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Join our 12th network meeting for updates on SMART Cutover Strategy, Finance, Agency Task List, and more. Learn about the current project status and related events.
Sunflower ProjectChange Agent Network Meeting #12 May 13, 2010
Message Steering Committee Member Laura Howard Steering Committee Member, Deputy Secretary – SRS
Meeting Agenda • Welcome • Project Status & Current Events • SMART Cutover Strategy • Finance Team Updates • Agency Task List Update • Reporting Update • SMART Support • SMART/SHARP Integration • Training Update • Wrap Up
Welcome and Introductions Presenters • Kent Olson, Project Director • Peggy Hanna, Deputy Project Director and Cutover Lead • Randy Kennedy, Audit Services Team Lead, Accounts and Reports • Muriah Baker, Accounts Receivable Team • Kathy Lewis, Project Costing Lead • Jennifer Dennon, Agency Readiness Lead • Connie Guerrero, Enterprise Readiness Team Manager • Nancy Ruoff, Payroll Services Manager, Accounts and Reports
Housekeeping Bathrooms Please set cell phones and pagers to silent 10 minute break is planned Note cards for questions
Project Timeline 2008 2009 2010 We are Here! Analyze Design Build/Development Test Training Deploy On-going System Support & Stabilization
Sunflower Project Current Events We are only 7 weeks and 33 work days from SMART go-live! Operational Readiness Testing is in progress End user testing and system testing is complete! Role Mapping updates are due TOMORROW! Statewide 33% of ILT sessions have beencompleted so far! Travel policy changes were issued via an informational circular this week. The actual policy and travel handbook will be issued soon. The document will be available on both the SMART and A&R website
Expectations Setting • So far this project has gone very well relative to other similarly large and complex projects • But, we have not been without bumps in road: • Several agencies would like different workflow configurations that more closely match what they are doing now • The software can accommodate many workflow routings but for “go-live” we could only provide several standard routings; there will be opportunities in the future to evaluate adding additional workflows • Training requirements for some agencies’ supervisory roles may be excessive • Supervisors who simply approve travel requests or vouchers (but cannot make changes) may not need to know GL; the curriculum will be reviewed and some of the requirements (for certain roles) scaled back
Expectations Setting (continued) • Agencies would have liked to practice end-to-end transaction processing in a fully configured environment including agency values, workflow and security • Due to the complexity of configuring and maintaining multiple environments and the timeline we are all working towards, we are not able to provide • As delivered by Oracle, the data warehouse has data spread across multiple areas which are difficult to link in a single report • Project team enhancing several key subject areas in the data warehouse such as AP, AR and GL to make agency ad-hoc reporting easier; there will be incremental releases of these enhancements after Go-Live
Expectations Setting(continued) Despite tens of thousands of hours of testing by our team and agencies there will be issues that will need to be fixed at Go-Live There are many points of failure for a transaction from an agency interface or on-line entry, through multiple modules, through security, workflow budget checking, to the desired outcome, e.g. check/ACH or deposit We will need to address issues as they arise collaboratively The first step is attempting to resolve the issue is for end-users to use the tools provided (job aids, training materials, UPK) Knowledgeable personnel at your agency are critical as a 1st line of support For escalation to the Help Desk – provide good descriptions of the issue and the urgency Be patient, but not too patient; if it is a critical transaction or reporting issue and it is not being attended to in a timely manner then use the reply feature within the Help Desk Software to communicate and convey the critical nature of your incident to the analyst assigned to your ticket
Expectations Setting – Productivity Impact BEYOND OCTOBER: “I’m learning how to use more advanced features of SMART to meet agency business challenges; I’m excited!” MAY/JUNE “I can do this task in 10 minutes” AUGUST - OCTOBER: “I know SMART better and shortcuts; I’m back to where I was; I can do this task in 10 minutes” END of JULY/AUGUST: “I’m learning SMART and starting to get comfortable; this might just work” PRODUCTIVITY TIME JULY/AUGUST: “This takes me 2x -3x longer than the way we used to do it; I’m confused and frustrated”
Cutover Stages Performance Testing identifies batch and on-line process that do not complete within an acceptable time. Performance issues are not uncommon in large implementations of PeopleSoft. There are various remedies for addressing performance issues and there is an experienced team from Accenture working on performance tuning. Performance testing has been on-going for two months and is expected to continue until the end of May. End User Testing Completed! 30 agencies executed 486 scripts in 12 days! (approximately 40 scripts per day) It took a great effort on the part of the agency users and the Project subject matter experts to get all this work completed in the short time allotted. In spite of network problems and power outages, they got it done. THANK YOU! Dress Rehearsal – a full sequence of cutover activities executed in the same time windows, i.e. 24x7 and weekends – is complete. Learnings from this activity have been built into the Cutover Checklist.
Cutover Stages (continued) Operational Readiness Testing Began May 10th and simulates operations in the production environment and day-to-day processing, including: help desk, batch scheduling, and select interfaces. This is a three week exercise that ends May 28th. Deployment is the set up of the SMART system and will run from June 1st through July 30th
Key Agency FinalConversion Dates Final Data Conversion Files Due Dates: Pre Go-Live • June 4– Customer File (Task ID 302) • June 4 – Projects File (Task ID 306) • June 11 – Purchasing Contracts File (Task ID 305) • June 16– Asset File (Task ID 303) • Capital assets received between 6/16/10 and 6/30/10 will need to be entered online in SMART after Go-Live. Agencies should retain a log of their assets from this time period and may use the Asset Data Entry Template to enter them into SMART. FINAL CONVERSION MEETING – June 14th 2:00-3:00 DSOB Auditorium Post Go-Live • July 16 – Pending Items File (Task ID 304) • July 16 – SMART closes at 2:00 PM for conversion of STARS balances and encumbrances
Key Interface Dates Interface Dates for agency-facing interfaces: • June 7 – Begin daily execution of INF01 – Vendor Download (Task ID 307) • From June 5 to June 30, all new vendors will needed to be added by Accounts and Reports in STARS. Starting July 1, agencies can add vendors in SMART. • June 8 – Begin daily execution of INF15 – ChartField Extract (Task ID 308) • June 28 – Begin bi-weekly execution of INF42 – Time & Labor Interface • July 1 – All other agency interfaces begin (Task ID 292)
Year End Processing • Informational Circular No. 10-A-014 is available on the A&R website • Provides dates for closing FY2010 and beginning FY2011 • http://www.da.ks.gov/ar/infocirc/fy2010/Ic10a014.htm • All FY2011 transactions must be processed in SMART • FY2010 transactions must be processed in STARS • STARS and SOKI will not accept FY2011 transactions • Closing Dates • STARS will close on July 6, 2010 • Online payment vouchers must be entered by noon • Online DA118s and DA107s must be entered by 6:00 PM • The cutoff for FY2010 dataset transactions into STARS is noon on June 29 • SOKI will close on July 6, 2010 at 2:00 PM
Year End Processing (continue) • Contact A&R with questions about: • Closing FY2010 • FY2010 transactions inSTARS and SOKI Contact Randy Kennedy at 785.296.2125, Randy.Kennedy@da.ks.gov • Contact the SMART HelpDesk with questions about: • Opening FY2011 • FY2011 transactionsin SMART
Projects and Grants • Overview • Grants • Project Costing • Customer Contracts • Billing and Revenue Processes
Grants Management The Grants module is used to store Grants Proposal and Award information • Grant award details for each award • Grant Sponsor Information • Grant award budgets • Facilities and Administration (Indirect costs) setup • Cost Sharing setup (i.e. State Matching)
Grant Budgets If using the Grants module agencies may elect to enter their grant budget in the Grants module. Budgets entered in Grants can be set up using Budget Items that are typically included in a grant budget (e.g. Salaries and Wages, Fringe Benefits, Travel, Supplies, etc.) Budget Items are configured based on Account Code, (for example: Salaries and Fringe Benefits are items that are within the 51000 Account Codes)
Indirect Costs Grants Module comes delivered with F&A functionality • F&A is also known as “Indirect Costs” • Indirect Costs are automatically calculated using a specified rate approved by the federal sponsor • Indirect Costs calculated by the system are stored within the Project Costing tables and are available for Federal Reporting purposes
Tracking Grant Costs Grant costs are tracked by adding a Project and Activity to the grant and including that Project ID and Activity ID on transactions (such as vouchers) The award generation process will automatically generate a project and contract (for billing/revenue recognition) A project can represent an entire award or a portion of an award. Every award requires at least one project and every project requires at least one activity.
Grants Cash Reimbursement • Grant reimbursements are managed by the Customer Contracts module
Grant Award Note the Multiple Projects for this Grant
Grant Budget Multiple budget items on this grant
Project Summary Report The Budget Items on the Grant award display on this report. The Account ChartField determines the Budget Item that the expense falls within.
Project Costing Project Costing is the module used to collect costs that need to be tracked, reported, and/or billed to a specific project Project can be a grant project or a non-grant project Each Project must have at least one activity Project activities may be reimbursable from an external organization (Federal grant sponsor, Non-profit organization, etc.) or non-reimbursable
Project Costing (continued) • Project Costing can be used to track both the Federal share of costs, the State share of costs (match) for a grant, and in-kind transactions • If one project is used to track your grant costs, you will need to establish one activity for the Federal share and one activity for the State share • Alternatively, since one grant can have multiple projects, you can establish one project for the Federal share and one project for the State share. Each of the projects will need at least one activity.
Project Costs • Project Costing uses Analysis Types for processing transactions. Some examples include: • PAY rows are transactions for employee hours from the Time and Labor module • LBR and CLB rows are the payroll cost rows that include both the Gross Pay and Fringe benefits for agencies that use the Time and Labor module. These costs come into the General Ledger and from the GL to Project Costing. CLB is the analysis type that is used for payroll that is funded with Funds 1000 through 2999 • ACT rows are the cost transactions that come into Project Costing from Accounts Payable and Expenses
Project Costs (continued) • Project Costing costs (billable costs only) are picked up by the Customer Contracts module to bill external entities. Analysis types in PC are used to facilitate the billing processes: • BIL rows (Billable Amounts) are created for each of the actual costs that are intended to be billed (or drawn down) to the external sponsor • BLD rows (Billed Amount) replace the BIL rows after the Billing process is completed. This prevents double billing.
Project Costs (continued) Project Costing table
Customer Contracts • Customer Contracts is the module that is used to process Billing and Revenue for reimbursements of costs collected in Project Costing • Pulls the billing rows (BIL) from the Project Costing module and applies billing and revenue recognition rules to create accounting entries for both Billing and Revenue • Customer Contracts sends the billable rows to the Billing Worksheet in the Billing module
Billing • Billing Worksheet is used to approve the billing transactions prior to invoice finalization (and drawdown) • Worksheet is approved and the Invoice is Finalized (and drawdown is made): • Billing transactions are sent to Accounts Receivable (AR) module as Pending Items awaiting receipt of cash after agency draws down funds from sponsor • Billing information is sent back to Contracts and Projects to update BIL rows to BLD rows so that duplicate billings will not occur
Create Project Create a new project for which you want to track costs
Establish Project Establish your project
Project Activities Enter project activities to break the project down into specific tasks for a lower level of expenditure tracking
Create Contract In order to send costs from your reimbursable project to the Billing module, you must create a contract in the Customer Contracts module and associate your project to it. The contract tells SMART how to process the project’s reimbursable costs and how to recognize the associated revenue.
Contract Header Enter Contract Header information such as description (much of this information will default)
Contract Lines Every contract must have at least one line which is tied to a “product.” If you are billing for costs collected in the Project Costing module you will use a Rate Based product. The pre-configured rate-based product is the Grants_As_Incurred product.
Billing and Revenue Processes In the contract module you will establish the Billing Limit for the contract and associate any projects/activities you want to be able to bill for. The Billing Limit is generally the Grant Award amount if this is a grant-related Project. If you have started with the Grants module, this information will automatically be populated in the contract. You only associate the Projects and Activities for which you are billing or drawing down. Since you will not be billing for match costs, you will not associated your match activity (or project if you have defined a separate project to track you matching costs) to the contract.
Billing and Revenue – Voucher Processing transactions: Create a voucher for a $40 supplies purchase
Billing and Revenue – Invoice Information • Add the funding distribution line to the voucher, including the project and activity