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AMES Space Science & Astrobiology Division Strategic Plan YIR

AMES Space Science & Astrobiology Division Strategic Plan YIR. Laboratory Astrophysics and Astrochemistry. L. Allamandola , S. Bejaoui , P. Bera , C. Boersma , J. Bregman , G. Cruz-Diaz, D. Dubois, L. Gavilan, X. Huang,

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AMES Space Science & Astrobiology Division Strategic Plan YIR

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  1. AMES Space Science & Astrobiology Division Strategic Plan YIR Laboratory Astrophysics and Astrochemistry L. Allamandola, S. Bejaoui, P. Bera, C. Boersma, J. Bregman, G. Cruz-Diaz, D. Dubois, L. Gavilan, X. Huang, T. Lee, A. Mattioda, M. Nuevo, A. Ricca, J. Roser, F. Salama, S. Sandford, E. Sciamma-O’Brien, M. Shannon • Laboratory Astrophysics and Astrochemistry (Lab Astro):a multi-disciplinary field bringing together laboratory experiments, theoretical modeling, computational chemistry, • and astronomical observations to understand the Molecular Universe and its connections to Exoplanets, the Solar System, and Astrobiology. • Lab Astro capabilities at NASA Ames: • The Molecular Universe: UV through Far-IR characterization of PAHs and carbonaceous • molecules, formation mechanisms and characterization of cosmic grain analogs, • Raman and IR characterization of ices and ice mixtures, optical constants and • photochemistry of ices, ice–grain interaction • Astrobiology: Ice photolysis and irradiated residues, prebiotic molecule formation • processes, evolution of organic matter in space environments • Solar System Objects: Comets, meteorites, asteroids, pre-solar materials, returned • samples, planetary atmospheric chemistry and surface chemistry of Io, Moon, Pluto, • Venus, Titan…(observations, modeling, IR, Raman, XANES, GC-MS, TOF-MS, SEM) • Exoplanets: atmospheres, spectral lines, opacities, (experiments, observations, modeling) • Database capability: PAHdb, Ramdb, line lists, optical constants database

  2. AMES Space Science & Astrobiology Division Strategic Plan YIR Summary of Year 1 Progress Lab Astro ISFM Directed Work Package (ApD/PSD)! Supports Ames Lab Astro research (PAHdb, experiment, theory) as a critical asset for JWST. Grants supporting lab astro research - Ongoing: 1 PDART, 1 NAI CAN 7, 2 APRA, 2 SSW, 1 ADAP, 1 EW - New in 2018: 1 APRA, 1 SSW, 1 CDAP, 1 LARS/EW (major funding to upgrade and expand lab) - TWSC to support IAU symposium on Laboratory Astrophysics Published 20+ papers in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings Implementing new laboratory facilities that expand the Lab Astro capabilities at Ames. - ICEE – new Raman microscope spectrometer + e-gun for ices, ice–grain mixtures, returned samples.- COSmIC – Developing high resolution IR Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy system. - Developing optical constant facility. New FTIR spectrometer. Improved optical constant code. - PAH lifetime measurement capability using the FLEXEMS instrument (Bramall et al. NASA-SBIR). Improved Ames databases’ contents, user tools, and online infrastructure PAH database, Ames Molecular Spectroscopic database (CO2/SO2). Developed new theoretical methods - New "Theory+Expt" approach to improve microwave prediction accuracy. - New methods for investigating formation pathways and spectroscopic properties for astrophysical and astrobiological molecules using ab initio quantum chemical techniques. Increased Lab Astro workforce: 1 new CS hire

  3. AMES Space Science & Astrobiology Division Strategic Plan YIR Year 1 Milestones Progress Milestone 1: Develop a strategic direction for the lab, upgrade and replace critical laboratory equipment Progress: The new ISFM work package, NAI, and EW/LARS funding contributed to strategic directions for the Lab Astro group:becoming the Agency’s IR capability in support of JWST and other IR missions and further enabling participation in OSIRIS-REx sample study & organics/ice evolution in protosolar disks studies. These funding sources also provided essential equipment upgrades and improvements. Milestones 2 and 3: Incorporate new PAH IR spectra, anharmonic corrections, and new computational tools into PAHdb. Migrate data into a publically accessible archive Progress: 1400 PAH IR spectra added to PAHdb. Spectra of PAHs in astrophysical ices. Anharmonic spectra of PAHs. Expansion of PAHdb Python suite for enabling research. Milestones 4 and 5: Work with JWST teams to provide critical data. Identify PAH and other astrophysics, astrochemistry, and astrobiology needs for JWST, WFIRST, SOFIA… Progress: Lab Astro team members are members of funded SOFIA proposals, participants in JWST Early Release Science (ERS) projects and JWST GTO collaborations, and are exploring JWST GO proposals. Collaboration through a Space Act agreement with the Dutch Astrochemistry Network (DAN II).

  4. AMES Space Science & Astrobiology Division Strategic Plan YIR • Coming year challenges and plans/milestones • New hiresto replenish the Lab Astro workforce and retain skilled non-CS workforce • Post-NAI transition: continuity of astrobiological research by Lab Astro team members • Achieve ISFM work package year one milestones(JWST, planetary missions) • Continue expanding PAHdb and associated research-enabling tools • Install high-resolution, gas-phase IR-CRDS on COSmIC • Install 100 keV electron gun for Raman, IR, UV-Vis and MS studies on ICEE • Establish Ramdb (Raman spectral database of organic-ice mixtures) • Further expand laboratory capabilities and upgrade equipment • Complete milestones for currently funded work, e.g., • Theoretical + experimental research on organic matter (OSIRIS-Rex), and planetary atmosphere and surface analogs (Cassini, New Horizon) • Theoretical + experimental investigations of aromatic molecules and cosmic grains (JWST) • Ro-vibrational line lists needed to characterize exoplanets (JWST) • Identify other astrophysics, astrochemistry and astrobiology laboratory needs associated with PAHs, ices, and organics to support NASA missions (JWST, WFIRST, SOFIA, OSIRIS-Rex, ISS space exposure experiments) + other agencies (JAXA/Hayabusa2) and develop new avenues for funding stream. • Continue engagement with Division, Center, and HQ to maintain established communications, strategic direction, and progress

  5. AMES Space Science & Astrobiology Division Strategic Plan YIR • Years 2-10 Milestones 2–5 year milestones • Achieve work package milestones for subsequent years: • Provide high resolution gas-phase IR spectroscopic measurements in support of JWST • Expand optical constants capabilities (greater wavelength coverage, upgrades for better performance and sensitivity, reflectance measurements, ultra-high vacuum, etc.) • Create databases for small molecules and optical constants, Raman calculations uploaded to Ramdb, develop a unified database capability (laboratory/theoretical data + associated tools). • Theoretical and experimental research on radiation processing of organic matter, photo-processing of ices, and returned sample analysis in support of OSIRIS-REx, SOFIA, JWST, etc. • Laboratory and theoretical simulations of the atmospheric and surface chemistry of Solar System objects (lunar regolith, Pluto, Titan, asteroids, meteorites) and exoplanets in support of missions • Leverage international collaborations with the DAN (Dutch Astrochemistry Network), NAPA (North American PAH Alliance), through JWST-ERS, etc. 6–10 year milestones • Continued support of JWST and other NASA IR missions through ISFM work packages and associated Lab Astro research • Involvement in current and future sample return missions through laboratory facility development for sample analysis (Stardust, OSIRIS-REx, Hayabusa2, CAESAR, CORSAIR) • Continue support of Astrobiology through investigations regarding the formation of prebiotic molecules and their distribution throughout the Solar System. • Continue to extend collaborations with other divisions, NASA centers as well as US and international universities and institutions to increase the science return

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