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The New Artstor: Online Basics

The New Artstor: Online Basics. Julia Simic University of Oregon VRC 2008. www.arstor.org OIV 3.1. Table of Contents. Part 1: Accessing Artstor Getting to Artstor: Mac vs. PC Registration Preferences Instructor Privileges Part 2: Workspace and Menu Artstor online Menu Bar

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The New Artstor: Online Basics

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  1. The New Artstor: Online Basics Julia Simic University of Oregon VRC 2008 www.arstor.org OIV 3.1

  2. Table of Contents • Part 1: Accessing Artstor • Getting to Artstor: Mac vs. PC • Registration • Preferences • Instructor Privileges • Part 2: Workspace and Menu • Artstor online • Menu Bar • Part 3: Finding Images • Browsing Collections • Basic Searches • Advanced Searches • Navigating Search Results • Image Display Formats • Search Results Icons • Downloading Images • Part 4: Working with Images • Selecting Images • Creating Folders • Creating Groups • Additional Folders • Viewing Metadata • File Properties • Instructor Notes • Personal Notes • Sorting Saved Images • Part 5: Folder Administration • Access Controls • Student Usage • Part 6: Personal Collections • Uploading Personal Files • Personal Collection Administration

  3. Getting to Artstor: Mac vs. PC 1.1 Through the Photographs, Maps and Images page off the UO Libraries homepage: OR http://www.artstor.org

  4. 1.1 Artstor is a licensed resource available to UO faculty, staff, and students. Once registered, it can be accessed from any computer. Registration from a computer connected to the campus network is necessary. Artstor requires: Java 1.3 or higher Flash 6 or later Cookies enabled Pop-up blocker configured to allow content from Artstor Problems with the former Artstor java interface (now referred to as Artstor Legacy) interacting with Macs and certain browsers on both platforms have been solved. The new interface runs in the browser itself and is much more stable. Training materials from Artstor are being updated. Artstor Legacy will be available through 2009.

  5. 1.1 Once you are at the Artstor home page, click the Go button at the upper right. Artstor Legacy is available here.

  6. Registration 1.2 If you have never used Artstor before you will need to register Click the Not registered? link at the top right and fill out the form. Your password can be anything you want—it does not need to be your email or UO network password.

  7. 1.3 Preferences You may change your password or user profile at any time by accessing the Preferences under the Tools menu or using the Edit my profile link beneath the Welcome box.

  8. 1.4 Instructor Privileges Users with instructor privileges can create multiple Folders, add Instructor Commentary, and upload Personal Collections to Artstor. To obtain Instructor privileges, please contact Julia Simic jsimic@uoregon.edu or Ed Teague ehteague@uoregon.edu You will be asked to sign and return an Artstor Personal Collections waiver before the privileges are granted.

  9. 2.1 Artstor Online Once you have logged on you will be sent to the Home page. All Artstor resources and tools are accessible from here. You can return to the Home page at any time by clicking the Artstor logo.

  10. 2.2 Menu Bar : Move forward or backward through pages History | : Jump back through pages Find: Search and browse for images and access shared folders Upload: Add to and manage Personal Collections Organize: Save images and manage image groups Share: Administer folders, find URLs and print image groups Display Options : Control image views and sort images Tools: Save and view citations, download the OIV and manage Preferences

  11. 3.1 Browsing Collections All Artstor collections can be explored from the Find menu or from links at the lower left of the Home page. Artstor organizes all collections hierarchically for easy navigation. The number in parentheses indicates how many images exist under that classification. Click on the + to expand the hierarchy, double click on the name of the classification to bring up all the images.

  12. 3.2 Basic Searches Queries that search all the metadata associated with an image can be made from the Home page or from within a found Group of images via the Basic Search box. Both options allow you to narrow your search by collection. Search option from within a Group or search results (upper right corner.) Note that from here you can also narrow your search to the images you have already found. Basic search from the Home page

  13. 3.3 Advanced Searches Find > Advanced Search allows for more specific queries in multiple fields, within chosen collections and by general classifications Click on the box beside the geographical designation, object classification or collection to select. Click again to deselect

  14. 3.4 Navigating Search Results Search results will appear up to 24 thumbnails at a time. If the search returns more than 24 hits, pages of thumbnails can be viewed by using the navigation toolbar at the upper left.

  15. 3.5 Search Results Icons Cluster: More views of the same work are available. Click the icon to view. Images for Academic Publishing from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Click the icon for more information. Quicktime Virtual Reality file. Click the icon to launch Quicktime plugin (available for free.) QTVR files are only usable within Artstor’s online interface.

  16. 3.6 Image Display Formats Images from searches or Groups can be displayed in three sizes. Choices can be found under the Display Options menu. There is also a toggle button for two modes at the upper right Small thumbnails is the default

  17. 3.6 Large thumbnails mode displays more metadata with the image

  18. 3.6 Double-clicking and image will open it in a new window. By default the new window will be half the screen’s size. To change the default to open a full size pop-up window, go to Tools > Preferences > Display Options Or click the enlarge button to fill the screen.

  19. 3.7 + - : Zoom in and out : Rotate : Reset window : Print : Pan mode : Download Clicking the download button will open a pop-up window. You must agree to Artstor’s Terms and Conditions of Use to save the image to your computer.

  20. Working with Images 4.1 To select an image simply single-click on it. A red box will appear around the thumbnail. To de-select the image, click on it again.

  21. 4.2 Creating Folders Folders are the building blocks for organizing images you collect in Artstor. When you register with Artstor a folder called My Work Folder is automatically created for you. This is accessible only after you create a group in it through the Organize menu. We recommend that in addition to My Work Folder you also create one Folder for each class you teach.

  22. 4.3 Creating Groups Groups are the next smallest unit of organization. Multiple Groups can be housed in a Folder. Groups can only be created after you have selected images. Click on one or more images then go to the Organize menu and choose Save selected images to > New image group. A dialog box will open for you to choose the Folder (click once on it) and to name the Group.

  23. 4.4 Additional Folders Additional folders can be created by Instructors limiting image group access to only users with a password, such as class participants. Go to Share > Create folder The first dialog you see asks you to name your shared folder. This name does not have to be unique. The second box asks you to decide who can see your folder. If you wish to limit Read access to a certain group of people choose Make folder password-protected and create a new password. This password MUST be unique!

  24. 4.4 You are now asked to if you want to limit Write access to only yourself or to a group of people with another password. Note: the password for Write security cannot be the same as the password for Read access. Lastly, you are asked if you would like to create Work Folders for everyone who can access the folder using either of the passwords. This is especially good if you are using Artstor for class assignments, as these work folders can be limited by date.

  25. 4.4 You can change folder options at any time by going to the My folders & image groups link on the Home page or going to Share > Manage folder(s) Your students must access a password-protected folder by going to Find > Unlock password-protected folder. They will be asked to supply their name and the Read or Write password you created.

  26. 4.5 Viewing Metadata Limited metadata can be seen in the Large thumbnail mode. To see full metadata and a large image, double-click on any thumbnail. A new window will open. Click the i button for full metadata

  27. 4.5 • Metadata can also be viewed by • Clicking on an image caption in Small thumbnail mode • Clicking View Full Record in the Large thumbnail mode

  28. 4.6 File Properties Information about the image file can be viewed under the File properties tab Note the download size field. 95% of Artstor images are large enough for classroom presentation. Those under 1024,1024 will not fill a unmodified Keynote or PowerPoint slide.

  29. 4.7 Instructor Notes Notes can also be added to the metadata of images and made available for others to view. Choose the Instructor notes tab, then click in the blank field and type. Click the Public button to make your notes readable and searchable. To keep your notes private, click the Hide button.

  30. 4.8 Personal Notes Notes that only you can see can also be added to images. Click the Personal notes tab, then click in the blank field and type. Only you have access to your Personal notes

  31. 4.9 Sorting Images Images can be automatically sorted by Creator, Title or Date by using the links at the top of the thumbnails page. Images saved into groups can also be hand sorted by dragging and dropping the thumbnails.

  32. 5.2 Access Controls Folder titles and passwords can be added, deleted or changed under Share > Manage folder(s) > My folders tab

  33. 5.3 Student Usage You can monitor who has logged in to a folder by going to Share > Manage folder(s) > My students tab then clicking on the + icon next to folder name

  34. 5.3 You can also allow others to view your Groups or individual images by sending them the URL or cutting and pasting it into Blackboard. Go to Share > Generate image group URL or Generate image URL This URL can be accessed by anyone at UO who has it—even people who don’t have the password to the Folder.

  35. 6.1 Uploading Personal Files Images not available through Artstor can be uploaded into your Personal Collection. View your personal collection from the Home page or go to Find > Browse personal collection.

  36. 6.1 Browsing your personal collection is just like browsing an Artstor collection Click on the + to expand the hierarchy, click on the name of the classification to bring up all the images. The first time you upload files, they will all be under My Personal Collection. You can add a groups and subgroups afterwards.

  37. 6.1 Upload files from Upload > Upload to personal collection Only 5 files may be uploaded at a time Click upload to begin Click cancel to close

  38. 6.1 Upload metadata for your image files from Upload > Upload to personal collection > Descriptive data Only 5 files may be uploaded at a time

  39. 6.1 More than 5 images at a time can be added to My Personal Collection from the OIV. See Artstor’s Offline Image Viewer at http://www.uoregon.edu/~jsimic/instruction/oiv_for_faculty.pptfor more information. In the OIV, select the images from the Image Palette (Shift+click for multiple images) and click the Add selected images to Artstor button or go to File > Upload selected images(s)

  40. 6.2 Personal Collection Administration Go to Upload > Manage personal collection All the files you have uploaded are listed in the right pane Select an image by clicking on it. Click on the Edit Data button

  41. 6.2 The Edit box allows you to view metadata, add Commentary and Notes just like an Artstor image Click on the Show all button to see all possible fields of data Click on the field to enter or change data Click Save after you have made changes Click on the Back button to see only minimal data again

  42. 6.2 To create a group within your personal collection, select Upload > Manage personal collection, and click the New Category button. Double-click New Category to rename it. Create a smaller group by selecting a sub-group and clicking New Category.

  43. 6.2 Drag and drop files from My Personal Collection or another group into the new category

  44. For more information or assistance please contact Julia Simic at jsimic@uoregon.eduor 541-346-2209 Additional instructional materials, including the Personal Collections Permissions waiver can be found at: http://www.uoregon.edu/~jsimic/instruction

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