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Impressionism . These painters worked quickly . They wanted to show light and color at one moment in time.
Impressionism. Thesepaintersworkedquickly. Theywantedto show light and color at onemoment in time. Was a 19th-century art movementthatoriginatedwith a group of Paris-basedartistswhoseindependentexhibitionsbroughtthemtoprominenceduringthe 1870s and 1880s. Thename of thestyleisderivedfromthetitle of a Claude Monetwork, Impression, soleillevant (Impression, Sunrise), whichprovokedthecriticLouis Leroytocointheterm in a satiricreviewpublished in theParisiannewspaperLe Charivari. Characteristics of Impressionistpaintingsincluderelativelysmall, thin, yet visible brushstrokes; open composition; emphasisonaccuratedepiction of light in itschangingqualities (oftenaccentuatingtheeffects of thepassage of time); Thedevelopment of Impressionism in thevisual artswassoonfollowedbyanalogousstyles in other media whichbecameknown as Impressionistmusic and Impressionistliterature. brushstrokes.- Action of paintingusingthebrushrapidly. IMPRESSIONISM
BirthnameOscar-Claude MonetBorn14 November 1840(1840-11-14)Paris, FranceDied5 December 1926(1926-12-05) (aged 86)Giverny, FranceNationalityFrenchFieldPainterMovementImpressionism
WorksImpression, SunriseRouen Cathedral seriesLondon Parliament seriesWater LiliesHaystacksPoplarsPatronsGustaveCaillebotte, Ernest Hoschedé, Georges ClemenceauInfluencedbyEugèneBoudin, Johan Jongkind, Gustave Courbet Claude Monet (14 November 1840 – 5 December 1926) was a founder of Frenchimpressionistpainting, ThetermImpressionismisderivedfromthetitle of hispaintingImpression, Sunrise(Impression, soleillevant).Hisfatherwantedhimtogointothefamilygrocerybusiness, butMonetwantedtobecomeanartist. Hismotherwas a singer.On 1 April 1851, Monetentered Le Havresecondaryschool of the arts. Localsknewhimwellforhischarcoal caricatures, which he wouldsellfor ten totwentyfrancs. BoudintaughtMonet "en plein air" (outdoor) techniquesforpainting.[5]Bothreceivedtheinfluence of Johan BartholdJongkind.On 28 January 1857, hismotherdied. At theage of sixteen, he leftschool and wenttolivewithhiswidowedchildlessaunt, Marie-Jeanne Lecadre.
Birthname ÉdouardManet Born 23 January 1832(1832-01-23)Paris Died 30 April 1883(1883-04-30) (aged 51)Paris Nationality French Field Painting, printmaking Movement Realism, Impressionism
Works The Luncheon on the Grass (Le déjeunersurl'herbe), 1863Olympia, 1863A Bar at the Folies-Bergère (Le Bar aux Folies-Bergère), 1882 Young Flautist or The Fifer (Le Fifre), 1866 Bornintoanupperclasshouseholdwithstrongpoliticalconnections, Manetrejectedthefutureoriginallyenvisionedforhim, and becameengrossed in theworld of painting. Thelast 20 years of Manet'slifesawhimformbondswithothergreatartists of the time, and develophisownstylethatwouldbeheralded as innovative and serve as a majorinfluenceforfuturepainters. One of thefirst 19th-century artiststoapproachmodern-lifesubjects, he was a pivotal figure in thetransitionfromRealismtoImpressionism.
Nombre de nacimiento VincentWillem van Gogh Nacimiento 30 de marzo de 1853 Fallecimiento 29 de julio de 1890 (37 años)Auvers-sur-Oise, Francia Nacionalidad Países Bajos Área Pintura Hisfatherwas a protestantminister. In 1886 he wentto Paris tojoinhisbrotherThéo, the manager of Goupil'sgallery. In Paris, van GoghstudiedwithCormon, inevitablymetPissarro, Monet, and Gauguin, and begantolightenhisverydarkpalette and topaint in the short brushstrokes of theImpressionists. Neartheend of 1888. anincidentled Gauguin toultimatelyleave Arles, Van Goghpursuedhimwithan open razor, wasstoppedby Gauguin, butended up cutting a portion of hisownearlobe off. Van Goghthenbegantoalternatebetweenfits of madness and lucidity and wassenttotheasylum in Saint-Remy fortreatment.