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Урок английского языка в 9 классе

Урок английского языка в 9 классе. “BIG GAME” Преподаватель: Стахеева Л. В. МКОУ «Березовская ООШ», I квалиф. категория. SIMPLE GAME. Задание 1: Поставить слова в сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения. old, big, hard, easy, good, bad, long, nice, happy, difficult, little.

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Урок английского языка в 9 классе

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  1. Урок английского языкав 9 классе “BIG GAME” Преподаватель: Стахеева Л. В. МКОУ «Березовская ООШ», I квалиф. категория

  2. SIMPLE GAME Задание 1: Поставить слова в сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения. old, big, hard, easy, good, bad, long, nice, happy, difficult, little. Задание 2: Найти ошибку. comfortable – comfortabler; new – newwer; big – biger – the bigest; cool – more cooler – the most coolest.

  3. Задание 3: Сравнить слова из 2-го задания (добавляя существительные по вашему усмотрению) при помощи следующих союзов: than as …. as not so … as

  4. MIDDLE GAME Задание 1: Каким значениям соответствуют данные префиксы? mis-, out-, over-, multi-, pre-, sub-, re- 1. again or back 2. many 3. past 4. before 5. incorrectly 6. under 7. too much

  5. Задание 2: Заполните пропуски, присоединив префиксы к словам в правом столбце. mis-, out-, over-, multi-, pre-, sub-, re- • She works for a large … company. • The letter I wrote is so messy. I’ll have to … it. • The ship was completely … in the sea. • My grandmother is so healthy. She may even … me! • There was a … in the address. So the letter didn’t arrive. • You need to … the oven before putting the meat in it. • Dinner wasn’t very good, because the potatoes were … . nation write merge live print heat cook

  6. Задание 3: Переведите на русский язык: Complete – incomplete Employed – unemployed Satisfied – dissatisfied Accurate – inaccurate Experienced – inexperienced Sufficient – insufficient Agree – disagree Known – unknown

  7. BIG GAME Задание 1: Объедините суффиксы по частям речи. -age, -an, -ance, -ant, -er, -ship, -ate, -en, -ify, -ize, -able, -al, -ful, -ical, -ish, -ly, -ous, -ally, -ward

  8. Задание 2: Переведите слова: Manage – management, arrive – arrival, connect – connection, educate – education, nervous – nervousness, confident – confidence, different – difference, possible – impossible – possibility.

  9. Задание 3: Образуйте слова с помощью префиксов и суффиксов и переведите. Agree, develop, attract, correct, pollute, survive, appear, assist, serious, calm, careless, intelligent, patient, formal, possible, real.

  10. SUPER GAME Задание: Ответьте на вопросы. • Do you have an elder brother or sister? • How many years older is he or she? • Is your father older than your mother? • Who is the eldest in your family? • Is your best friend as tall as you? • Is he \ she as kind as you? • Is he \ she as good at English as you?

  11. Thank you very much!

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