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Analysis of Test Slab Failure Data. David R. Brill FAA Airport Technology R&D Branch, AAR-410 William J. Hughes Technical Center, Atlantic City, NJ Airport Pavement Working Group Meeting Sheraton Atlantic City Convention Center Hotel February 2, 2005. Objectives.
Analysis of Test Slab Failure Data David R. BrillFAA Airport Technology R&D Branch, AAR-410William J. Hughes Technical Center, Atlantic City, NJ Airport Pavement Working Group MeetingSheraton Atlantic City Convention Center HotelFebruary 2, 2005 1
Objectives • Quantify CC2 rigid test item performance and failure using the SCI concept. • Relate to historical rigid full-scale tests (Lockbourne, Sharonville, MWHGL etc.). • Compare with current failure model. • Analyze effects of test variables: • Support type (stabilized base vs. conventional). • 4-wheel vs. 6-wheel. • Traffic on outside lane. 2
Construction Cycle 2 – Trafficking MRC North South • MRC trafficking stopped on June 24, 2004 (north side after 12,675 passes and south side after 5,402 passes. • A total of 96 cracks were detected and 20 cores taken.
MRG After 31,020 Passes Construction Cycle 2:Trafficking Test Item MRG 5
MRS After 30,996 Passes Construction Cycle 2:Trafficking Test Item MRS 7
CC2 Test Items - Results • Full-scale traffic testing began on 4/27/04. • Trafficking ended 12/10/04. • Passes completed: • Top-down cracking has not been eliminated, but bottom-up longitudinal cracks have occurred in the lane receiving loading from both lines of tires. 9
Performance Monitoring • Visual Distress Surveys. • ASTM D 5340-93 and FAA AC 150/5380-6. • Daily up to 10,000 passes. Weekly after 10,000 passes. • Embedded Sensors. • Responses monitored for early indication of cracking. • Nondestructive Tests. • HWD every 15 wanders (990 passes) up to 10,000 passes. Every 30 wanders after 10,000 passes. • Destructive Testing. • Cores to investigate origin of cracks. 10
Structural Condition Index (SCI) • Rollings (1988) • SCI is structural component of rigid PCI. • Only load related distress types are considered (e.g., L/T/D cracks, corner breaks, shattered slab). • SCI is always equal to or higher than PCI for the same pavement feature. • Joint and corner spalling was excluded from the SCI computation for CC2 test items. 11
Micro PAVER Computations • Record structural distresses based on visual surveys. • Treat each test item (north side or south side) as a sample unit. • Follow ASTM procedures for counting distresses and assigning severity levels. 12
MRS North - Shattered Slab MRG North - Corner Spall MRG South - Longitudinal Crack Intersecting Corner Break MRS North - Long. & Diag. Cracks CC2 Test Item Distresses 13
SCI Versus Coverage Analysis • Plot SCI as a function of applied coverages. • P/C ratio is computed from wander pattern. • All slabs in sample unit versus inside traffic lane only. • Obtain linear regression of SCI versus log(C). • Intercept with SCI=100 line yields CO (cov. to 1st crack). • Intercept with SCI=0 line yields CF (cov. to full failure). • New rigid design concerned with coverages to SCI=80. • Lower portions of failure curve (below SCI = 80) are important for overlay designs. 14
Test Item MRC - SCI versus Coverages (All Distresses) PRELIMINARY DATA 15
Test Item MRC - SCI versus Coverages (Center Traffic Lane Distresses Only) PRELIMINARY DATA 16
Test Item MRS - SCI versus Coverage(Center Traffic Lane Distresses Only) PRELIMINARY DATA 17
Test Item MRG - SCI versus Coverage(Center Traffic Lane Distresses Only) SCI = -247.03 log(C) + 941.57R2 = 0.9636 SCI = -246.96 log(C) + 935.11R2 = 0.9647 PRELIMINARY DATA 18
CC2 Test Strip - SCI versus Coverage(S Slab Distresses Only) PRELIMINARY DATA C SLABS S SLABS 19
Regression Data for SCI vs. Log of Coverages (preliminary) 21
Design Factor vs. Coverages • Design Factor (DF) = ratio of concrete flexural strength to maximum calculated bending stress. • LEDFAA model based on Rollings (1988) regression: • DF = 0.5234 + 0.3920 log (CO) coverages to onset of cracking • DF = 0.2967 + 0.3881 log (CF) coverages to full failure (SCI 0) • Recompute design factors for all test items using FEDFAA (3D-FEM) edge stress. • Evaluate parameters including 7 new NAPTF data points. • Preliminary analysis - design factors subject to change as we continue to characterize the material properties. 22
Recalculate Design Factors(Historic Full-Scale Test Data) Original Regression Recalculated Using FEDFAA Edge Stress 23
Design Factor vs. Coverages (Coverages to Complete Failure, SCI=0) PRELIMINARY DATA 24
Design Factor vs. Coverages (Coverages to Onset of Failure, SCI=100 -) PRELIMINARY DATA 25
Current Efforts • Finalize material characterization (e.g., concrete strength, subgrade properties) for design factor computation. • Finalize “best fit” parameters for FAARFIELD rigid failure model from full-scale test data. • Re-evaluate current base stiffness compensation model considering: • full-scale test results showing straight-line trend. • improved ability of 3D-FEM model to give accurate stresses for stabilized base structures. 26
Questions? 27