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Exploring N eutron S tar Equation of S tate via F ailed Supernova N eutrino. Jun Hidaka (NAOJ). collaborators: Grant J. Mathews (Notre Dame), Toshitaka Kajino (Univ. of Tokyo), Jyutaro Suzuki. (stiff). (soft). Supernova Relic Neutrinos. Failed SNe.
Exploring Neutron Star Equation ofState via Failed Supernova Neutrino Jun Hidaka (NAOJ) collaborators:Grant J. Mathews (Notre Dame), ToshitakaKajino (Univ. of Tokyo), Jyutaro Suzuki
(stiff) (soft) Supernova Relic Neutrinos Failed SNe
Evaluate Supernova Relic Neutrino Flux High-z SNe Middle-z SNe
Totani et al (1996) SRN Energy Spectrum : # flux per unit energy Lunardini (2009) Lunardini&Tomborra (2012) For Flux Z=5 Redshifted Supernova Rate at z Parameterized by Expanding Universe Fermi-Dirac Distribution SNe-type? SNe-type? Initial mass function
IMF (Initial Mass Function) Salpeter(1955) ( # of SNe) ( total gas inside all stellar objects )
IMF Star Formation Rate (SFR) (mass consumption rate) Our mass range of luminous CC-SNe Supernova Rate Observation : SNII + SNIb,c Star Formation Rate (obs.) Supernova Rate
IMF ( e.g., Salpeter ) Theory Observation Horiuchi, S. et al. 2011 , ApJ, 738, 154 Star Formation Rate (obs.) Smaller by factor 1.4 – 2 : Supernova Rate Problem Supernova Rate How to reduce RSN ?
Increase Decrease Increase
Classification of SNe Luminous CCSN (SNII + SNIb,c) Dim SNe ONeMg Failed SN : BH forming GRB
Luminous CCSN Our Choice of parameters ONeMg-SN Hüdepohlet al. (2010) Failed SN GRB Sumiyoshi et al. (2008) Shen EOS LS EOS Harikae et al. (2009)
* Hyper-Kamiokande 10 years run Atmospheric neutrino background LS EOS Noise from reactors Difference ← EOS Shen EOS LSEoS ShenEoS
Summary νfSN Enhance IMF : more fSNe Supernova Rate Problem Reduce RSN EoS dependence in SRN spectrum ! LSEoS ShenEoS