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IECUVADVLA. www.improve-your-chances.de. Improvement of Employment Chances of the Unemployed and the Visual and Audible Disabled by using Virtual Learning Applications. Széchenyi István University Győr. Ottófi Rudolf. H-9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. +36 96 503 459. +36 96 310 352.
IECUVADVLA www.improve-your-chances.de Improvement of Employment Chances of the Unemployed and the Visual and Audible Disabled by using Virtual Learning Applications Széchenyi István UniversityGyőr Ottófi Rudolf H-9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. +36 96 503 459 +36 96 310 352 ottofi@sze.hu www.sze.hu
7.500 student IECUVADVLA 2.500 part-time student 7 university level specialization 10 engineering specialization 2 economic specialization law art healthy The first higher education institute with free buildings Széchenyi István UniversityGyőr
IECUVADVLA About me originally I’m an civil engineer, I make lectures of Surveying and mapping and GIS at the Széchenyi István University I’m the leader of the Regional Distance Education Centre at the university, and I’m a member of National Council of Distance Education For the aid of the university there is a non-profit company: Universitas-Győr Non-profit Comp. I’m the leader of Business Education. There is an accredited Adult Ecucation Institut with ISO 9001 Projects on this field: Leonardo da Vinci EURO-H The vocational training by ODL of young people with a locomotory disadvantage 2001-2004 RO/00/B/F/PP-141043 APERTUS Foundation: Vocational training for disabled people 2002 Leonardo da Vinci EQM-PD European Quality Manager – for Persons with Dissability 2003-2006 A/03/B/F/PP-158.027
IECUVADVLA EUROPEAN COMMISSION Grundtvig Clustering Meeting Brussels 31 January – 1 February last Monday and Thusday From the national agencies was sent some coordinators and experts The Clustering meeting had 3 plenary sessions and 3 workshops for 4 groups. I. Active citizenship with 35 participants II. Learning with disabilities with 28 participants III. Intercultural education with 26 participants IV. Learning for senior citizens with 19 participants The number of participants was very high, we built 4 subgroups: 3 english language and 1 french language groups
IECUVADVLA EUROPEAN COMMISSION Grundtvig Clustering Meeting Brussels 31 January – 1 February last Monday and Thusday • The main topics: • Recent developments in Adult Education and the contribution of Grundtvig projects • situation of the tematic field in each country, the special topic of the projects, what theamatic priorities should the Commission set, adult education quality in each country • II. Sharing best practice in project management • what is the best way of choosing project partners, strategies for team- building, project monitoring, methods of evaluation, dissemination, sustainability with a smallproject, cooperation with the Technical Assistant Office • The future perspectives of Grundtvig • adult learner mobility, european volunteering program, european assistantship, project types: G1 bottom up, lange scale innovation projects • We will become later the compendium!
Some datas to the national study IECUVADVLA Number of registered unemployed and beneficiaries of provisions in Hungary
IECUVADVLA Economic activity of population at working age by sex
Time period Employed Unemployed Economically active Economically inactive Unemploy-ment rate Employment rate Participation rate thousand persons % 2003. January -March 3859,6 264,7 4124,3 3629,1 6,4 49,8 53,2 2003 Februay - April 3883,0 257,0 4140,0 3611,3 6,2 50,1 53,4 2003 March - May 3898,3 250,8 4149,1 3600,3 6,0 50,3 53,5 2003 April - June 3923,9 241,2 4165,1 3582,5 5,8 50,6 53,8 2003 May - July 3927,8 238,7 4166,5 3579,3 5,7 50,7 53,8 2003 June - August 3942,9 238,8 4181,7 3562,4 5,7 50,9 54,0 2003 July - September 3952,2 240,3 4192,5 3550,0 5,7 51,0 54,1 2003 August - October 3972,9 236,8 4209,7 3531,4 5,6 51,3 54,4 2003 September - November 3971,9 232,9 4204,8 3534,8 5,5 51,3 54,3 2003 October - December 3952,3 231,9 4184,2 3552,7 5,5 51,1 54,1 2003 November – 2004 January 3918,3 243,4 4161,7 3572,1 5,8 50,7 53,8 2003 December -2004 February 3900,5 247,9 4148,4 3580,7 6,0 50,5 53,7 Economic Activity of Population Aged 15–74 January 2003–November 2004 IECUVADVLA
Time period 2004 January - March 3891,5 Employed 252,2 Unemployed 4143,7 Economically active Economically inactive 3580,7 6,1 Unemploy-ment rate 50,4 Employment rate 53,6 Participation rate 2004 Februauy - April 3890,8 248,4 4139,2 3582,6 6,0 50,4 53,6 thousand persons % 2004 March - May 3890,1 241,5 4131,6 3588,2 5,8 50,4 53,5 2004 April - June 3894,1 241,6 4135,7 3583,4 5,8 50,4 53,6 2004 May - July 3899,9 244,8 4144,7 3574,5 5,9 50,5 53,7 2004 June - August 3904,0 246,6 4150,6 3569,4 5,9 50,6 53,8 2004 July - September 3906,6 254,6 4161,2 3559,3 6,1 50,6 53,9 2004 August- October 3914,5 255,1 4169,6 3551,5 6,1 50,7 54,0 2004 September - November 3914,9 261,7 4176,6 3544,6 6,3 50,7 54,1 Economic Activity of Population Aged 15–74 January 2003–November 2004 IECUVADVLA
Type of public education institutes Number of pupils, students Number of pedagogues Public education Adult education Total From this Female Special needs Total Female Kindergarten 325 577 – 325 577 157 119 5 743 30 657 30 586 Ordinary school 886 548 2 766 889 314 428 331 56 744 86 991 75 584 Technical school1) 131 772 3 505 135 277 51 778 10 380 9 690 5 064 Secondary school2) 193 366 45 484 238 850 137 555 752 17 816 12 728 Vocational school 245 428 44 711 290 139 142 702 764 20 755 13 176 Total 1 782 691 96 466 1 879 157 917 485 74 383 165 909 137 138 Public education in 2004/2005. year IECUVADVLA 1) special needs with integrated courses. b) 2) vocational school with special vocational course.
IECUVADVLA The employment situation of people with impairments in Hungary There are total 606.885 people with mobility impairments seriously hindered in their social lives living in Hungary. There are 238.620 (39,3%) with acquired deficiency.
The education and training opportunities for people with impairments IECUVADVLA There are possibilities, and certain funds and firms that are dealing with the training of people with mobility impairments. In the field of distance learning There are several funds and Ministries dealing with the problem of people with disability: Ifjúsági, Szociális, Családügyi és Esélyegyenlőségi Minisztérium – Ministry of Youth, Social and Family affairs and Equal opportunity (http://www.eselyegyenloseg.hu) SANSZ Alapítványi Információs Központ - Chance Fund Informative Centre (http://www.lib.klte.hu/klte/students/sansz/ ) Pályázatfigyelő-Applicatin Observer (http://www.pafi.hu/ ) Mobilitás Ifjúsági Szolgálat - Mobility Youth Service (http://www.mobilitas.mgx.hu/ ) TEMPUS Közalapítvány – TEMPUS Public Fund (http://www.tpf.iif.hu/ ) Fogyatékosok Esélye Közalapítvány – Chance of People with Disability Public Fund 1134 Budapest Dózsa György út 144.-1134 Budapest, Dózsa György Street 144. (http://www.fogyatekosok-eselye.hu/ ) Training firms: Hapinet Távoktatási Központ – Hapinet Distance Learning Centre és a MEOSZ Oktatási, Továbbképző és Távmunka Intézete – and the Educational, Training and Distance Training Institution of MEOSZ (http://www.hapinet.com) Zsótér Pál Alapítványi Mozgásjavító Általános Iskola és Diákotthon – Zsótér Pál Fund Movement Coordinating Primary School and Youth Hostel
Examples of good practice Start Rehabilitation Company and its Institutions The great company well-known in Hungary was established in 1988 by the Society of People with Mobility Impairments of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County with the employees of having changed working capacities working in some manufactures. In the view of the number of the employees it is on the first place on the top list among the firms of the county. The 85% of the 2.400 workers being employed by this firm are having changed working abilities. The firm has got registered offices in the villages being in disadvantageous situation in the view of employment of Borsod –Abaúj-Zemplén County. IECUVADVLA
IECUVADVLA Luxin Ltd. The current aim of the owners is to guarantee working and living possibilities continuously for more and more persons with changed working-abilities. As a result of persistent efforts Luxin Ltd. employs more than 3.200 persons nowadays; and it has established nearly 100 registrated offices and premises in more than 50 colonies all over the country. But the work is done in a wider circle as many persons work at home as outside workers.
IECUVADVLA JÁSZER Ltd. It was caput at the end of previous year with 600 people after a mistake with Taxatation Authority
Local, regional, and national disability organisations There are in Hungary about 600.000 people with disability, member of National Union of Societies of Handicapped People are about 200.000. MEOSZ Mozgáskorlátozottak Egyesületeinek Országos Szövetsége – National Union of Societies of Handicapped People 1032 Budapest, San Marco u. 76. – 1032 Budapest, San Marco Street 76. IECUVADVLA
Local, regional, and national disability organisations Értelmes Életért Alapítvány – For Sensible Life Fund 1038 Bp. Hollós Korvin Lajos út 5. II. 17. – 1038 Budapest, Hollós Korvin Lajos Street 5. II/17.(http://www.c3.hu/~fialka/ ) (http://www.meoszinfo.hu) Látó-Tér Alapítvány – Látó-Tér Foundation 1028 Budapest, Bercsényi u. 9. – 1028 Budapest, Bercsényi Street 9. (http://www.latoter.hu) Kerek Világ Jóléti Szolgálat Alapítvány – Round World Welfare Service Fund 7627 Pécs, Gesztenyés u. 2. – 7627 Pécs, Gesztenyés Street 2. (http://www.c3.hu/~kerekv/ ) Korszerű Technikával A Mozgáskorlátozott Emberekért Alapítvány – With Modern Equipment for Handicapped People Fund 1032 Budapest, III. San Marco u.76.-1032 Budapest, III. San Marco Street 76. (http://www.c3.hu/~technika/ ) IECUVADVLA
Local, regional, and national disability organisations Mozgássérült Fiatalok Szivárvány Klubja – Rainbow Club of Handicapped Youth (http://www.tar.hu/frameset.phtml?path=/fszk/index.html ) Handicap Mozgássérültek Önsegélyező Alapítvány – Handicap Benefit Fund of Handicapped Persons 1145 Budapest, Király u. 21. - 2113 Erdőkertes Petőfi S. u. 49. – 1145 Budapest, Király Street 21. – 2113 Erdőkertes, Petőfi S. Street 49. (http://www.c3.hu/~handicap/ ) Mozgássérült Emberek Önálló Élet Egyesülete – Independent Life of Handicapped People Society 1022 Budapest Marczibányi tér 3. – 1022 Budapest, Marczibányi Square 3. MOTIVÁCIÓ Mozgássérülteket Segítő Alapítvány 1053 Budapest, Henszlmann Imre u. 8. (http://www.motivacio.hu/ )- MOTIVATION Foundation for Handicped's Aiding H-1053 Budapest, Henszlmann Imre Street 8. (http://www.motivacio.hu/) IECUVADVLA
Education MEOSZ Educational, Training and Distance Training Institution of National Union of Societies of Handicapped People 2005. Spring English ground CISCO ECDL HTML programming Distance working, e-Bay, Build your future Management course of National Union of Societies of Handicapped People IECUVADVLA
IECUVADVLA National legislation on disabilities The law XXVI of year 1998 meets the requirements of the mentioned international documents both in moral as well as in its content, and it is also accepted by the exercise of legislation of the developed western countries and at the same time it meets the policy of European Union and the European Council. The newest laws in Hungary: Law XXVI of year 1998 - assuring personal rights and equality for handicapped persons Law XXVI of year 1998 – explanation of assuring personal rights and equality for handicapped persons 100/1999 (24 March) – Parliament Decision about National Handicap Programme 2062/2000 (24 March) – Governmental Decision about the middle-term-project concerning the execution of National Handicap Programme 2236/1999 (15 September) – Governmental Decision about further duties in connection with the direction of the middle-term-project of National Health Programme 48/2000 (13 April) – Governmental Decision about the amount of support and the medical aids ordered through National Health Service 12/2000 (13 April) – Order of the Ministry of Health concerning ordering, distributing and repairing the medical aids through the National Health Service as well as the requirements of their rental Law CLIV. of year 1997 – about Health Service 253/1997 (20 December) – Governmental Decision of the requirements of national resettlement and the ways of building (OTÉK)
IECUVADVLA • European legislation of equal rights and equal opportunities • The most important international documents concerning this theme are the following: • Universal Declaration of Human Right 1948. • Declaration of the Right of the child 1959 • - UNO: Declaration about social development and improvement 11 December, 1969 (2542 - XXIV. sz. Declared by 2542-XXIV. decision) clause 11. and 19., • - Declaration of the Rights of Intellectually Injured Persons accepted by the General Assembly Body of UNO on 20th December, 1971 (Res. 28/56.), • - Declaration of the Rights of Injured Persons accepted by UNO General Assembly Body on 9th December, 1975 (Res. 34/47.), • - World Programme of Injured Persons, UNO 1983 (Res. 37/52.), • Agreement nr. 159 of UNO-ILO dated on 20th June, 1983 in Geneva about the professional rehabilitation, • Declaration of education for All 1990. • - Recommendation ‘Comprehensive Policy for the Rehabilitation of Injured Persons’ accepted in 1992 by European Council (Recommendation No. R (92) 6), • - ‘Standard Rules with the aim of giving equality to persons living with impairments’ accepted by the General Assembly Body of UNO during the summer of 1993,
www.improve-your-chances.de IECUVADVLA National legislation of equal rights and equal opportunities The law CXXV of 2003 year about equal tratement and developing of equal opportunities The law LXXX of 2003 year about legal aid The law LXI of 2003 year about modification of law LXXIX of 1993 year about public education The law L of 2003 yaer about National Civil Groundprogramm The law XXIX of 2003 year about modification of law LXXVI of 0993 year about vocational education
www.improve-your-chances.de IECUVADVLA Thank you for your interest!