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L00 Efficiency seems low in new data. J/Psi Muons from jpmm dimuon trigger periods 12-17. Good CDF Muons. Lower L00 efficiency degrades resolution Lower Resolution will effect key selection variables in our Bs Mu+Mu- analysis
L00 Efficiency seems low in new data • J/Psi Muons from jpmm dimuon trigger periods 12-17. Good CDF Muons • Lower L00 efficiency degrades resolution • Lower Resolution will effect key selection variables in our BsMu+Mu- analysis • Preselection on decay length(2D Lxy, 3D L3D) and lifetime (ctau) uncertainty • Selection on decay length significance for Lxy and L3D, ctau, and Pointing Angles
Low Level Variables • Period 17 looks the worst, with a wide distribution • Matches with worst periods in terms of L00 efficiency • Other periods don’t follow any clear pattern, widths are sometimes narrower in later periods
Period 13 looks bad as well How does this affect analysis variables?
Example Period 13 Uncertainty Lxy Decay length uncertainty has a longer tail
3D Uncertainty Tail present in 3D distribution also
Example Period 13 Significance Problem in uncertainty distributions effects significance variables Width of core distribution also wider
Opening Angles (cont.) Opening angle distributions look fine
Conclusions and Further Work: • Low level distributions and key selection variables for Bs->mumu analysis effected • Loss of resolution probably due to efficiency in L00 • We want to be able to quantify the problem • Investigate increase in widths of distributions • % of distributions in the tails • Look for patterns in the inefficiencies (vs. Run, phi or z).