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Information Source. Richardson, John H. ” Keystone.” Esquire September 2012; 179 – 191. Print. The Keystone Pipeline: Pros. Oil Supply The Keystone Pipeline will carry 1 million barrels per day to the Texas Gulf Coast .
Information Source Richardson, John H. ” Keystone.” Esquire September 2012; 179 – 191. Print.
The Keystone Pipeline: Pros Oil Supply • The Keystone Pipeline will carry 1 million barrels per day to the Texas Gulf Coast. • 5 million barrels per day projected level of production over the next two decades, from a stable, reliable source that is one of the US’ most valued trading partners. • The world consumes 30 billion barrels of oil annually.
The Keystone Pipeline: Pros Economic Benefits • $1.7 trillion estimated benefit to the Canadian economy over the next 25 years. • $45 billion per year estimated benefit to the U. S. economy.
The Keystone Pipeline: Pros Jobs • Half a million jobs created in the US by the year 2035. • 10 – 20,000 short term construction jobs to build the pipeline. CO2 emissions • Production activities at the oil sands produce only .15% of the world’s CO2 emissions.
Supporters • Republicans in the US Congress, and the Republican Party in general. • The United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters (AFL-CIO). • Oil Companies and their employees. • American consumers, and consumers worldwide, generally speaking - all producers and consumers are concerned with the cost of fuel and other products based upon oil.
Keystone Pipeline Cons Global environmental concerns • “Adding this (production of oil from the oil sands) on top of conventional fossil fuels will leave our children and grandchildren a climate system with consequences that are beyond their control.” – many leading US scientists were signers, including scientists from NASA, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, the University of Chicago, and leading US scientific institutes.
Keystone Pipeline Cons Local environmental concerns • “Every spring thaw is the equivalent of an oil spill” – University of Alberta study of the impacts of oil sands production on the surrounding environment . • Rapidly increasing levels of increase of toxic chemicals in the river downstream: fourfold increase in arsenic and lead, eightfold increase in mercury.
Keystone Pipeline Cons Local environmental concerns • Cancer rate in local population 30 percent higher than the rest of Alberta. Four times more leukemia and lymphoma, six times more bile-duct cancer. • Deformed fish with tumors the size of eggs, duck kills, declining caribou populations.
Keystone Pipeline Cons US environmental concerns • Potential contamination of the Ogallala Aquifer. (Provides water supply for western Great Plains from South Dakota to the Big Bend of Texas) • Reduced air quality in Houston and other Texas cities as a result of increased refinery activity. • Reduced air quality everywhere gasoline is sold.
Detractors • The Canadian First Nations. • Scientists and environmentalists concerned with climate change. • Farmers, ranchers and communities dependent on the Ogallala Aquifer. • Everyone concerned with environmental impacts on quality of life in Canada, the US, Texas specifically, and the rest of the world – this group includes the same consumers who drive the demand for oil and its’ products.