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Learn about the objectives, sub-components, project monitoring, and future initiatives of the IT Consolidation Programme for CBEC's Wide Area Network (WAN) Project. The project aims to enhance services for stakeholders by consolidating IT infrastructure, deploying upgraded systems, and expanding network connectivity across multiple locations. Explore the proposed geographical coverage, roles of vendors, and key activities for WAN implementation.
About IT Consolidation Programme (ITCP) OBJECTIVE : To providequality services to all stake holders, including tax payers, by consolidating CBEC’s information technology (IT) infrastructure • SUB-COMPONENTS: • Wide Area Networks (WAN) at 582 CBEC locations • (One WAN point per building) • using MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching) Technology • bandwidth on demand • Local Area Networks (LAN) at 1200 buildings, thin clients, peripherals (printers etc), UPS, DG sets • Data Centers – Three data centres - Primary, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery • Project Monitoring and program management - M/s PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) (supported by M/S CMS) for inter-vendor coordination, Service level monitoring (For eg: Monitoring Network Availability, Quality of Service (QoS) etc)
The IT Consolidation Project will enable • Roll out of ICES 1.5 – this upgraded version of ICES would be deployed on Oracle 10g and service all locations, including current ones • Roll out of ACES – the newly developed Central Excise & Service Tax workflow application • Data Warehouse – Single window data repository of CBEC data for decision support in tax planning, risk management etc • Upgraded ICEGATE facilities • Upgraded Risk Management System • Upgraded iCERT infrastructure • Corporate Mail facilities to all officers • Other initiatives such as APIS, Intranet and Knowledge Management system etc. in due course
Existing v/s Future Scenario – WAN/ LAN AS IS TO BE • Augmented network infrastructure to meet the data, voice and video communication requirements of the Department • All India Wide Area Network (WAN) for around 582 CBEC buildings (one WAN point in each building) • All buildings connected to central data centre through Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) based network • All offices of CBEC connected to the Centralised Data Centre combined with ISDN connectivity for other offices • Present Wide area network called Indian Customs and Excise Network (ICENET) covering 35 Customs (ICES) locations • Existing WAN connectivity is through dedicated 64 kbps or 2 Mbps point to point leased lines • Existing LAN in Customs House based on structured UTP cabling • Some Central Excise offices have building wide LANs
Ludhiana Samrat Hotel NIC North Block Gateway Reliance Router PPG DGRI, DELHI TKD DELHI l DRI CGO NCH (IGI) Jaipur Raxaul Petrapole DRI Ahd. Calcutta Air Cargo Ahmedabad DRI Colaba CALCUTTA DRI-KZU Vizag Hyderabad. Sahar MUMBAI Haldia Haldia B’lore Nhava Sheva Note : Note : Goa Air Cargo DRI Chennai CHENNAI DRI B’lore 64K Chennai Air Cargo 2 Mb Tuticorin M’lore Cochin Trivandrum On Same LAN (through switch) Existing Scenario : (Leased Line network)
About WAN • WAN: A long-distance communications network that covers a wide geographic area, such as a state or country. • To be implemented by at 582 buildings across India by a consortium led by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd • ROLES OF VENDORS WHO WOULD INTERACT WITH FIELD FORMATIONS: • Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) : WAN Service Provider (MPLS services) and laying of leased lines from exchange to CBEC premises • Hewlett Packard (HP) : System Integrator (Field work has been outsourced to M/s DSM): Site Survey, Supply & Installation of equipments, Commissioning of links.. • PwC :Selected as “ Project Management and Monitoring Agency” (supported in field work by M/s CMS Computers Ltd. )
M P L S Schematic Diagram-WAN Data Centre (DC) Centrally Hosted Applications ICES / ACES INTERNET DisastorRecovery (DR) Banks Excise Range Offices BCP Importer /Exporter Custodians Directorates & Other Offices CentralExcise Customs
WAN Point • Each building will have one WAN point, in one of the following Categories : • Category A- Strategically important offices like North Block with more than 25 concurrent users • Category B- Headquarters and office buildings with 25 or more concurrent users • Category C- Divisional / Zonal / Regional offices with 6 to 25 concurrent users • Category D- Offices with less than 6 concurrent users • Scalable bandwidth from 16 Mbps to 128 Kbps has been provided for all locations • Each WAN site has been assigned a unique site code based on a set of predefined rules
WAN – List of Activities and Status as on 4 Aug 2009 • Site Survey by HP (Outsourced to DSM): • Already completed • Survey of sites to capture details of communication roomby HP • Preparation of Deficiency report based on survey • Dispatch of WAN Equipment by HP (already completed for 530 sites) (Courier : Safe Express) • Receipt of Equipment at Site by Nodal Officer (already completed for 530 sites) (a) Router (b) Modem (c) 9 U Rack • Commissioning of Leased line links by BSNL (Partially outsourced to DSM, at least one link already completed at 523 locations) • Installation of equipment in communication room by HP (Outsourced to DSM, already completed at 530 locations) • Commissioning of Site by HP (Out sourced to DSM) • WAN acceptance by PwC on behalf of CBEC (Outsourced to CMS)
Local Office Responsibilities - I • Nominate a local nodal officer (at the level AC / JC ) to interact with project teams • To identify a communication room for housing the WAN equipments and LAN equipments • Promptly inform CBEC Project Team regarding any proposed change in location of any office • Maintain proper inventory of equipment and ensure security of communication room • Senior officers to periodically review at regular intervals to resolve any problem including delays • Assign a new nodal officer incase of transfer of the nodal officer of a site and ensure knowledge transfer. Inform change in nodal officer to CBEC Project Team • Maintain a guard file containing all communication and instructions related to the project • Spread awareness regarding the project among the officers • Ensure that sanctity of WAN point is maintained and no other equipment is allowed to be installed nearby. • Ensure that no junk / personal luggage / office files / papers etc is stacked in the vicinity. • Ensure that a clean and dust free environment is maintained at all times. • Allow WAN rack installation on table only if a brick wall is not available. WAN Rack installation on floor should not be permitted.
Local Office Responsibilities - II • A link officer is required to be nominated for operational requirements after office hours / holidays to provide access to authorized personnel and assist in resolving problems • Fire fighting equipment (CO2 / Dry powder type for electrical fires) should be made available at the site • RESPONSIBILITIES RELATED TO LAN INSTALLATION: • Nominate a nodal officer (Nodal officer nominated for WAN should be given responsibility for LAN) • Assist HP in identifying a suitable location for the DG sets. • Assist HP in interface with the building custodian, including CPWD on issues such as power supply and work permissions both inside and in the immediate vicinity of the buildings. • Provide the following to Dir (Sys) as per schedule to be provided: • Building plan indicating seating arrangements. • Network and electrical line diagram if available. • Digital photograph of exterior of the building and interior of communication room • Requirement for equipment to be retained • Clearances required • Installation of ISDN link
Project Management • M/s PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) have been appointed as “Project Management & Implementation Monitoring Agency” for WAN and LAN • ROLE OF PWC: • Project Co-ordination: To co-ordinate with various stakeholders involved in implementation of WAN (SP1) • Implementation Management: To co-ordinate with CBEC and SP1 project teams to ensure that implementation proceeds smoothly with minimum disruption of CBEC work • Asset Management & Inventorization • WAN Site Acceptance • Monitoring implementation of LAN • Service Level monitoring for payments to implementing vendors • Any query related to the project may be raised toPwC Team or CBEC team
Specifications of Communication Room • A communication room needs to be identified at each building where the WAN / LAN equipment will be installed. • Size of communication room: • A room of size at least 6’ x 6’ would generally be sufficient for the purpose. However, for Category A sites and sites where a floor mounted rack will also be needed for LAN, a larger room of size up to 8’ x 6’ may be required. • In case the ceiling is higher than 8’ the AC requirement may have to be assessed accordingly.
Specifications of Communication Room A dedicated room is preferred for the purpose. However, in case a dedicated room of appropriate size is not available then following rooms may be used, provided sufficient space is available for accommodating the required equipment. As an exceptional scenario, if no room is available at all, then a segregated area in the common hall/room should be designated as the WAN / LAN point. Care is to be exercised to ensure that sufficient area is delimited in order to securely accommodate the required installation.
Attributes of Communication Room • Should be so chosen that it has at least one suitable brick wall space available where required equipment can be mounted. The equipment should preferably not be located near a window. • The wall should not be the outer wall of the building or a wall common with toilet / water storage to minimize the chances of water seepage in future. • Only if suitable brick wall is not available then a table of minimum size 2.5’ x 2.5’ is required to be provided for rack installation. The table should be firm wooden or steel table with a minimum load bearing capacity of 80 kgs. • The communication room should have UPS power points (of rating 1 KVA or above) and proper earthing for WAN equipment. In case UPS of rating 1 KVA or more is not available then it should be procured locally. • The communication room should be air conditioned. The equipment is required to be maintained in a dust free environment and at an ambient temperature of 25 deg Centigrade round the clock. • Any UPS of over 1 KVA should preferably not be kept in the communication room on account of the heat generation. In case the battery pack is a separate unit, the UPS may be kept inside the Communication room while the battery pack kept outside in a ventilated area. In case the UPS is a rack mountable compact unit and a separate space cannot be provided, a minimum distance of 2’ be maintained from the communication equipment.
WAN Equipment • The WAN equipment will be installed in one 9U size rack in all Category B, C and D WAN sites. The size of the rack is 2’ x 2’ x 2’. • In case of Category A sites BSNL will install following additional equipment for providing fiber connectivity. The exact configuration will differ depending on local practice and availability of type of equipment with the BSNL: • i. A separate rack for Multiplexer which may be wall mounted or floor mounted (Max size – 3’ x 1’, height - 6’). • ii. A Cable locker which will be wall mounted( Max size – 4’ x 6’, depth – 6”). • iii. A small wall mounted terminal box less than 1’ x 1’ in size.
LAN Equipment • The size of LAN equipment will be decided by the number of users in the site. • At small sites with less than 24 users only one switch will be required which may be installed inside the WAN rack itself. • At sites with larger number of users a floor mounted rack will be used which will house the multiple switches. • At very large sites, LAN for each office may be terminated locally while only one cable runs between the office and the communication room.`
WAN Site Code Rule • For eg: GJ/JMN/03_C01 • GJ: Gujrat • JMN: Jamnagar • 03: 3rd Building in Jamnagar • C: Category • 01: Bandwidth i.e. 128 Kbps Bandwidth code: 01 : 128kbps 02 : 256 kbps 03 : 512 kbps 04 : 1 Mbps 05 : 2 Mbps 06 : 4 Mbps 07 : 8 Mbps 08 : 16 Mbps