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Exploring N eutron S tar Equation of S tate  via F ailed Supernova N eutrino

Exploring N eutron S tar Equation of S tate  via F ailed Supernova N eutrino. Jun Hidaka (NAOJ). collaborators: Grant J. Mathews (Notre Dame), Toshitaka Kajino (Univ. of Tokyo), Jyutaro Suzuki. (stiff). (soft). Supernova Relic Neutrinos. Failed SNe.

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Exploring N eutron S tar Equation of S tate  via F ailed Supernova N eutrino

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Exploring Neutron Star Equation ofState  via Failed Supernova Neutrino Jun Hidaka (NAOJ) collaborators:Grant J. Mathews (Notre Dame), ToshitakaKajino (Univ. of Tokyo), Jyutaro Suzuki

  2. (stiff) (soft) Supernova Relic Neutrinos Failed SNe

  3. Evaluate Supernova Relic Neutrino Flux High-z SNe Middle-z SNe

  4. Totani et al (1996) SRN Energy Spectrum : # flux per unit energy Lunardini (2009) Lunardini&Tomborra (2012) For Flux Z=5 Redshifted Supernova Rate at z Parameterized by Expanding Universe Fermi-Dirac Distribution SNe-type? SNe-type? Initial mass function

  5. IMF (Initial Mass Function) Salpeter(1955) ( # of SNe) ( total gas inside all stellar objects )

  6. IMF Star Formation Rate (SFR) (mass consumption rate) Our mass range of luminous CC-SNe Supernova Rate Observation : SNII + SNIb,c Star Formation Rate (obs.) Supernova Rate

  7. IMF ( e.g., Salpeter ) Theory Observation Horiuchi, S. et al. 2011 , ApJ, 738, 154 Star Formation Rate (obs.) Smaller by factor 1.4 – 2 : Supernova Rate Problem Supernova Rate How to reduce RSN ?

  8. Increase Decrease Increase

  9. How they look like ? ? ?

  10. Classification of SNe Luminous CCSN (SNII + SNIb,c) Dim SNe ONeMg Failed SN : BH forming GRB

  11. Luminous CCSN Our Choice of parameters ONeMg-SN Hüdepohlet al. (2010) Failed SN GRB Sumiyoshi et al. (2008) Shen EOS LS EOS Harikae et al. (2009)

  12. * Hyper-Kamiokande 10 years run Atmospheric neutrino background LS EOS Noise from reactors Difference ← EOS Shen EOS LSEoS ShenEoS

  13. LSEoS ShenEoS

  14. LSEoS ShenEoS

  15. Summary νfSN Enhance IMF : more fSNe Supernova Rate Problem Reduce RSN EoS dependence in SRN spectrum ! LSEoS ShenEoS

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