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Determination of Inter- and Intra-Laminar G Ic and G IIc in GFRP Pipes Using an Hybrid Numerical/Experimental Methodology. Hugo Faria Marcelo F. S. F. de Moura. Porto, Portugal. Faculty of Dental Medicine. Faculty of Psychology. Faculty of Medicine. Faculty of Sport.
Determination of Inter- and Intra-Laminar GIc and GIIc in GFRP Pipes Using an Hybrid Numerical/Experimental Methodology Hugo Faria Marcelo F. S. F. de Moura ECCM14, Budapest
Porto, Portugal CompTest2011, Lausanne
Faculty of Dental Medicine Faculty of Psychology Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Sport Faculty of Economy INESC Faculty of Engineering INEGI CompTest2011, Lausanne
Overview • Introduction • Background • Numerical/Experimental Methodology • Results • Conclusions • Present and Future Work CompTest2011, Lausanne
Introduction Context • Recent projects conducted by INEGI/FEUP related to GFRP Pipes: • (2000-2005) FP5 Project – “GRP Design & Test” • co-normative project (EN1227; EN1447; EN705; …); • short-, medium- and long-term mechanical tests (<10000h). • (2003-2006) FCT Project – “Previsão Propriedades Longo Prazo Tubagens PRFV” • material characterization tests; • test data extrapolation methods; • numerical modelling. • (2004-2005) MSc Thesis – “Failure Behaviour of GFRP Pipes Under Ring Deflection Loading Condition” • (2008-2010) Real Production Tests • Monitoring and Optimization of the winding of large GFRP pipes CompTest2011, Lausanne
Introduction Objectives • The main objectives of this work are: • correct modelling of the “macroscopic” behaviour of GFRP Pipes up to failure under two loading cases: internal pressure and ring deflection; • correct modelling of the damage phenomena leading to failure at the meso-scale; • determination of the physical parameters governing the damage behaviour; • validation of the ability to develop reallistic models for curved laminates, in view of more complex models and applications. CompTest2011, Lausanne
Background Typical Loading Cases Under-Soil Pipings EN1226 EN1227 Pressurized Flow Pipings EN1447 CompTest2011, Lausanne
Background Composite Laminates Damage Modelling Cohesive Elements σ = D δ σ = ( I – E ) D δ CompTest2011, Lausanne
Numerical/Experimental Methodology Specimens Specifications of the sample pipes used in this study CompTest2011, Lausanne
Numerical/Experimental Methodology Testing Campaigns Internal Pressure Tests CompTest2011, Lausanne
Numerical/Experimental Methodology Testing Campaigns Ring Deflection Tests CompTest2011, Lausanne
Numerical/Experimental Methodology Assumptions 3D model – 1 layer ±α 52,5º 29kg Verification: pipes with 90º oriented layers don’t present edge effects and therefore have longitudinally uniform behaviour 90º Assumption: pipes with 90º oriented layers can be properly modelled in 2D CompTest2011, Lausanne
Numerical/Experimental Methodology Assumptions Assumption: due to the axissymmetry of the pipe section, it can be modelled through an hal-section CompTest2011, Lausanne
Numerical/Experimental Methodology Assumptions Assumption: due to the axissymmetry of the pipe section, it can be modelled through an hal-section CompTest2011, Lausanne
Numerical/Experimental Methodology 2D Models σ = D δ σ = ( I – E ) D δ CompTest2011, Lausanne
Numerical/Experimental Methodology 2D models CompTest2011, Lausanne
Results Ring Deflection buckling of outer plies Progression of fibre rupture through the cross charged section CompTest2011, Lausanne
Results Ring Deflection CompTest2011, Lausanne
Results Internal Pressure CompTest2011, Lausanne
Results Internal Pressure experimental failure CompTest2011, Lausanne
Results Critical Fracture Energies • 0.2 kJ/m2 < GId < 0.3 kJ/m2 • 0.45 < GId / GIId < 0.50 • 400 < GIf/GId < 600 CompTest2011, Lausanne
Conclusions • FEM models able to simulate quantitatively and qualitatively the behaviour of GFRP pipes up to failure under internal pressure and ring deflection loading were successfully established ; • the slope of the “macro-curves” P-d and P-σθ is determined by the elastic-apparent modulus, E1, and the thickness, t; • the “failure initiation” point is determined by GIf , GId e σu; • the experimental/numerical methodology allows an easier determination of the critical values for the energy release rates of these curved laminates CompTest2011, Lausanne
Present and Future Work • experimental measurement of the stress/strain state for comparison; • generalization/validation of the methodology in other types of GFRP pipes and laminates; • generalization/validation of the methodology for other loading cases; • refine the study in order to reduce the range of admissibility for GIf, and GId; CompTest2011, Lausanne
Acknowledgments • Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) • Growth Programme of FP5 (EC) • Prof. Rui M. Guedes CompTest2011, Lausanne
? Discussion Hugo Faria hfaria@inegi.up.pt COMET ModEFil SEAFLOOR CompTest2011, Lausanne
Projects Overview ModEFil Numerical Modelling of the Filament Winding Process CompTest2011, Lausanne
Projects Overview Domestic Gas Container OP: 8 bar | TP: 30 bar | BP: > 60 bar Steel Liner | GF/PP COMET CompTest2011, Lausanne
Projects Overview Hyperbaric Chamber OP: 200 bar | TP: 320 bar | BP: > 600 bar Steel Liner | Biocompatible Internal Layer | CF/Epoxy SEAFLOOR CompTest2011, Lausanne
Projects Overview Water Tank OP: 06 bar | TP: 15 bar RESCOMPRE PE Liner | Metallic Ends | GF/UP CompTest2011, Lausanne
Projects Overview SENSEFIL Online Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessels (COPV) CompTest2011, Lausanne
Projects Overview Numerical Simulation of the Failure Behaviour of GFRP Wound Pipes GFRPSIM CompTest2011, Lausanne
Projects Overview Numerical Simulation of the Failure Behaviour of GFRP Wound Pipes GFRPSIM Cohesive Interface Elements CompTest2011, Lausanne
Projects Overview THINCO GF/UP |Thickness: < 250 µm CompTest2011, Lausanne