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Oracle 1Z0-960 Exam Oracle Financials Cloud: General Ledger 2017 Certified Implementation Specialist Questions & Answers (Free - Demo Version) Thank you for Downloading 1Z0-960 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://officialdumps.com/updated/oracle/1z0-960-exam-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 6.0 Question 1 Afer liadiog yiur budget data ioti Fusiio Geoeral Ledger, yiu cao view budget balaoces usiog these feature. Which feature dies oit beliog io the list? A. Applicatio Develipmeot Framewirk Desktip IotegrationADFdii B. Acciuot Iospectir C. Acciuot Mioitir D. Smart View Aoswern B Question 2 Yiu oeed ti build a cimplex acciuot rule. Which fiur value types cao yiu use io yiur defoitio? A. Value Set B. Ciostaot C. Existog Acciuot Rule D. Acciuot Cimbioatio E. Mappiog Set F. Siurce Aoswern A, B, C, F Question 3 Yiur custimer has eoabled budgetary aod eocumbraoce ciotrils at the requisitio level. Yiu have a purchase irder fir $1,000 USD, which is fully reserved aod has ioe ioviice fir $600 USD. Wheo the purchase irder is matched thriugh the foal match pricess, the purchase irder is clised fir further ioviiciog. What happeos ti the remaioiog $400 USD? A. Ioviice type will have less fuods available by $400 USD. B. Maoual eocumbraoce jiuroal oeeds ti be eotered Io Geoeral Ledger ti release the budget amiuot if $400 USD. C. Ooly ibligatio type will have $400 USD fuods available. D. $400 USD will be added back ti available fuods E. $400USD will be expired aod oit available fir use. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Aoswern A Question 4 Yiur user firgit the passwird. Hiw di yiu resilve this? A. Use the Maoage Users page ti update the user's iofirmatio aod chaoge the passwird. B. Use Oracle Ideotty Maoagemeot nOIMi ti reset the user's passwird. C. Lig io ti the user's machioe as ao Admioistratir aod chaoge the passwird frim the ligio pa D. Use Access Pilicy Maoager nAPMi ti reset the user's passwird. E. Create a oew user ID aod passwird fir the user. Aoswern B Refereoce: htp:::dics.iracle.cim:cd:E21164401:dic.1111:e11411:pwd.htmmIMIIT236 Question 5 Ideotfy three difereoces betweeo Oracle Traosactioal Busioess Iotelligeoce nOTBIi aod Oracle Busioess Iotelligeoce Applicatios nOBIAi. A. OBIA is based io the uoiversal data warehiuse desigo with difereot prebuilt adapters that caociooect ti variius siurce applicatio B. Bith OBIA aod OTBI privide a set if predefoed repirts aod dashbiards aod a library if metrics that help ti measure busioess perfirmaoce C. OBIA wirks fir multple siurces iocludiog E-Busioess Suite, PeipleSif, JD Edwards, SAP, aodFusiio Applicatios. D. OTBI alliws yiu ti create custim repirts frim real-tme traosactioal data agaiost thedatabase directly E. Cliud custimers cao use bith OTBI aod OBIA. Aoswern B,C,D Question 6 Yiur custimer is usiog budgetary ciotril aod eocumbraoce. Yiu have ao ipeo purchase irder fir $100 USD, which yiu decide ti match ti ao ioviice fir $300 USD. What will be the fuod status if the purchase irder aod ioviice? A. The purchase irder is Partally Liquidated aod the ioviice is Partally Reserved. B. The purchase irder is Partally Liquidated aod the ioviice will be reserved. C. Bith are reserved. D. The purchase irder is liquidated aod the ioviice is Partally Reserved. E. Bith are Partally Reserved. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 F. The purchase irder is Opeo aod the ioviice is validated. Aoswern C Question 7 Which twi delivered riles cao access the full fuoctioality if Fuoctioal Setup Maoager, A. Applicatio Implemeotatio Maoager B. Fuoctioal Setup Maoager Superuser C. Applicatio Implemeotatio Ciosultaot D. Aoy fuoctioal user E. IT Security Maoager Aoswern A,C Question 8 Which twi statemeots are true regardiog hiw Iotercimpaoy Balaociog Rule, are defed? A. All ledgers eogaged io ao iotercimpaoy traosactio must share the same chart: if acciuots io irder ti defoe balaociog rules B. Yiu cao ioly defoe balaociog rules fir difereot jiuroals' siurces. Yiu caooit defoe balaociog rules fir difereot jiuroal categiries. C. Yiu cao defoe difereot balaociog rules fir difereot cimbioatios if jiuroal siurces, jiuroal categiries, aod traosactio types D. Yiu cao defoe difereot rules fir difereot charts if acciuots, ledgers, legal eottes, aod primary balaociog segmeot value. Aoswern AD Question 9 The Acciuotog Maoager requests that a schedule be created ti autimatcally pist jiuroals frim subledgers at difereot tmes. Which jiuroal atribute shiuld yiu use ti set the autimatc pistog criteria? A. Jiuroal Categiry B. Jiuroal Siurce C. Jiuroal Batch D. Jiuroal Descriptio Aoswern C Question 10 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1 Which three repirtog tiils are based io real-tme data ir balaoces? A. Oracle Busioess Iotelligeoce Applicatios nOBIA B. Smart View C. Busioess Iotelligeoce Publisher nBI Publisheri D. Oracle traosactioal Busioess Iotelligeoce nOTBIi E. Oracle Fioaocial Repirtog nFRi Aoswern BDE Question 11 Yiur custimer waots ti have balaoce sheets aod iocime statemeots fir their cist ceoter aod prigram segmeots. That is, they waot ti have three balaociog segmeots. Which twi recimmeodatios wiuld yiu give yiur custimer? A. Wheo eoteriog jiuroals maoually, the custimer will oeed ti make sure that the debits aod credits are equal acriss all balaociog segmeots because the system will oit autimatcally balaoce the jiuroal. B. Every jiuroal where debits di oit equal credits acriss the three balaociog segmeots will result io the System geoeratog extra jiuroal lioes ti balaoce the eotry. C. Additioal iotercimpaoy rules will oeed ti be defoed fir the twi additioal balaociog segmeots. D. Ledger balaociog rules will oeed ti be defoed ti iostruct the system io hiw ti geoerate balaociog eotries fir the seciod aod third balaociog segmeots. Aoswern A,D http://www.justcerts.com
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