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SLA Related Disciplines: Different Types of Language Acquisitions

SLA Related Disciplines: Different Types of Language Acquisitions. 10-0306 Roger Gass, S. M., & Selinker, L. (2008). Second language acquisition: An introductory course (3rd ed.). New York: Routledge. L1 Acquisition. Difference b/w L1 and L2 acquisition Process of developing L1

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SLA Related Disciplines: Different Types of Language Acquisitions

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  1. SLARelated Disciplines: Different Types of Language Acquisitions 10-0306 Roger Gass, S. M., & Selinker, L. (2008). Second language acquisition: An introductory course (3rd ed.). New York: Routledge.

  2. L1 Acquisition • Difference b/w L1 and L2 acquisition • Process of developing L1 • Smiling and Cooing • Babbling • Word Stage • Sounds and Pronunciation • Syntax • Morphology

  3. L1 Acquisition • Babbling • What is babbling?(baba, dada, mama) • Meaning attached?(see Figure 2.3-2.5) • Intonation means everything • How can parents tell their infants’ needs? • Words • One-Word Stage • Two-Word Stage • Overextend vs. Underuse meaning (p. 34) • How did your kids learn Chinese as L1?

  4. L1 Acquisition • Sounds and Pronunciation • Hearing vs. Being able to Pronounce(ex. p.34) • What about Chinese as L1? • Syntax (about 2 yrs old) • Content Words vs. Function Words • Mean Length of Utterance (MLU)(see Table 2.2) • Morphology • Morpheme order in kids’ speech(see Table 2.3) • Wh-words (Foster-Cohen, 1999) and no(Clark & Clark, 1977; Foss & Hakes, 1978) come first • Overgeneralization • Overview on p. 37

  5. Bilingual Acquisition • What’s the difference between SLA and Bilingual Acquisition? (see Table 2.1) • Code Switching b/w languages • Strengths of being a bilingual (vs. monolingual) • Sensitive to communicative needs • Cognitive advantages • Greater grammar and meaning sense

  6. Heritage Language Acquisition • What is Heritage Language? • How does it differ from SLA? • Not one’s primary Lang(Polinsky, in press) • Lang used at home(Valdes, 2001b) • Lang hasn’t been completely acquired(Polinsky, in press) • HSpers are usually dominant in the SL. • HSpers have subtly different knowledge from L2 Lers of that Lang.

  7. L3 Acquisition / Multilingualism • What is Third Language Acquisition (L3)? • Is it different from SLA? • Is it different from HLA? • What is lingua franca? Does it occur when you are speaking a L2 or L3?

  8. Discussions Questions on p. 37 2 4 5 7

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