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Do Now #3

Do Now #3. Take out 1 sheet of lined paper. Write your ACRMA#8 heading. What period or person in history do you already know about? What kind of history interests you?. Name Teacher’s Name Subject and Period Date. Unit Zero: How we do History.

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Do Now #3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Do Now #3 • Take out 1 sheet of lined paper. • Write your ACRMA#8 heading. What period or person in history do you already know about? What kind of history interests you? Name Teacher’s Name Subject and Period Date

  2. Unit Zero: How we do History Learning Objective: Students will learn the difference between primary and secondary sources though a collaborative group activity. Students will be accessed by their advanced organizer.

  3. AGENDA • Do Now • Essential Questions • Sources in History • Think-Pair Share • Collaborative Station (Advanced Organizer) • Exit Slip

  4. Essential Questions “History” • How can we know about how people lived, if we were not there?

  5. Primary & Secondary Sources • Primary Sources are the raw materials of history – original documents and objects which were created at the time under study. They are different from Secondary Sources, accounts or interpretations of events created by someone without first-hand experience.

  6. Why are Primary Sources so Important?

  7. Reminder (Attention)

  8. Collaborative Station • STEP 1: Share your index card from yesterday’s homework in your pod (pass index card to the right). • STEP 2: Pretend to be a future Historian 1,000 years from now, what do these artifacts tell you about the people in this classroom? • STEP 3: Write your findings in the Advanced Organizer • 4 Artifacts per pod, make 3 conclusions about each artifact

  9. Advanced Organizer

  10. Exit Slip Is a Historian’s job difficult? Why or why not?

  11. Dismissal • Wait for my signal • Put away your materials • Students will be dismissed by pod

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