 Objectives Hour 1 • The Analytic RM • Hotel Data Science • Databases & Data Access Hour 2 • PMS Databases • MS Query Tool Hour 3 • Opera Data Tables • OLAP Tools (Pivot Table) • SQL Queries Hour 4 • SQL Queries • Excel Criteria Functions SOHO Day 1

  5. What is Analytics? • Not Reporting. • Misused and Abused. e.g. “Luxury” Applying mathematics to data to extract insights that lead to better decisions. SOHO Day 1

  6. The ‘M’ Word SOHO Day 1

  7. The Analytic RM • The Talent Shortage • 50% shortage in analytic positions by 2018. • The Hotel RM experience. • Analytic maturity. • 1-2% use RMS. • Black box algorithms. • Era of Rate Distribution ROI is over. • Incremental value of RM. SOHO Day 1

  8. Who would you pick to do your taxes? Bookkeeper Accountant SOHO Day 1

  9. The Analytic RM SOHO Day 1

  10. The Revenue Manager of 2023 Skillset Probability Statistics Analytics Toolbox Data & Granularity Choice & Demand Modeling Guest Behavior Drivers Forecasts Optimization Market Biases Rhythm of Business Communication SOHO Day 1

  11. The Hotel Data Scientist • Harvard Business Review. • Many disciplines. • Broad skill set. • Not from hospitality. • Ability to think “nerd” and speak “business”. • One foot in IT and one foot in the boardroom. • Extracts profit from data. • Start in RM. “This Workshop is your launch point.” SOHO Day 1

  12. Data Science Pyramid SOHO Data Science Prescriptive Day 3 Day 2 Predictive Day 1 Descriptive SOHO Day 1

  13. Your new world view • Data in its native environment. • At the databases level • Think “The Matrix”. • Put your “tech” hat on. SOHO Day 1

  14. Databases • A set of spreadsheet-like tables. • Multiple tables for efficiency. • Works hidden behind transaction software. SOHO Day 1

  15. Relational Occupancy Graph Reservation Entry Client Reservation Guest Profile Room Types OOOs Database SOHO Day 1

  16. Simple PMS Schema Unique keys connect each record(row). You must reconnect these tables to get all the data. SOHO Day 1

  17. Databases: Important Definitions Table: related data grid. Schema: Organization of tables Fact : Transaction e.g. Rate Paid one night Dimension: Explains Fact e.g. Source, Room Type Granularity : Level of detail e.g. POS has ticket detail Columns: Field Data Dictionary: Explains tables & columns. Warehouse: An organized copy. SOHO Day 1

  18. PMS Database Vendors Two licenses SOHO Day 1

  19. Opera Tables: Reservations History Sample company Upper Creek Resort 100 Rooms RESERVATION_DAILY_ELEMENTS Organized by Night RESERVATION_DAILY_ELEMENTS_NAME Organized by Reservation SOHO Day 1

  20. ODBC • Open Database Connection. • “Like rubbing the lamp.” • Access data via ODBC client. • Driver available from each database vendor (not PMS) for FREE. • Usually installed by IT. • Oracle ODBC client at Instructions at sohodocs. SOHO Day 1

  21. Four Data Table Analysis tools • Query Wizard – MS Query • OLAP – Picot Table • SQL • Excel – Multi-Criterion Functions SOHO Day 1

  22. MSQUERY • The most common operation for a business analyst is the query. • MSQuery is the simplest way to query a database. • Built into Excel. • Database agnostic. Vendor Neutral. • Creates a Real-time link to data. Data > From Other Sources > From Microsoft Query SOHO Day 1

  23. MSQUERY Connect Update Refresh SOHO Day 1

  24. Query Wizard Select Table Select Columns Filter Return Sort SOHO Day 1

  25. MS Query power tools • Criteria > Add Criteria • Table > Add Tables • Drag and Drop Join SOHO Day 1

  26. Excel Table • Behaves like a database table. • For related data. • Header Row • Filters • Sorting • Calculated Columns • Formatting • Insert/Delete • Structured references Instead of C2 [@[RESV_DAILY_EL_SEQ]] SOHO Day 1

  27. Pivot Table • OLAP Tool • Fast way to investigate data. • Multi-dimensional • Multi-perspectives • Drill-down • Slicing more at sohodocs Insert > Pivot Table SOHO Day 1

  28. Pivot Table What you are measuring • Values The Dimensions • Columns • Rows Slice of the data • Filters Tips • Start with the end in mind • Creative Thinking SOHO Day 1

  29. SQL: Standard Query Language • Common Language for Database • A very specific way to ask a database a question. • Universal ANSI standard. • We will use the query part. • DML Data manipulation language. • “The coding” is sensitive. SOHO Day 1

  30. Types of SQL Developed to connect data source to a programming language. Slight variations in code. SOHO Day 1

  31. SELECT • To select the columns to return. • What is to be returned. • “*” represents all SELECT column_name,column_name SOHO Day 1

  32. FROM • Defines the Table(s) to be used • Always required. [Database].[Table] SELECT column_name,column_name FROM table_name; SELECT RESV_NAME_ID FROM `C:\SOHODAY1.xlsx`.`Element$` SOHO Day 1

  33. WHERE • Your filters • Use operators • =, >, >=, <, <= • Between • In (list) • Multiple Conditions joined by “and” SELECT column_name,column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name operator value; SELECT * FROM `C:\SOHODAY1.xlsx`.`Element$` WHERE (RESERVATION_DATE>{ts '2012-01-01 00:00:00'}) SOHO Day 1

  34. JOINS SELECT * FROM `C:\SOHODAY1.xlsx`.`Element_Name$` `C:\SOHODAY1.xlsx`.`Elements$` WHERE `Elements$`.RESV_DAILY_EL_SEQ = `Element_Name$`.RESV_DAILY_EL_SEQ SOHO Day 1

  35. GROUP BY • Group Functions • Common Arithmetic Count, Sum, Max, Min, Avg SELECT RESERVATION_DATE, SUM(RATE_AMOUNT), SUM(QUANTITY) FROM `C:\SOHODAY1.xlsx`.`Element$` WHERE (RESERVATION_DATE>{ts '2012-01-01 00:00:00'}) GROUP BY RESERVATION_DATE SOHO Day 1

  36. ALIASES • Renames a column in query • Careful not to use database or SQL words SELECT RESERVATION_DATE STAY, SUM(RATE_AMOUNT) REVENUE, SUM(QUANTITY) NIGHTS FROM `C:\SOHODAY1.xlsx`.`Element$` WHERE (RESERVATION_DATE>{ts '2012-01-01 00:00:00'}) GROUP BY RESERVATION_DATE SOHO Day 1

  37. Excel Vlookup • Go get data according to a match • Searches first column. • VLOOKUP( DATA TO MATCH, DATA GRID, COLUMN TO SEARCH, TYPE OF MATCH) SOHO Day 1

  38. Excel Multiple Criteria Functions • COUNTIFS • COUNTIFS(Column, Criteria,Column2, Criteria2,…) • SUMIFS • SUMIFS(Column to Sum,Column,Criteria1,…) • AVERAGEIFS Criteria filter – “operator”& e.g. “>=“&25 SOHO Day 1

  39. What we covered? • The New RM • Data • Databases • Tables • Columns • Dimensions • MSQuery • Pivot Table • SQL • Excel SOHO Day 1

  40. Next Friday: Analysis • Probability • Variance • Expected Value • Demand Curves • Forecasting SOHO Day 1

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