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by Dr. B. E. Williams, Media Specialist, NBCT B.E.S.T. Academy Middle School. Plagiarism. Plagiarism.
by Dr. B. E. Williams, Media Specialist, NBCT B.E.S.T. Academy Middle School Plagiarism
the act of presenting another person's literary, artistic, or musical work as one's own. For example, a student who copies from reference books has committed plagiarism. A work need not be identical to the original to be a plagiarism. But it must be so similar that it has obviously been copied (“Plagiarism,” World Book Online) What is Plagiarism?
“the uncredited use (both intentional and unintentional) of somebody else's words or ideas” (“Avoiding Plagiarism”). http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/589/01/ What is Plagiarism?
Intentional • Copying from a friend • Buying/borrowing papers • Copying/pasting from a resource What is Plagiarism?
Unintentional • Not citing your sources • Poor paraphrasing • Quoting nearly everything What is Plagiarism?
Unethical / dishonest Illegal Punishable by fine or imprisonment Can be sued Problems
Jayson Blair • Investigative Journalist • New York Times writer • He possibly plagiarized more than 1/3 of his stories in 2002-2003 • He was FORCED TO RESIGN “New York Times Exposes Fraud of Own Reporter.” ABC News Online. 12 May, 2003. *** Real life example
Paraphrase Quote Cite your work Provide Bibliography What do we do?
your own version of important details, information and ideas originally created by someone else, presented in a new form • your own rendition of essential information and ideas expressed by someone else, presented in a new form. http://712educators.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=712educators&cdn=education&tm=128&gps=289_695_1020_590&f=00&su=p897.3.336.ip_&tt=2&bt=0&bts=0&zu=http%3A//owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/research/r_paraphr.html Paraphrase
Steps to Effective Paraphrasing • Reread the original passage until you understand its full meaning. • Write your paraphrase, using your own voice. • Check your version with the original to make sure that it accurately expresses all the important information in a new form. • “Use quotation marks to identify any unique term or phraseology you have borrowed exactly from the source.” • Record the source so that you can give credit to it if you decide to use the material in your paper. http://712educators.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=712educators&cdn=education&tm=128&gps=289_695_1020_590&f=00&su=p897.3.336.ip_&tt=2&bt=0&bts=0&zu=http%3A//owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/research/r_paraphr.html Paraphrase – How?
http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson_images/lesson1062/ParaphrasingPractice.pps#256,1,Paraphrasing Practice Paraphrase – practice
Quotations must be identical to the original. They must match the resource word for word and credit must be given to the original author. Quote
Use quotations • when you want to emphasize someone else’s statements • when you want to disagree with someone else’s statements • when you are comparing statements Quote
Make sure you document your source within the text! • Make sure you include a citation for that source in your bibliography! Paraphrasing and Quoting
Do I have to provide citations for everything? NO! • Common knowledge • Your own thoughts, ideas • Things you have observed Cite your work
After a paraphrased entry or quotation, put the author’s name and page number in parentheses before the period. Example: “Reading itself promotes reading. A consistent finding in in-school free reading studies is that children who participate in these programs are more involved in FVR after the program ends than those in traditional programs” (Krashen, p. 81). Cite your work
If you are using an internet resource, put the webpage title in parentheses before the period. Example: “Those who read more, know more... There was a clear relationship between the amount of reported leisure reading and performance on the literature test” (“Literacy without walls”). Cite your work
List of resources Citation Machine Bibliography Guidelines Ask for help! Bibliography
"Avoiding Plagiarism - The OWL at Purdue." Welcome to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL). 29 Oct. 2008 <http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/589/01/>. • Dunlap, Kent. "Plagiarism." 2008. [Place of access.] 29 Oct. 2008 <http://www.worldbookonline.com/student/article?id=ar433110>. • "Lessons on plagiarism - Grey Day - Plagiarizing and Education." Secondary School Education - Education and Teaching. 29 Oct. 2008 <http://712educators.about.com/cs/plagiarism/a/plagiarism.htm>. • "Literacy Without Walls." SlideShare is the best place to share powerpoint presentations. 29 Oct. 2008 <http://www.slideshare.net/dosmith/literacy-without-walls-presentation/>. • "Vaughan Memorial Library : Tutorials : Plagiarism." Vaughan Memorial Library, Acadia University. 29 Oct. 2008 <http://library.acadiau.ca/tutorials/plagiarism/>. Created at www.bibme.org Works Cited (or Bibliography)