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FLEXIBLE DWELLING. Lucia Carmona OIKODOMOS URL. La Salle March , 2009.

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  1. FLEXIBLE DWELLING Lucia Carmona OIKODOMOS URL. La Salle March, 2009

  2. As humanbeingswe are flexible creatures. Yearsago, ourexistancewasbased in ourcapacitytomove, in fact, weownoursurvivaltoit. Nowadaysbeing flexible isnotonlyrelatedtomovement, buttochange and adaptability. (KRONENBURG,2007,10-14) FLEXIBILITY NORTH AMERICA , TIPI

  3. FLEXIBLE DWELLING Dwelling able to change along user’s needs, as a response to changing society. 25 years +5 +10 +10 +10 E.G. CHANGING SOCIETY. In thefirsthalf of XX century a revolutionhappened, architectswereconcerned of answeringhumanneeds. Architects as Le Corbusiercreatedfirstexamples of flexible dwelling.

  4. Dwelling is flexible when it is... Tools Adaptable Not specialized room (s). Equal in size and importance. A room is for OR Transformable Folding, pivoting, sliding elements. Mobile furniture. Bedroom dissapears A living room grows Perfectible Provide general structures. E.g. Stairs. Dwelling is completed Mobile Portable light structure. Dwelling changes its location

  5. ADAPTABLE/ VERSATILE Adequated space for different activities according to user’s needs. Free plan space, wheredifferentactivities can take place. CASA RIETVELD SCHRÖDERS Utrecht, Gerrit Rietveld,1924

  6. TRANSFORMABLE Dwelling able to change in it’s physical configuration. . Pivotingwallsthatopenedorclosedthespace. FUKOAKA HOUSING Steven Holl,1989

  7. PERFECTIBLE When basic structure is done, expecting the rest to be completed. Construction of basicelements of a dwellingleavingtheresttoselfconstruction. CONJUNTO DE 93 VIVIENDAS Alejandro Aravela, Chile,2007

  8. MOBILE Dwelling designed to change its location. Light foldingwoodstructure, abletobetransported. LE PETIT MAISON DU WEEKEND Ohio, Patkauarchitecs, 1998

  9. POTENTIALITY Flexible dwelling should be defined by it’s potential; depending on • Room’s and corridor’ssize. • Dinamicselements (doors, walls, furniture) • Height. • Multi-purposespace. • Distributions. • Free accesstofacilities. • Possibility of diverseaccess...

  10. FLEXIBLE DWELLING Today’s society demands flexible dwelling, an architect can achieve flexibility with different approaches. But, how can an architect avoid apparent flexibility instead of dwelling potentiality?

  11. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bosma, K. HOUSING FOR MILLIONS. JOHN HABRAKEN AND THE SAR. Na i publishers. Belgica.2000 Garcia-Huidrobo, F. EL TIEMPO CONSTRUYE. España.2008 Kronenburg, R. FLEXIBLE. Blume. España. 2007 Monteys, X. Fuerte P. CASA COLLAGE. Ed. G.Gili. España.2001 STEVEN HOLL, Thames and Hudson. Inglaterra. 2003 www.housig21eu.net http://www.alejandroaravena.com http://www.patkau.ca/

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