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Health Analytics: An Overview

Health Analytics: An Overview. HealthTech Net November 20, 2008 Richard Singerman, Ph.D. Providers remain data rich, information poor…”. Challenges Volume and complexity of data Integrating massive volumes of disparate data Need for sophisticated analytics

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Health Analytics: An Overview

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  1. Health Analytics: An Overview HealthTech Net November 20, 2008 Richard Singerman, Ph.D.

  2. Providers remain data rich, information poor…” Challenges • Volume and complexity of data • Integrating massive volumes of disparate data • Need for sophisticated analytics • Growing collaboration across ecosystem

  3. Proteomics, SNPs, Publications Clinical Trials PubMEd Results, Medications VS, Ht/Wt, Allergies DC Summaries Clinical Doc CLINICAL Informatics RESEARCH Informatics Health Analytics ADMINISTRATIVE Informatics ADT, Demographics Provider, Scheduling Diagnosis, CPT, AR, Billing, Claims Clinical Quality, Translational Research, Community Health and Reporting Elevated by Informatics Strategy Leveraging Clinical, Research and Administrative Domains Additional Areas: Research Admin Education/career path tracking Extramural relations

  4. Management Clinicians Board How do we create strategic advantage? What’s our overall performance? Ourquality performance? How can we improve the health ofour community? What’s our patient safety record? What investments should we make? How much? How can I enhance my organization’s care delivering effectiveness? How can I improve my organization’s outcome and financial performance? How can we improve the health of populations? Can we predict population-based events? How can I provide safer & more effective care? Can I be financially rewarded for better performance? How do I stay informed of on going best practices? How can I provide predictive and evidence-based care? What more can I learn about my patients? Enterprise Value Creation Care Delivery – Innovation – Differentiation - Access Translating Research Bench to Bedside/Battlefield What new things can I discover? How can I conduct the most advanced molecular-based clinical research? How can I translate research to the patient? Can I advance my research and increase grants and publications by relating clinical and genomic information?

  5. Current strategies for reporting, analyzing and trending quality and cost data can provide valuable data but … Lab System OR System ED System Pharmacy System RegistrationSystem Hard Copy Medical Records Micro Results Hematology Chemistry Results Peri Op Documentation OR Med Admin Time ED Admit Time ED DC Time Medication Name Dispense Order MRN Name ICD 9/10

  6. Medication Safety Monitoring Quality Compliance Reporting Chronic Disease Management Electronic ClaimsAttachments Real-time Claims Adjudication Consumer On Line Payments and Scheduling Medication Safety Monitoring Quality Compliance Reporting Chronic Disease Management Electronic ClaimsAttachments Real-time Claims Adjudication Consumer On Line Payments and Scheduling Medication Safety Dashboard Quality Compliance Workbench Chronic Disease Management Organizational KPI Dashboard Practice Performance Dashboard Pt Throughput Management Dashboard Transforming information requires a unified, simplified and streamlined data architecture Administrators & Executives Physicians & Clinicians Provide Access Researchers Patient QUALITY IMPROVEMENT OPERATIONS EFFICIENCY Transform Data to Information Integrated Information Infrastructure Aggregate and Integrate Data Clinical systems Clinical Ancillary Imaging OR ERP Rev Cycle Billing/Reg Generate and Acquire Data Clinical and Business Transactional Systems Optimize Infrastructure Infrastructure and IT Processes

  7. Innovators leading the way...

  8. 6 Seconds IBM/Mayo Clinic Clinical Genomics CollaborationExample of a real-time query • Find all patients with: • Coronary artery disease (a form of heart disease) • Diabetes Mellitus (“diabetes”) • Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (a form of liver disease) • Who had a breast biopsy at Mayo (a procedure) • In ZIP code 55901, 55902, 55903, 55904 (local region) • Between 45 and 65 years of age (certain age) • Diabetes Mellitus (Diagnosis Codes, Medical Index & Clinical Notes) • Serum Glucose > 150 mg/dL (Results) • Microarray data exist (Storage & Retrieval) • cRNA labeling efficiency > 90% (Analysis) • Who are female (female gender) • And are alive (vital status) Before 6 Weeks After

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