Asthma Matías Melgar
Introduction Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma may cause a whistling sound, chest tightness, and coughs. It is not known what is the exact cause but researcher found some causes. It has many effects and in some cases you may die.
Definition Asthma is a serious continuing lung disease that inflames and reduces the airways. Asthma makes a whistling sound when you breathe, chest tightness, lack of breath, and coughing.
*The exact cause of asthma isn’t known, but it may be by this causes
Effects Asthma may cause you to miss or don’t so a physical activity. In case with severe asthma, just walking around, may cause you an asthma attack. In some cases you will need to learn a medication routine to manage asthma. During asthma attacks you may have to miss work or school. In some cases asthma may cause a permanent narrowed airways. Some people with asthma medications may come addicted of the medications. The most serious effect occurs when an asthma attack becomes so severe it completely block the airways, and if it is not treated, you may die
*Asthma cannot be cured, but it can be controlled with good asthma management. The first step is environmental control. Asmatics cannot escape the enviroment, but through changes, they controlled it.