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2013-09-05. BIML & EzAPI. BIML and EzAPI. Two approaches to creating SSIS packages programmatically Daniel Otykier // do@kapacity.dk. Agenda. About me Why SSIS programmatically ? Prerequisites BIML Introduction Samples References EzAPI Introduction Samples References

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  1. 2013-09-05 BIML & EzAPI

  2. BIML and EzAPI Two approaches to creating SSIS packages programmatically Daniel Otykier // do@kapacity.dk

  3. Agenda • Aboutme • Why SSIS programmatically? • Prerequisites • BIML • Introduction • Samples • References • EzAPI • Introduction • Samples • References • Summary and discussion • Strength and weaknesses • Comparing BIML and EzAPI Feel free to ask questions along the way!

  4. Aboutme • Daniel Otykier do@kapacity.dk • 28 years old, married, no kids (yet) • Cand. IT. • 5 years of experience with SQL Server and Microsoft BI • 8+ years of experience with C# and .NET • BI consultant and developer at Jyllands-Posten since August 2008 • Senior Business Intelligence Consultant at KapacitysinceFebruary 2013

  5. Why work with SSIS programmatically? • Eliminate repetitive and time-consuming labor • 1:1 data extracts • Controller packages • Dimension Load packages • Create metadata-driven SSIS solutions • Connections, source tables, columns, transformations = metadata • No manual editing SSIS packages when things change • Improve manageability of larger solutions • Increase productivity • Reuse existing work • Use templates …and for the code-loving programmers among us: • Work with structured code rather than a clumsy GUI

  6. Whywork with SSIS programmatically?

  7. Prerequisites? • Developer • Solid SSIS experience • Software • SQL Server 2008R2 or 2012 • BIDS or SSDT • For BIML: • BIDS Helper - http://bidshelper.codeplex.com/ • For EzAPI: • Visual Studio edition with C# or VB.NET Project Type • EzAPI.dll - http://sqlsrvintegrationsrv.codeplex.com

  8. Business Intelligence Markup Language BIML

  9. BIML introduction • Developed and supported by Varigence • XML-based • Abstract description of BI solution • ASP.NET-style scripting (BIMLScript) • Free version with BIDS Helper • Generate SSIS packages • Integrates nicely in SSIS projects • Full version with Mist™ IDE (Varigence) • Generate SQL tables, SSAS dimensions, cubes, etc.

  10. Using BIML • Make sure BIDS Helper is installed! • Create .biml files • Check for errors • Execute BIML Script = “Generate SSIS packages”

  11. Visual Studio hints • biml.xsd for syntax highlighting / IntelliSense • Disable xml formatting on paste:

  12. BIML syntax Creating a package that contains a single data flow task: <Bimlxmlns="http://schemas.varigence.com/biml.xsd"> <Packages> <PackageName="MyTestPackage"ConstraintMode="Linear"> <Tasks> <DataflowName="My Data Flow"> <!-- ...dataflow components here... --> </Dataflow> </Tasks> </Package> </Packages> </Biml>

  13. BIML XML tags Many BIML XML tags, corresponding to the various SSIS tasks, components, etc. Examples: • <Packages> • <Package> • <Tasks> • <ExecuteSQL> • <ExecutePackage> • <FileSystem> • <Ftp> • <SendMail> • <ForEachFileLoop> • <Script> • <Container> • <DataFlow> • <Transformations> • <OleDbSource> • <ExcelSource> • <DerivedColumns> • <Sort> • <Merge> • <DataConversion> • <AdoNetDestination> • <Connections> • <Variables> • <PackageConfigurations> …and many, MANY more!

  14. BIMLScript basics • Inline C# or VB.NET scripting with <# and #> • Same as T4 templates • Example: C# variables <#@templatelanguage="C#"hostspecific="true"#> <#varpackageName= "TestPackage";#> <Bimlxmlns="http://schemas.varigence.com/biml.xsd"> <Packages> <PackageName="<#=packageName#>" ConstraintMode="Linear"/> </Packages> </Biml>

  15. BIMLScript basics • Example: C# conditionals <#@templatelanguage="C#"hostspecific="true"#> <#varvalue = 1;#> <Bimlxmlns="http://schemas.varigence.com/biml.xsd"> <Packages> <#if(value == 1){#> <PackageName="PackageA"ConstraintMode="Linear"/> <#}else{#> <PackageName="PackageB"ConstraintMode="Linear"/> <#}#> </Packages> </Biml>

  16. BIMLScript basics • Example: C# loops <#@templatelanguage="C#"hostspecific="true"#> <Bimlxmlns="http://schemas.varigence.com/biml.xsd"> <Packages> <#for(vari = 1;i <= 5;i++){#> <PackageName="Package <#=i#>" ConstraintMode="Linear"/> <#}#> </Packages> </Biml> • When running this BIML, it is expanded into…

  17. BIMLScript loop expansion <Bimlxmlns="http://schemas.varigence.com/biml.xsd"> <Packages> <PackageName="Package 1"ConstraintMode="Linear"/> <PackageName="Package 2"ConstraintMode="Linear"/> <PackageName="Package 3"ConstraintMode="Linear"/> <PackageName="Package 4"ConstraintMode="Linear"/> <PackageName="Package 5"ConstraintMode="Linear"/> </Packages> </Biml> • All inline C# code is gone! • …and then SSIS packages are generated.

  18. Using metadata <#@templatelanguage="C#"hostspecific="true"#> <Bimlxmlns="http://schemas.varigence.com/biml.xsd"> <Packages> <# varmetadataConnection = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=localhost;Initial Catalog... varmetadataSql = "SELECT PackageName FROM Packages"; varmetadataTable = ExternalDataAccess.GetDataTable(metadataConnection, metadataSql); foreach(DataRowrowinmetadataTable.Rows) {#> <PackageName="<#=row["PackageName"]#>" ConstraintMode="Linear"> </Package> <#} #> </Packages> </Biml> Repeated for every row in table “Packages”

  19. Real-world sample • Generate all extract packages from metadata! • Metadata table containing: • Connection Manager name (also used as Schema name for extract tables) • Source table name or SQL SELECT-statement • Destination table name • Optional pre-execute and post-execute SQL statements (for dropping and creating indices, etc.) • BIML script generates: • Extract package for each row in metadata table • Controller package, that executes every extract package

  20. General usage of metadata with BIML • Metadata source options: • INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES • Custom metadata table (previous slide) • Custom XML or text file metadata • BIML automatically maps dataflow columns if • Column names match in source and destination • Column mappings are explicitly specified in BIML • What happens when metadata is changed? • Just execute BIML script again • Don’t edit generated SSIS-packages manually

  21. More BIML • BIML supports most SSIS features: • Variables • Expressions • Configurations • Events

  22. More BIML • BIML supports new SSIS 2012 features: • Project Connection Managers:<OleDbConnectionName="OLTP" ConnectionString=”...”CreateInProject="true"/> • Package Parameters:<Parameter DataType="String" Name=”MyParam">MyValue</Parameters> • Useproject/package parameters just like variables:<Variable Name=”MyVariable" DataType="String”EvaluateAsExpression="true">@[$Package::MyParam]</Variable>

  23. BIML references BIML has an active user community: • Varigence.comhttp://www.varigence.com/Documentation/Samples/Biml • BIMLScript.comhttp://www.bimlscript.com/Browse/Snippets • bidshelper.codeplex.com:http://bidshelper.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Samples%20and%20Tutorials

  24. SSIS API wrapper written in C# EzAPI

  25. EzAPI introduction • Developed by the Microsoft SSIS team • Written in C#, source code available • Wraps low-level DTS libraries • Use with any .NET compatible language (C#, VB.NET, Visual C++, etc.) • Maximum flexibility • Everything that can be done in BIDS, can be done with EzAPI • “Scripttime” metadata access

  26. Terminology SSDT / BIDS BIML / EzAPI • “Designtime” Script / code writing Package creation(metadata available) • Designtime • “Scripttime” • Runtime Package execution

  27. “Scripttime” in EzAPI • When EzAPI code is executed • Equivalent to designtime in SSDT / BIDS • Complete access to SSIS metadata • Utilization: • Create SQL tables on the fly • Perform operations depending on column data types, f.x: • Character conversion • String trimming • Inspect metadata while debugging code

  28. EzAPI classes • Out-of-the-box Ez*-classes, corresponding to SSIS objects: Top level: EzProject EzPackage Connection mgrs.: Ez***CM EzSqlOleDbCM EzOracleOleDbCM EzDb2OleDbCM EzFlatFileCM EzExcelCM Control flow: EzSequence EzForLoop EzForEachLoop Tasks: EzExecSqlTask EzExecPackage EzFileSystemTask EzDataFlow Components: Ez***Source Ez***Destination EzSqlDestination (fast load) EzDerivedColumn EzDataConvert EzMulticast EzUnionAll EzMerge EzLookup EzScript …but feel free to create your own! *** = OleDb / AdoNet

  29. EzAPI syntax (C# edition) varmyContainer = newEzSequence(myPackage) { Name = “Step 1" }; Object reference EzAPI class(Sequence Container) Parent object reference Object properties Read as:“Create a new Sequence Container inside myPackage. Set the containers name to ‘Step 1’. Use the myContainer variable as a reference for the new Sequence Container.

  30. EzAPI syntax (c# edition) // Create package: varmyPackage= newEzPackage() { Name = "BasicEzApiPackage" }; // Create OLE DB connection manager inside package: varmyConMgr= newEzOleDbConnectionManager(myPackage) { Name = "DW Meta", ConnectionString = "Provider=sqlncli11;Data Source=localhost;InitialCatalog=MSBIP_EzAP... }; // Create Execute SQL task: var estTest = newEzExecSqlTask(myPackage) { Name = "EST Test", Connection = myConMgr, SqlStatementSource = "SELECT 'test' AS [Dummy]" }; // Save package: myPackage.SaveToFile("BasicEzApiPackage.dtsx");

  31. Structuring EzAPI code • Use C# language features to structure code: // Set up project: var project = newEzProject() { Name = "SSIS_EzAPI" }; // Set up project connection managers: varaxCM = Generator.GetAXConnectionManager(project); vardwCM = Generator.GetDWConnectionManager(project); // Add Extract packages for AX: project.AddPackage(Generator.GenerateFullExtractPackage(axCM, "CUSTTABLE", dwCM, "AX_CUSTOMER")); project.AddPackage(Generator.GenerateFullExtractPackage(axCM, "PRODUCT", dwCM, "AX_PRODUCT")); project.AddPackage(Generator.GenerateFullExtractPackage(axCM, "SALESORDER", dwCM, "AX_SALESORDER")); project.AddPackage(Generator.GenerateIncrementalExtractPackage(axCM, "INVENTTRANS", dwCM, "AX_INVENT... // Add Load Dimension packages: project.AddPackage(Generator.GenerateLoadDimensionPackage(dwCM, "Customer")); project.AddPackage(Generator.GenerateLoadDimensionPackage(dwCM, "Product")); project.AddPackage(Generator.GenerateLoadDimensionPackage(dwCM, "Calendar")); project.SaveAs(OutputPath+ "CodeStructureProject.ispac"); • Note the .ispac project file type (not .dtproj)

  32. Accessing “scripttime” metadata • After calling .AttachTo() on a Data Flow component, column metadata is available: varderCmp = newEzDerivedColumn(dataFlowTask) { Name = "DER Transform"};derCmp.AttachTo(srcCmp); varinputColumns = derCmp.Meta.InputCollection[0].InputColumnCollection; foreach (varcol ininputColumns) { if(col.DataType== DataType.DT_WSTR) derCmp.Expression[col.Name] = string.Format("RTRIM({0})", col.Name); }

  33. Extending EzAPI • Create task and component C# classes • Wrap existing SSIS objects (FtpTask, WebTask, etc.) • Wrap 3rd party SSIS objects (KimballSCD, etc.) • Extend EzAPI with helper classes • EzAPIExtensions(available for download) • Create SQL tables on the fly • Various EzAPI improvements • More to come… • Create reusable templates

  34. More EzAPI • Load existing SSIS projects and packages • Batch changes • Reverse engineering

  35. EzAPI references • Get EzAPI from Codeplex:http://sqlsrvintegrationsrv.codeplex.com/releases/view/21238 • SSIS-team blog:http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mattm/archive/2008/12/30/ezapi-alternative-package-creation-api.aspx • Other blogs:http://www.dimodelo.com/blog/category/ezapi/http://billfellows.blogspot.dk/2012/01/ezapi-overview.html

  36. BIML and EzAPI Summary and discussion


  38. Learning curves

  39. Thanks for listening! Slides, samples and tutorials coming soon on our blog. Stay tuned! Feedback and questions: do@kapacity.dk

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