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如何撰写与发表高水平的学术论文. How to Write and Publish High Quality Scientific Paper. 贺昱曜 教授. 2007 年 11 月 13 日. 主要包含以下九个方面. 一、 学术论文的特征与意义 --- Characteristic and Significance of Scientific Paper 二、 标题的创作 --- Creating the title 三、 摘要的写作 --- Writing the abstract 四、 引言的撰写 – 论文写作目的与创新点的导引
如何撰写与发表高水平的学术论文 How to Writeand Publish High Quality Scientific Paper 贺昱曜 教授 2007年11月13日
主要包含以下九个方面 一、 学术论文的特征与意义 --- Characteristic and Significance of Scientific Paper 二、 标题的创作 --- Creating the title 三、 摘要的写作 --- Writing the abstract 四、 引言的撰写 – 论文写作目的与创新点的导引 --- Writing the Introduction 五、 正文与结果的撰写要点 --- Writing the Main Body and Results of a Paper 六、 结论的写作技巧 --- Writing the Conclusion 七、 致谢 --- Stating the Acknowledgements 八、 参考文献- 论文前沿性的有力支撑 --- References Citing 九、 投稿—从主编和评审人的角度考察论文 --- Manuscript Submitting
一、学术论文的特征与意义-- Characteristic and • Uniform Requirements for Scientific Paper • Science (科学)– Knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general law. • Natural Science (自然科学)– A system or method reconciling practical ends with scientific law. • Applied Science (应用科学)– Search for practical uses of scientific knowledge. • Study (研究)– Critical and exhaustive investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery of new facts and their correct interpretation, or the revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws. • Research Article (学术论文): Paper and Dissertation or Master Thesis for the degree of Ph.D or M.E
1.1 为什么要发表论文与学术论文的意义: 硕士、博士毕业; 技术人员,教师评职称; 申报学科点,重点学科,重点实验室; 申报项目,申报奖励; 一个学校、学院的学术声誉; 一个人的学术成就须用论文的数量与水平来衡量,等。
1.2 Definition of Scientific paper Scientific paper should include creative points --- new ideas. The results and conclusions can be verified by others --- 经得起检验的结果和结论. New ideas New concept Theory Deduction Equation Method (approach) Algorithm Scheme Strategy New Topology – Circuit topology, System architecture New Hardware Software 只有包含创新点的文章才能称作为论文。
你的题目有没有学术价值?有没有新东西? - 新观点、新模型:过去没有人这样看问题; - 新方法:过去没有人这样分析、解决问题; - 新结论:过去没有人得到这样的结果。
1.3 Journal, Transaction, Magazine, Letters Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University Journal of Chang’an University IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks Power Electronics Communications Computer; Circuits and Systems I & II; Signal Processing; Vehicular Technology; Vision, Image and Signal Processing. IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Newsletter IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering IEEE Communications Magazine IEEE Communications Letter
1.4 Importance of Scientific Paper Writing Three functions of Scientific Paper: (1) Record and store information; (2) Communicate with others; (3) Help to creativeness. a. Accumulate the knowledge; b. Measure and become known by their publications; c. Refine the research results; 国外没有我们国内这么多的评奖,评价一个人的成就主要看高水平的论文。例如杨振宁的诺贝尔奖 The goal of scientific research is publication.Scientists, starting as graduate students,are measured primarily not by their dexterity in laboratory manipulations, not by their innate knowledge of either broad or narrow scientific subjects, and certainly not by their wit or charm; they are measured, and become known (or remain unknown) by their publications.
1.5 Characteristics and Requirements for Scientific Paper Writing (1)Creativity 创新 Original manuscript which has not been published anywhere else. 科学论文所介绍的研究成果应该是前所未有的,即有所发现、有所创造。没 有新的观点、见解、结果和结论,就不成其为科学论文。 创新程度可大,可小,总要对科技知识宝库有所贡献。“首先提出”、“首次 发现”具有重大意义的研究毕竟不多。就某一方面而言有新意、有发展,亦应属于 创新。 有些课题是引进消化国内外先进技术,只要对丰富理论,推动技术进步有 意义,也应视为有一定程度的创新。 (2)Clarity 简洁 (3)Clearness 明了 (4)Accuracy 精确 (5) Standardization 标准 Understandable
1.6 Classification of Scientific Papers • (1) Theoretical analysis • Assumption, Principle, Theorem, Lemma, Law and proof. • (2) Application study • Measurement, test, data processing. • (3) Mathematical modeling and computer simulation • (4) Review or survey, overview
1.7 Organization of a scientific paper Title —— Authors —— Abstract ——Keywords—— Introduction —— Material and Method —— Results —— Conclusion and Discussion —— Acknowledgement —— References ——Appendixes
二、标题的创作 --- Creating the title Procedure for writing a scientific paper (1) Body —— Results —— Conclusion (2) Introduction —— References —— Abstract —— Title
2.1 Functions and importance of the title Title for the paper is like the face for some beautiful girl. Outline the paper. Summarize research contents (new ideas) and results and be convenient to index 阅读习惯:先看标题,根据标题来考虑是否看摘要。 标题的功能是概括全文并便于检索索引。 T.Clifford Allbutt的话,不仅精辟地说明标题的重要性,也是写标题的指导思想: First Impressions are strong impressions;a title ought therefore to be well studied,and to give,so far as its limits permit,a definite and concise indication of what is to come. 第一印象是最重要的印象;因此标题应当仔细研究,在允许情况下,尽可能确切、简明地反映所要讲的内容。
2.2 Requirements for the title (1) Expressing the practical contents and characteristic of the paper. (2) Clarity and accuracy 10-12 words (3) Confirming with the common usage of title writing. Example 1. A singular perturbation – finite element procedure for the analysis of edge effects in shell structures 奇异摄动有限元方法分析壳结构的边界效应 What method for what problem. Example 2. Shape design sensitivity analysis of a two – dimensional heat transfer system using the boundary element method 用边界元方法分析二维传热系统的形状设计的灵敏度 (what) problem analysis using what method. Example 3. Numerical analysis of Large Deformation Rigid – Plastic Problems in Dynamic Range by Quadratic Extremum Principles. 动力学范围内的大变形刚朔性问题的二次极值原理数值分析 一篇论文只能有一个主题,绝对不能有两个以上的主题。
三、摘要的写作-- Writing the abstract How to scan a paper? Title → Abstract → Conclusion → Body How to index a paper? Title → Abstract → Author → Journal → Affiliation Study – Critical and exhaustive investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery of new facts and their correct interpretation, or the revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws.
3.1 Definition of the Abstract An Abstract should be viewed as a mini-version of the paper. The Abstract should provide a brief summary of each of the main section of the paper. An abstract can be defined as a summary of the information in a document.
3.2 Importance of the Abstract 英国前首相丘吉尔说过:Please be good enough to put your conclusions and recommendations on one sheet of paper at the very beginning of your report, so that I can even consider reading it.
1. Academic communication 2. Indexed by EI, SCI or ISTP 3. If you submit a paper, the editor may make a decision by your abstract. Because the abstract precedes the paper itself, and because the reviewers and editors like a bit of the orientation,the Abstract is universally the first part of the manuscript read during the review process.Therefore,it is of fundamental importance that the Abstract should be written clearly and simply. Very often,the reviewer may be perilously close to a final judgment of your manuscript after reading the Abstract alone. It is only logical that the reviewer will often reach a preliminary conclusion,and the conclusion is likely to be a correct one. Usually,a good Abstract is followed by a good paper;a poor Abstract is a harbinger of woes to come.
3.3 Types of the Abstract Two types of the abstract 通常分为信息型(informative)或提供资料的摘要和叙述型(descriptive)摘要两种。 1. Descriptive abstract 描述研究的范围和概况,不介绍有关的方法和结论。 • Tell readers what information the paper contains; • Include the purpose, methods, and scope of the paper; • Do not provide results, conclusions, or recommendations; • Are always very short, usually under 100 words; • Introduce the subject to readers, who must then read the paper to find out the author’s results, conclusions, or recommendations. Review or survey paper.
2. Informative abstract 信息型摘要或称为提供资料的摘要,不仅介绍所研究的课题,而且提供详细的研究结果。它是论文全文的浓缩,往往可以代替阅读全文。 • Communicate specific information from the paper; • Include the purpose, methods, and scope of the paper; • Provide the paper’s results, conclusions, and recommendations; • Are short – from a paragraph to a page; • Allow readers to decide whether they want to read the paper.
3.4 Uniform requirements for the contents of the abstract 摘要的必要内容是:研究工作的背景,目的,方法,结果 和结论,重点是结果和结论。必须强调:由于科学论文的根本 特征在于创新,摘要的内容必须体现这个特征,一定要表明本 文的特殊贡献。
Day书中也是归纳为4点:(Day:1994,30) The Abstract should (1) state the principal objective and scope of the investigation,(2)describe the methods employed,(3) summarize the results and(4)state the principal conclusions.The importance of the conclusion is indicated by the fact that they are often given three times:once in the abstract,again in the introduction,and again(in more detailed probably)in the Discussion.The Abstract should never give any information or conclusion that is not stated in the paper。 摘要应该(1)说明主要目的及研究范围,(2)描述所用的方法,(3)概括结果,(4)说明主要结论。结论的重要性可以用如下事实表明:通常在文章中三次出现。第一次在摘要中,再次在引言中,最后还出现在讨论或结论中(可能更为详细)。 现在有些杂志明确地提出“结构化摘要Structure abstract”。整篇摘要分为四段,其标题为:Background,Methods,Results,Conclusion。不言而喻,这种形式很有优越性。
Background & Object —— Method —— Results — Conclusion 1. Background & Object What are the current states of your research field? What problems exist in that field --- open problems? What special problem do you want to solve? 2. Method What method did you use to solve the problem? What formula did you obtain? What is new in your paper, Figure, Circuit, equation or approach? 3. Results Simulation results Experimental results Illustrative example Numerical results, Figures, Tables. Comparative with other results 4. Conclusion Have you solved the problem? Is your new method validity? What other problem can your new method apply for? What are the advantages of your method?
Chaotic Neural Networks and Their Applications Yuyao He Lipo Wang College of Marine Engineering Shool of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Northwestern Polytechnical University Nanyang Technological University Xi'an, Shaanxi 710072, P.R.China Block S2, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 Abstract -- Many difficult combinatorial optimization problems arising from science and technology are often difficult to solve exactly. Hence a great number of approximate algorithms for solving combinatorial optimization problems have been developed [10], [15]. Hopfield and Tank applied the continuous-time, continuous-output Hopfield neural network (CTCO-HNN) to TSP, thereby initiating a new approach to optimization problems. But Hopfield neural network is often trapped in local minima because of its gradient descent property. A number of modifications have been done on Hopfield neural network for escaping from local minima. As so far, incorporating chaos into the Hopfield neural network has been proved to be successful approach to improve the convergent property of the HNNs. In this paper, we first review three chaotic neural network models, and then propose a novel approach to chaotic simulated annealing.Second, we apply all of them to 10 city TSP, respectively. The time evolutions of energy functions and outputs of neurons for each model are given. The features and effectiveness of four methods are discussed and evaluated according to the simulation results.We conclude that proposed neural network with simulated annealing has more powerful ability to obtain global minima than any other chaotic neural network model when applied to difficult combinatorial optimization problems. Keywords: Neural Networks, Transient Chaos, Simulated Annealing, Combinatorial Optimization Problems, TSP This paper was indexed by EI 2003年刊 NO. 114832
3.5 Tips for preparing the Abstract (摘要的写作要点) 1. 常用动词 Study Analyze Present Propose Develop Investigate Prove Derive Obtain Deal with Discuss Introduce Provide Give Point out Review Conclude Complete Accomplish Perform Invent Examine Discover
四、引言的撰写 – 论文写作目的与创新点的导引 ---Writing the Introduction 4.1 Importance of the Introduction How to guide the readers to get what problem you have solved, what is your new idea, and what new results you have gotten. 引言--- 主要任务是说明本文的写作理由,本文的工作与前人工作的关系,以及帮助读者了解正文的背景、事实和条件。 正文--- 着眼与对所提出的问题的描述,分析,论证。 摘要--- 重点是介绍本文的主要贡献,而没有更多的篇幅来系统的介绍本文的背景,与前人工作的联系与区别。 How to introduce clue to readers from general problem to a special problem? What is new idea, new facts, and new theories or laws? 引言的作用是提供足够的研究背景和内容,引领读者快速进入论文主题,领悟作者研究工作的构想与设计思路,正确理解和评价论文中研究的结果。引言通常包括以下几方面信息:①为什么写这篇论文,要解决什么问题;②与课题相关的历史回顾,本课题与前人工作的关系,在学科领域中所占的地位及课题的意义和价值;③本研究所涉及的界限、规模和范围;④理论依据和实验设备基础;⑤预期目标。
4.2 Contents of the Introduction 问题的提出,研究范围与目的,主要研究方法。 1.Background of the problem and chief contribution of others问题的背景及他人的贡献 首先是从问题的工程背景与历史背景开始,介绍并评论国内外其他学者对该问题或现象曾经发表的相关研究,即文献回顾。选择引用密切相关的文献简述,问题的理论或实用意义及他人在该领域的工作,前人工作的优缺点及存在的问题,系统的列举有关参考文献。 2.Purpose, scope, and contribution of the study 研究范围、目的及贡献 在广泛的背景下,先从普遍问题开始,然后逐步缩小讨论问题的范围,最后将重点落在与论文所探讨的问题密切相关的主题上。指出仍然有某个问题或现象值得进一步研究,即将本课题的任务具体化,点明本文研究的意义。说明所要解决的具体问题,完成的工作,也就是说在已有工作的基础上,有什么贡献,或者明确交代有那些创新。 3.Methods of attack 主要研究方法 分为三类: • 引用前人的方法,但解决了新问题; • 对已有方法的修正,或改进; • 提出新的方法,理论或定律。
期刊所关心的首先是论文的贡献。其中有什么创新,期刊所关心的首先是论文的贡献。其中有什么创新, 有什么使用价值或应用前景。这些内容是引言的重点。 实例(Illustrative examples) I. INTRODUCTION Combinatorial optimization problems arising from science and technology can be described as a search for the best solutions. Because a number of interesting combinatorial optimization problems are difficult to find exact solutions due to their NP hardness, many researchers have been paying much attention to approximate or heuristic algorithms [1], [2]. Since Hopfield and Tank applied Hopfield Neural Network (HNN) [3] to solving the traveling salesman problem, the HNN’s have been recognized as useful tools for combinatorial optimization problems [4], [5]. However, using HNN’s to solve the TSP suffers from several shortcomings. First, the network can often be trapped at a local minimum on the complex energy terrain. Second, an HNN may not converge to a valid tour. Third, an HNN sometimes does not converge at all within a prescribed number of iteration [6]. Chaotic neural networks have recently received attention due to the potential capability for information processing [7], [8]. In a number of methods proposed to prevent the HNN from being trapped at local minima, chaotic neural networks have been shown to be powerful approaches. Based on chaotic properties of biological neurons [9], Chen and Aihara recently proposed "chaotic simulated annealing" to illustrate the features and effectiveness of a transiently chaotic neural network (TCNN) in solving optimization problems [10]. By adding a negative self-coupling to a Hopfield-like neural network and gradually removing it, they used the transient chaos for searching and self-organizing. Compared to other neural network methods [11], [12], the Chen--Aihara approach significantly increased the probability of finding near-optimal solutions. However, the Chen--Aihara method requires that a number of network parameters must be subtly adjusted so as to guarantee the convergence of the TCNN and its minimization of the energy upon the removal of the transient chaos [13].
Wang and Smith presented an alternate approach to chaotic simulated annealing [14]. Starting from the Euler approximation of the continuous-time, continuous-output Hopfield Neural Network (CTCO-HNN) with a large initial time step , where the dynamics is chaotic, and then gradually reducing the time step , the system is guaranteed to converge and to minimize the HNN energy function. Since it is in the limit of , the network approaches the CTCO-HNN. This approach eliminates the need for difficult choices of any other system parameter. Hayakawa et al [15] proposed another approach for TSP by adding chaotic noise to the discretized CTCO-HNN. Since the system with chaotic noise does not converge, a statistical average over a period of time is used to determine the state of a neuron. Because this technique has hill-climbing features, the rate of reaching global optimization is lower. In this paper the chaotic noise is added to each neuron of the discrete-time, continuous-output Hopfield neural network (DTCO-HNN) and gradually reduced. As the chaotic noise approaches zero, the network becomes the DTCO-HNN, thereby stabilizing and minimizing the energy. Then the proposed method is applied to Traveling Salesman Problem and that results are fairly good: the network is very likely to find global optimal solutions or near-optimal solutions after transiently chaotic searching.
五、正文与结果的撰写要点 --- Writing the Main Body and Results of a Paper 5.1 Contents of the Main Body of a Paper • The problem description • Principle and method • Formula or equation • Theorem and proof • Experiment or simulation results • Comparison • Discussion and analysis • Figures and tables • Example
5.2 Requirements for writing the main body Whom to write for? What to write? How to write? 主题包括两件事:开创性的见解,经得起检验的结果和结论。 以下部分应该详细: • Description of the problem • Principle and method • Experiment or simulation results
5.3 How to cope the results that other people have made with the results the paper gets? 5.4 Contents of the results 理论分析或实验数据的简明概括; 结论性数据; 数据和论据的意义的阐述。 5.5 本文的工作、结果与前人工作与结果的比较,说明本 文方法的重要性与优点
六、 结论的写作技巧 --- Writing the Conclusion 结论是结果的引申,是结果的普遍意义的阐述。结论比 结果的内容更广泛,更普遍。
6.1 Importance and uniform requirements for writing the conclusion 1.Summarizing and deepening stage of your research work Research process: • Propose the method; • Derive the equation or formula; • Write the program; • Compute the results; • Process the data. Contents mentioned above will consist of the main body of a paper. Summarizing them will form your results and conclusion. 科学是复杂纷繁的事物背后的简单规律。科学研究的目的,不论课题的大小,都是为了在某个或大或小的领域内,找寻有规律性的结论。通过所积累的事实,结果提炼出规律,使复杂的事物变得简单明了,这就是研究工作的目的,是论文作者对世界知识宝库的贡献,由此可见总结提高的意义。
2. Overall appraising your own work --- 全面 评审自己的工作 由于结束语或结论有上述重要意义,要求作者在撰 写结束语时,像评审人一样,首先评审自己的作品。评 估该项工作的质量,价值、理论和实际意义,指出什么 是确实已经到达的,什么是有可能性的。同时也指出不 足之处、局限性或有待进一步改进的工作。
6.2 Contents of the discussion or conclusion 结果与基本原理的联系与推广; 结果及其解释与前人工作的比较; 工作的理论意义与可能的实际应用,或应用前景; 结论可能的局限性,也可以简要提出下一步的工作。 Important notes: • 本文提出的观点,理论或方法 --- 主要贡献 • 不要谦虚,要肯定本文方法; • 没研究透的东西不要写。
6.3 Illustrative examples • 例1 “A simple strain energy based finite element mesh refinement scheme"(一个简单的基于应变能的有限元网格细化方法)的结束语。 • 本文“结束语”可以概括为:首先简单地重复说明本文目的及要点,再评价所提出的算法的效果。结束语的内容如下: • 提出自动选择网格精细化的准则:以应变能集中系数作为指标.评定需要 加密的部位。 • 给出实现这一算法,迭代过程中的具体策略:(1)选取罚因子;(2)选定超 松弛因子;(3)确定精细化的幅度。 • 说明本算法的特点和实际效果:不需要生成主刚度阵,占内存小,易于实 现,4个实例证实通过逐步细化可以收敛到较好的解。 • 最后说明所提出的算法局限于平面问题,并指出进一步研究的方向。 • 前两条可以认为是“结果”,即本文工作的简明概括,算法要点及其实现;后两条是结论,阐明工作的普遍意义及其局限性,井提出进一步的工作。
V. CONCLUSIONS In this paper an alternative approach to simulated annealing using decaying chaotic noise for solving combinatorial optimization problems is proposed. The dynamics of the proposed network is composed of two combined dynamics. The transiently chaotic dynamics at the early stage is used to search for finding a valley involving globally optimal solution. At the later stage, the proposed network is then fundamentally reined by the gradient descent dynamics of the HNN and usually converges to a stable equilibrium point. Compared with other models mentioned in section I in terms of optimization performance, computational efficiency and ease of choosing parameters, the proposed network possesses the following advantages: 1. The rate of global optimization of the proposed approach is higher than that of other approaches [10], [15]. 2. The parameters like γand β can be easily chosen because the performance is insensitive to their choices (Table 1 and 2), although the number of required iterations increases as chaos parameter γ increases or as the decaying rate β decreases. Rangarjan et al’s algorithm requires fewer parameters [17], but the parameters in new algorithm can be determined easily and do not vary much from problem to problem. 3. The computational cost is smaller. If the same decaying rate β in new method is chosen as that in Chen & Aihara's method, the computational cost of the method is a little smaller than that of Chen & Aihara's method. But the decaying rate β in the method can be chosen much larger than that in other method (Table 4), therefore the computational cost of the method is much smaller.
Compared with other methods, the proposed method has a high feasibility, good robustness and not problem-specific. Like Chen and Aihara's method, the proposed method has a transiently chaotic simulated annealing property. γ stands for the strength of the chaotic noise, and parameter β can be considered as a damping speed parameter of the chaotic noise, which controls the simulated annealing speed. Because β gradually decreases as the network iterates, the method has the property of adaptive annealing. The proposed method offers a robust and efficient approach to global optimization, as shown in the experiments on TSP. Applying the approach to other difficult and bigger combinatorial optimization problems will also be studied in the forthcoming papers.
七、Stating the Acknowledgements 致谢 见《谢博士论文》致谢 例1博士学位论文“Chebychev fitting of po1ygons,p1anes,and ones”的致谢(From Chatterjee,Goutam,PhD dissertation, Stanford University,1998) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to sincerely thank Dr.Benard Roth for his continuous guidance during the course of my thesis work.Professor Roth was always available for discussion and may of his ideas presented in this thesis wee initiated during such meetings.I also appreciate his effort of ensuring a continuous f1ow of funds for the four years of this search.I would like to thank Dr Debra for his helpful suggestions and comments.He provided me with the MATLAB code for the least—square fitting of a cone. I used the values generated by that code as the initial guess in an iteration on scheme designed to determine the Chebychev cone. I would like to thank Dr. Beach for serving on my reading committee,it was in a course on Precision Engineering offered by Dr.Beach and Dr. Debra,that I first had hand—On experience with a Coordinate Measuring Machine inc. who introduced me to the concept of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing and imperfect Geometry in a seminar organized by Gravity Probe Bat Stanford..
The financial support for this research came m in the form of a teaching assistantship(1993一1994) From the Department of Mechanical Engineering,Stanford University,and as research group from the Stanford Integrated Manufacturing Association(1994一1996),and from the Aluminum Company of America(ALCOA)(1996一1997),in this regard,I would like to acknowledge the effort of Dr.Ralph Sheey and Dr. An Jaworski of ALCOA for arranging the funds, and for providing me with opportunity to work on—site with ALCOA for three weeks.,in addition,the interest shown by General Motor and,its representative Dr. Madhusudam Reghavan in my research was a source of encouragement. My thanks go to several others who provided both technica1 and non—technical help toward the completion of this work.This includes the Design Division Administrative Staff, Sweet Hall Consultants, my supportive roommates,and officemates,among others. Particular mention should be made to Jamey Nielsen,my officemate with whom I have discussed several of the ideas presented in his thesis. The friendly advice and comments of Craig Lawrence,Ricardo Matone,and Mahesh Damodare are also warmly acknowledged.
八、 参考文献- 论文前沿性的有力支撑 ---References Citing 在引言中介绍问题的工程背景与历史背景时,势必引用大量参考文献。提出问题也涉及许多已发表的论文。参考文献引用最多的地方,无疑是“引言”。当然在正文或文章的其它部分,例如结果、结论中也有些地方需要引用参考文献。 特别指出的是,审稿人往往由此判断你是否了解该问题的现状,是否尊重前人工作,是否了解国际上权威人士的工作,是否言之有据,以及你本人工作基础等,这是很重要的。
8.1 引用参考文献的目的(Purpose of references citation) • 注明前人工作的出处.表示对前人贡献的尊重,也是科学 工作者的基本道德。 • 在引言中为了说明问题的背景,问题的依据,交代文章的 • 在正文作为论证、论述、推理的背景或依据。 • 引用已有的方法、结果、结论,避免不必要的重复叙述‘ • 在“结果”或“结论”中.为了将本文的研究成果与已有的研 究成果相比较。 • 为有兴趣的读者提供进一步查询的资料、信息。
8.2 参考文献的选择(Choice of references) 必须是与本文直接有关的。 • 必须是引用者阅读过的。 • 最好是在著名杂志上发表的. • 最好是近期(5—10年内)发表的,学位论文(特别是 博士学位论文)要求杳考过最新发表的文献, • 如果能找到有关课题的述评,应优先引用.一篇好 的述评可以概括一系列的文献 • 普通书籍,如大学本科生教材、c浯言设计,工程 手册等一般不列入参考文献。 因为这些内容是本 科学生的起码知识,并不具专业水平。如果是引 用书中的内容,必须注明在该书的哪—页.
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