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Beginning Tuesday 12/10

Beginning Tuesday 12/10. Use Your Note-Taker WAR FOR EMPIRE The following slides tell the history with pictures and go along with the Power Point. WAR FOR EMPIRE. The Introduction.

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Beginning Tuesday 12/10

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Beginning Tuesday 12/10 Use Your Note-Taker WAR FOR EMPIRE The following slides tell the history with pictures and go along with the Power Point


  3. The Introduction During the 1750’s three “Empires” clashed in a brutal war to see who would control a vast land of endless wealth on the “Frontier”. This little-known war led to making us the country we are today.

  4. Beginning Notes on Note-Taker In The Colonial Time Period, two European nations claimed ownership where we live: England (Great Britain) & French (New French Canada) But before Europeans arrived, who else had the honest right to say they owned America? See the next slide

  5. Caught In The Middle But always calling America home for thousands of years was a 3rd Empire. The INDIANSwould play an important part in this struggle.

  6. NICKNAMES French and Indian War ( Battles fought in America) Seven Years War ( When it spreads over into Europe)

  7. CAUSES LEADING TO WAR Britain and France wanted to expand into the valuable lands for FUR TRADE. Conflict was inevitable!

  8. The Causes:Geography - Wealth - Expansion

  9. West of the Appalachians frontier lies lands of endless wealth. It led to WAR.

  10. Note-taker: GEOGRAPHY Rivers were a geographic feature to help people move faster.

  11. This River Valley was a highway goingin which direction from the Mtns?

  12. Note-Taker: WEALTH The ______was the most valued animal in the 18th Century.

  13. What are they doing?

  14. Indian Traders A Colonial Indian Trader weighing fur pelts brought in for trade by the Native Americans. Painting by Robert Griffing

  15. The Fur Pelts were weighed and a value was placed on them based on the season in which they were killed. • Indians then could trade their furs for European products that would help them improve the quality of their lives. • See the following slides for objects they would like to have.

  16. What popular Colonial object was made from beaver fur? Hint: Lots of guys wanted them because beaver pelt was water-repellent

  17. Most Popular Use For Beaver

  18. THE WEALTH EXPANSION GOAL The 3 competing empires wanted to control access to the newest wealth of animals located beyond: “The Forks of the Ohio” You probably recognize the place

  19. Today’s View of the Forks Recognize this city?

  20. This is History Before Pittsburgh By Robert Griffing

  21. This Indian Queen Claims Her Seneca Tribe Controls This Area

  22. To Control The Ohio River Valley All 3 empires needed to control this:

  23. To Control Land & Rivers Both France & England needed to build FORTS to make sure they can control the 3 Rivers And own the Fur Trade.

  24. Virginia Claimed The West A group of Gentry (the wealthiest class) formed the Ohio Company to own these lands and then sell the land to settlers. A gentry named Lawrence Washington got his little brother to join the company. Lawrence soon died and his brother took over his place as the leader of the VA militia. (ma-lish-a are citizen soldiers who volunteer to protect their lands – today we call them the National Guard)

  25. Who was this young soldier? Enter George Washington into US History

  26. Setting: 1753-1754 VA’s Governor Dinwiddie sent a young GW to the “frontier” as Soldier to visit the French & scout the land for a fort location. • Not “famous” yet • No military training • Can not speak French • Has outdoors skills

  27. December 1753 GW meets with the French near present-day Erie to deliver the message that the Ohio Country lands are English and stay off. The French don’t plan on listening.

  28. First Time Leadership In 1754 GW led an expedition to the “Forks” and take control of the Ohio River Valley. But he ran into the French soldiers in the woods. JUMONVILLE was the French leader. What would you do if you were GW?

  29. Situation GW finds the French camped

  30. Should GW talk to the French or Attack the French?

  31. GW orders British to shoot French (they stood on wooded cliff area)

  32. French leader Jumonville is killed in this area….

  33. GW lost control of the situation. His Indian Ally, “Half-King”, decides to act and take care of his hatred of the French on his own and “set up” GW into taking the blame. The next slide was Half-King’s words spoken to French leader Jumonville.

  34. Translate App on iPad Change The Setting French goes in 1st Box English in 2nd box Tu n’es pas encore mort, mon pere


  36. Are You Smarter Than GW? The French (FR) are coming for revenge…. Where do you build a fort of necessity?? aka Ft. Necessity? LOCATION A B or C

  37. Actual Photo from Ft. Necessity National Battlefield

  38. GW defense @ Ft. NecessityWere You Smarter Than GW?

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