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World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water

Learn about the WMO Programme for the LDCs, focusing on the challenges faced by the least developed countries and the strategies to overcome them as outlined in the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Decade 2011-2020.

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World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water

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  1. WMO World Meteorological OrganizationWorking together in weather, climate and water EC-WGCD 1 Nov 2011 WMO Programme for the Least Developed Countries WMO www.wmo.int

  2. OUTLINE WMO • Background • Istanbul Programme of Action for the LDCs for the Decade 2011-20 • WMO Programme for the LDCs • Conclusions WMO 2

  3. The LDC category WMO • Sub-set of developing countries categorized as the • Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Specific criteria (UN) • 25 LDCs (1971) – 50 (2007) – 48 LDCs (2011) • RA I: 33 RA II: 8 RA IV: 1 RA V: 6 • 10 LDCs are also SIDS • 16 LDCs are alsoLandlocked Developing Countries • Graduation from the LDC group (Triennial review) • Over 4 decades, only 3 countries were ever able to graduate (Botswana, Cape Verde and the Maldives) 3

  4. LDC category (cont) WMO • Poorest, weakest, most vulnerable • (natural disasters, climate change) • and least secure • The international community • agreed to extend special attention • and support measures to LDCs • beyond those available to • other developing countries • - Successive 10-year Programmes of Action for LDCs 4

  5. Istanbul Programme of Action for LDCs for the Decade 2011-2020 (LPoA) • Fourth UN Conference on LDCs major international conference dealing with development issues, Istanbul, Turkey, 9-13 May 2011 • Istanbul Declaration « Renewed and Strengthened Global Partnership for the Development of LDCs » • New Programme of Action for the LDCs

  6. Istanbul Programme of Action for LDCs for the Decade 2011-2020 (IPoA) • Overarching goal: To overcome the structural challenges faced by the LDCs in order to eradicate poverty, achieve internationally agreed development goals and enable graduation from the LDC category • Among the specific objectives: Reduce the vulnerability of least developed countries to economic, natural and environmental shocks and disasters, as well as climate change, and enhance their ability to meet these and other challenges through strengthening their resilience;

  7. 8 IPoA Priority areas for action • Productive capacity (Infrastructure; Energy; Science, technology and innovation;Private sector development) • Agriculture, food security and rural development 3. Trade 4. Commodities

  8. 8 IPoA Priority areas for action (cont) 5. Human and social development ▪ Education and training ▪ Population and primary health ▪ Youth development ▪ Shelter ▪ Water and sanitation ▪ Gender equality and empowerment of women ▪ Social protection

  9. 8 IPoA Priority areas for action (cont) • Multiple crises and other emerging challenges: ▪ Economic shocks ▪ Climate change and environmental sustainability ▪ Disaster risk reduction

  10. 8 IPoA Priority areas for action (cont) • Mobilizing financial resources for development and capacity-building (Domestic resource mobilization; Official development assistance; External debt; Foreign direct investment; Remittances) 8. Good governance at all levels

  11. Decisions and commitments in IPoA • IPoA contains many references of direct interest to WMO and NMHSs. Among actions required by development partners under climate change and environmental sustainability challenges: «Support enhancing the capacity of meteorological and hydrological services of least developed countries »

  12. The governing bodies of UN system and other multilateral organizations are invited to contribute to the implementation of IPoA and to integrate it into their work programmes as appropriate and in accordance with their respective mandates. • Invited to participate fully in reviews of IPoA at national, subregional, regional and global levels

  13. Congress XVI decisions • Continue and enhance the WMO Programme for the LDCs to address the obstacles and constraints limiting NMHSs in LDCs to provide relevant weather, water and climate information and services andto strengthen their capabilities to meet the demands and requirements of the priority areas for action in the IPoA for the LDCs for the decade 2011–2020 as appropriate • Resolution 6.3/1 (cg-XVI)

  14. Congress decided • That the WMO Programme for the Least Developed Countries shall be continued in the sixteenth financial period and support the implementation of the Programme of Action for the LDCs for the Decade 2011-2020; • That the substance of the WMO Programme for the LDCs shall comply with the WMO Strategic Plan and Operating Plan 2012-2015 and contribute to assist NMHSs of Least Developed Countries to fulfil their mandates. Congress underscored the importance of the WMO Programme for the LDCs and the high priority to be continually attached to it.

  15. Congress urged Members to participate actively in, and to contribute to the maximum extent possible, to the funding of the WMO Programme for the LDCs, including through the WMO Trust Funds for NMHSs of LDCs; • Furthermore Congress approved the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) whose guiding implementation principles include priority for the most vulnerable countries (including LDCs). • The GFCS priority sectors (Agriculture. Disaster Risk Reduction, Water and Health) are among IPoA priority areas of action.

  16. WMO Programme for the LDCs • Overall objective: To enhance the capacities of the NMHSs of the LDCs including those which are SIDS, so that they can contribute efficiently and in a timely manner to the socio-economic development efforts of the countries concerned through the production, delivery and effective use of relevant weather, water and climate information and services in order to eradicate poverty, achieve internationally agreed development goals and enable graduation from the least developed country category.

  17. Activities 2012-2015 • Raise the profile of NMHSs with the national development outcome and increase government and stakeholders support to the NMHSs, through advocacy and institutional capacity building, among others; • Improve the infrastructure and operational facilities of NMHSs in LDCs; • Enhance regional cooperation in the countries concerned, especially in areas such as training and the production, delivery and effective use of weather and essential climate services; and • Share good practices and experiences.

  18. Assistance to all the LDCs in the preparation and implementation of development plans of their NMHSs based on the priority needs of countries; • Development of technical cooperation projects and programmes on infrastructure development and socio-economic benefit valuation, climate change issues, including fast track projects;

  19. Provision of support in the area of human resources development through special training of selected staff; • Development ofcapacity-building activities, including planning, management and resource mobilization; and • Resource mobilization and technical assistance for the development of NMHSs activities

  20. Specific CD activities, in collaboration with UN-OHRLLS • Workshop on coordination and partnership for enhancing the benefits of weather-,climate- and water- related services in the development of the LDCs in Africa (Cotonou, Benin, 9-10 Nov 2011). National Focal Points of LDCs and Directors of NMHSs from 28 LDCs out of 33 attended. • Capacity development Seminar for NMHSs of the LDCs in Africa (11Nov 2011): QMS, GFCS, WIGOS-WIS.

  21. Conclusions • Investing in weather, climate and water related services as an additional tool for the development of LDCs in a visible manner • Ensure that NMHSs are able to address adequately such issues as the relevant priority areas for action in the IPoA for the LDCs, particularly productive capacity sectors, agriculture, food security and rural development, disaster risk reduction, water resources management and climate change and environmental sustainability • RAs to play a coordinating role in the implementation of WMO Programme for LDCs


  23. LIST OF THE 48 LDCS *Also a SID

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