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IEARDA 101-BASIC. Presentation by Robert Rono Research and Sponsored Projects Office Moi University School of Medicine -Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital.
IEARDA 101-BASIC Presentation by Robert Rono Research and Sponsored Projects Office Moi University School of Medicine -Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital
Title: International Extramural Associates Research Development Awards (IEARDA) (G11 Program Announcement (PA) Number: PAR-07-431http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-07-431.html Electronic submission Opening Date: September 24, 2007 (Earliest date an application may be submitted to Grants.gov) Letters of Intent Receipt Date(s): September 24, 2007; January 22, 2008, June 29, 2008; June 29, 2009 Application Submission/Receipt Date(s): October 23, 2007 and February 22, 2008, July 29, 2008; July 29, 2009 The Research and Sponsored Projects Office submission was done in the highlighted months, best wishes to those who submitted in 2009.
Introduction • The International Extramural Associates Research Development Award (IEARDA) program goal is to produce a cadre of trained academic research administrators in countries with limited resources to facilitate and/or develop the appropriate administrative infrastructure in their home institutions for the implementation of a more rigorous research program. • This program will • provide training in NIH policies and procedures through a distance learning and NIH residency program, as well as funding to augment or expand upon existing research administrative infrastructure (e.g., Office of Research, Office of Sponsored Projects). • to provide thorough oversight and administrative management of extramural awards;
Introduction- Cont • support faculty who wish to secure external funding; • serve as the main organizational unit for the technical development of grant proposals submissions and oversight, and • foster and facilitate ongoing research activities at the institution. • The award is been funded by the following components of NIH • National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) (http://www.nichd.nih.gov) • Fogarty International Center (FIC) (http://www.fic.nih.gov), • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) (http://www.niaid.nih.gov)
Program Objective • The overall aim of the IEARDA program is to enhance or expand upon current research administrative infrastructure, thereby enhancing research capabilities of NIH-supported institutions in developing countries. RSPO’s specific objectives • Gain expertise in NIH policies and procedures governing grants applications and administration • Strengthen RSPO’s budgetary and regulatory capabilities and oversight. • Strengthen the link between the RSPO, the Institutional Research and Ethics Committee (IREC) of MUSOM/MTRH and their partner US universities • Develop a grants application and management curriculum and train faculty, staff and students on grantsmanship. • Strengthen the research grants application and management capabilities of other schools and campuses in Moi University and scientific institutions in East Africa • Establish a Grants Advisory Board (GAB).
Eligible Institutions/Organizations • Foreign, private or public institutions in India and sub-Saharan Africa that are currently receiving research grant support from NIH, either through a direct grant or as a subproject to a U.S. domestic award are eligible to nominate full-time academic research administrators to serve as Principal Investigator and to apply for the IEARDA. The institution must be the recipient of at least three NIH awards, must have an existing research administrative infrastructure in place, and must have the electronic connectivity and Internet access necessary for NIH electronic grants application and post-award administration • An eligible institution may submit only one application per funding cycle
Application and Submission • To download a SF424 (R&R) Application Package and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide for completing the SF424 (R&R) forms for this FOA, link to http://www.grants.gov/Apply/ and follow the directions provided on that Web site.A one-time registration is required for institutions/organizations at both: • Grants.gov (http://www.grants.gov/Get Started) and • eRA Commons (http://era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/preparing.htm)
THE AWARD ENTAILS • An initial orientation for the IEA, implemented through a distance learning component; • An on-site, post-award assessment visit by NICHD staff to the awardees institution; • A three-week residency for the IEA at the NIH to provide training on NIH processes and procedures, and to develop knowledge and skills needed to administer NIH and other awards; • Refinement of the infrastructure development plan based on knowledge and feedback gained from the distance learning program and residency training; • Funding to implement the infrastructure development plan at the awardee institution; and • An evaluation of the program outcomes.
Application Components • Biosketch and brief description of nominee, evidence of rapport with faculty, commitment, ability and three letters of support • Infrastructure development plan that describe the key goals, specific objectives, activities, outputs (e.g., support staff hired, computers purchased, training curriculum completed), resources, outcomes (in terms of both short- and long-term goals) and key personnel involved in the enhancement and strengthening of the research office during the project period of the IEARDA • The IDP should specifically address the following key areas: Outreach, sustainability and integration within the overall plan of the institution
Application Components-Cont • Institutional commitment • Establishment of Advisory board • Evaluation Plan linked to the statement of goals and objectives and should include benchmarks and a timeline for measuring progress or outcomes • Description of Current Research Infrastructure • Budget period 5 years, directs costs $35k per year and 8% indirects, $15k allowable for travel for training in year 1
Allowable Costs • Purchase of office supplies and equipment • Purchase, connection, and maintenance of computer hardware and software • Administrative assistance: support for administrative assistance may be requested for up to .5 FTE; justification must be provided. • Conduct of institutional and/or regional workshops on grantsmanship, research process (and design), statistical tools, research ethics, consortium research arrangements, and research management • Travel expenses for the IEA to gain additional experience in carrying out the functions of the office • Membership dues in one professional organization whose function is related to the goals of the IEA Program such as the International Society of Scientific Research Administrators (administrative funds may be used for this item).
Critique of RSPO application • Other areas of research other than AIDS need to be supported too • Advisory Board level of commitment uncertain • Inadequate description of evaluation plan • Describe outreach to other institutions better • Describe better how faculty and students work • Why both PI’s need NIH training • Assessment methods broad