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ENGLISH. Conjunction. Conjunction. Conjunction Kata Sambung.  Digunakan untuk menggabungkan anak kalimat dan induk kalimat dalam kalimat majemuk bertingkat disebut subordinate conjunction.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ENGLISH Conjunction

  2. Conjunction

  3. ConjunctionKataSambung Digunakan untuk menggabungkan anak kalimat dan induk kalimat dalam kalimat majemuk bertingkat disebut subordinate conjunction. Digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat/bagian kalimat yang setara dalam kalimat majemuk disebut coordinate conjunction.

  4. Coordinate conjunction. • And shows addition (tambahan). • But shows contrast (lawan). • Or shows alternation (pilihan). • So shows reason (alasan).

  5. And (dan) • Menggabungkan dua bagian kalimat. The boysandthe girls join the camping. • Menggabungkan dua kalimat. My husband washes the car, and I prepare the meal for picnic on Sunday.

  6. But (tetapi) • Menggabungkan dua bagian kalimat. Anita is beautiful but lazy. • Menggabungkan dua kalimat. Ali has studies English for 3 years, but he cannot speak English fluently.

  7. Or (atau) • Menggabungkan dua bagian kalimat. Do you want an apple or an orange? • Menggabungkan dua kalimat. Are you going to the party,or will you stay home?

  8. So (jadi) • Menggabungkan dua kalimat. The dress was very beautiful, so I bought it.

  9. Subordinate conjunction • Although shows contrast. • Before, after, when, since, until shows time. • Because, since shows reason • If shows condition.

  10. Coordinate conjunctionmenghubungkananakkalimatdenganindukkalimat. Indukkalimatbisaberdirisendirisedangkananakkalimattidak, harusmelekatpadainduknya. Coordinate conjunctioninimerupakanbagiandarianakkalimattersebut.

  11. He is not happy although he has a lot of money. induk kalimat anak kalimat

  12. Anak kalimat bisa diletakkan diawal kalimat dengan catatan harus diberi koma. • Although he has a lot of money, He is not happy.

  13. 1. Time • When : ketika • I was in the mall when I saw him for the first time. • When I saw him for the first time, I was in the mall.

  14. Until : sampai • I waited for him until he came. • Until he came, I waited for him.

  15. Before : sebelum • The man talked to the receptionist before he entered the office. • Before he entered the office, the man talked to the receptionist.

  16. After (sesudah) • I will help you after I finish my own job. • After I finish my own job, I will help you.

  17. Since (sejak) • Ratna had liked him since she met him for the first time. • Since she met him for the first time, she had liked him.

  18. 2. Alasan (reason) Because (karena) • I left early because I was very tired. • Because I was very tired, I left early.

  19. Since (karena) • Hendra can't accompany me since • he has to meet the headmaster. • Since he has to meet the headmaster, • Hendra can’t accompany me.

  20. 3. Syarat (condition) • If (jika) • I will come to her party if she invites me. • If she invites me, I will come to her party.

  21. 4. Pertentangan (contrast) • Although (meskipun) • I will buy this pairs of shoes although they are expensive. • Although this pairs of shoes are expensive, I will buy them.

  22. 1. I have been interested in language…I was a child. a. if b. since c. because d. until

  23. 2. He made a lot of progress for this school … he became a principal a. if b. although c. when d. before

  24. 3. It will be difficult to talk to her …you have hurt her felling. a. although b. when c. until d. because

  25. 4. …she left this school, I had never met her again. a. Although b. If c. Since d. Before

  26. 5. This glass is beautiful…fragile. a. and b. or c. but d. so

  27. 6. Do you want to watch the film …will you stay home? a. and b. but c. or d. although

  28. 7. Student : May I go out sir? Teacher : You are not allowed to go out…the bell rings. a. before b. after c. although d. because

  29. 8. Son : Will father angry with me? Mother : What have you done? Son : I got 4 for English. Mother : Of course! He will be angry …you get a bad mark. It means you didn’t study hard. a. if b. because c. after d. until jhklrjkjhlljgnhjjot

  30. 9. Mira : How is your holiday? Lily : It was great…it rains a lot. We did many interesting things. a. because b. until c. when d. although

  31. 10. Lucy : Which one do you like, swimming … jogging? Dian : I like swimming better than jogging. a. and b. until c. if d. or


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