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GuideSurfing. Our service in a nutshell. Travellers want to meet local people. Local people want to meet travellers. Connecting them through GUIDE SURFING Sharing experiences. Interviews. Would you be interested in this kind of a service (guide and be guided)?
Our service in a nutshell Travellerswant to meetlocalpeople Localpeoplewant to meettravellers Connectingthemthrough GUIDE SURFING Sharingexperiences
Interviews • Would you be interested in this kind of a service (guide and be guided)? • Just being guided sounds good, being guided is better • Maybe also guiding, but time is a challenge • With a group might be nicer • What activities would you be interested in? • Nature, music, local stuff/ culture (especially food), shopping, food, sports, extreme stuff • What motivates to be a guide? • Money or other monetary benefits (discounts, gifts) , meeting interesting people (hopefully with same interests), learn about other’s cultures, points/awards (getting regognition, gaming), reciprocity, good experieces in being guided
Interviews (Cont.) • What would stop you from using this kind of a service? • TIME, never know about people, usure about talking to total stangers, especially with foreign language • Have you heard about Couchsurfing/ HospitalityClub? Have you tried those? Why? • Most said no. Security issues, need to know people better... • Tried, but never got replies or it is hard to find ”matches” • Do you know any other similar services? • No from all.
Conclusion from Interview • Risk to be used as a dating service: everything can be a dating service • Decided to include a “Group” to enable people avoid the dating risk • “Group” also makes it more attractive for the guides. • Created point system for guides to create stronger incentives
NAME OF OUR SERVICE - slogan Login Username/emailaddress Password PICTURE OF SOME KIND? Not a member, join here! OR LoginusingFacebook QUICK SEARCH Place Interests Shopping Culture Sports Night-life Guide Food Nature CONNECT Locals Travelers SEARCH SEEK Locals, wholike the sameactivities as you to enrichyourtrip EXPERIENCE yourtraveldestinationlikelocals. Gobeyondbeing just a tourist. RECOMMEND yourguides to promote the experiencesyouwant to sharewithothertravelers. COLLABORATE withyourfriends to guidetravelers as a group. Togetherit is evenmorefun! SHARE the bestthings to do in your home townwithtravelers. EARN points for enablinggreatexperiences for travelers. Becomebestguide in your city in yourarea of interest. Advancedsearch
Profile Inbox (3) Settings Help Log Out SEARCH FOR A GUIDE NEWS FEED GROUPS Place Picture Johanna Immonen Interests Shopping Sports Picture Tom Williamson Food Culture Night-life Picture Jerry Walker Nature Picture Becky Johnson TRAVELING TIPS SEARCH Picture Gertrud Heinz Advancedsearch Picture Sofia Pettersson
Profile Inbox (3) Settings Help Log Out Ownpicture 11 Guidings 5 Guided Av. grade 4,7 NIINA GROMOV SEARCH FOR A GUIDE Place Interests Shopping See me on Whatotherssayabout Niina Sports Food • Current location: • Age: • Sex: • Interests • Art • Food • Architecture • Groups • Bright trip to Helsinki • Espoo Golf • Aalto Service Camp Culture Andrew Davies, USA Picture Night-life Hi! Itwassuch a blastwith Niina… Nature Lisa Sand, Sweden Picture Hi! Itwassuch a blastwith Niina… SEARCH Seeall (9 comments) Owndescription of 100 words Advancedsearch AVAILABILITY CALENDAR (ifwechoose to havethis)
Profile Inbox (3) Settings Help Log Out + New message SEARCH FOR A GUIDE Show Un-readones All Select: All, un-readones, none Place Helsinki 4-7.6. Picture Johanna Immonen Hi! I am coming to Helsinki and I noticedourinterestsaresimilar… Interests Shopping Sports Picture Tom Williamson Guide Food Culture Night-life Picture Jerry Walker Nature Picture Becky Johnson SEARCH Picture Gertrud Heinz Advancedsearch Picture Sofia Pettersson
Niina Inbox (3) Settings Help Log Out ADVANCED SEARCH Place Interests: Shopping Architecture Specify Sports Books Food Art Night-life Age: To From Gender: Male Female SEARCH